Post fun things on social media that youre doing. Here are 10 signs that your long-distance relationship might not be working. The sense of rejection, humiliation, and that inner voice telling you-you arent good enough. If anything has come up that upsets her, your girlfriend is much more likely to focus on that than you at this present moment in timethis doesnt mean that she doesnt love you or has lost attraction for you. ( I sent you a previous message with a wrong email address. Jane fires back a message: Sorry, had a really busy day. I buy her tons of presents she mite say thank you. Your send your girlfriend another message and wait and wait some more she still hasnt responded. You're still 'the perfect boyfriend' for the rest of the world but you know you're doing it out of duty, not out of love and it's hard to hide. I have been around this certain girl for a year and some change, we both have busy life styles bc i work 6 days a week and she works 5 but has 2 adorable kids. I understand its long. Think of how you might set things right between the two of you, in a way that speaks to the other person. I love her and she says that she loves me but whenever we are in public she doesnt act like it. I was upset and I asked her where I stand for her. Your girlfriend is losing attraction for you. So it been a whole week and she has not blocked me. This confirmed she wasnt interested in me!. I dont think that she is into me anymore, but i feel like if i lose her then I will be stupid. Besides, it's very likely if I've handled something one way, he feels the needs to do the exact opposite. A little bit of jealousy and insecurity is natural, even healthy in a relationship. But dont worry, it does not last forever! Apollonia Ponti, an international certified coach and founder of She doesnt need to test his strength and she cant not respond to him because Paul only ever contacts her when she reaches out to him. she often calls when i dont show off . I, however, am still very interested in her and want to talk to her and see her all the time. Communication is at the heart of all relationships. In doing so, she might say something like "I need space", "we should take a break", or "I'm not ready for a relationship". There's always some place you'd much rather be. Thats why its so important that you read this article because I am going to give you 10 signs shes not into you anymore. We are three states apart from each other and one month into the relationship and I have been the one calling and texting always, but little or no response from her. Remember dont ever think that youre not good enough just because a woman wasnt ready for you or didnt like you because I can guarantee you the moment you focus on you and walk away with dignity will be the moment another woman comes in asking for you to give her that opportunity! Shehas the answer - and I bet you know more than you realize. But why would your girlfriend do this to you? Your mind suddenly becomes hyper-alert and sensitive and you start to check your phone obsessively. Two hours later Peter sends another message: I saw you read my messages but didnt respond, whats going on? Little does Peter realize that every message he sends to Jane is causing her to lose more and more respect and attraction for him. Is it the excitement, is it the spark? This is really annoying and unsettling of course, but as Ive said before, dont take it personally and blame your girlfriendshes programmed to test you in order to ensure that youre worthy enough to mate with her. Hlo brother my challange my gf never wants to meet me whenever you tell her to meet you she say that she busy coz she is at school? We had a mutual friend, and through that friend we started hanging out more which built attraction on her part. Silence till November, she called asking what shed done wrong. If you need help with a specific problem, please dont hesitate to book an email or phone consultationwith me and Ill get back to you ASAP. Signup with us to unlock all features! If the man was having a conversation with his girlfriend and she suddenly dropped out of the conversation, or didnt respond to his goodnight message after she read it, then that is pretty disrespectfulespecially if the man is in a relationship with this woman already. There's emotional or physical abuse. We agreed that we would not waste each others time much and keep our focus on studies. I was happy then. I can guarantee that when you do something different this girl might see you in a different light and if she doesnt then thats not your fault its hers! These signs are signs that happen in real life situations that a lot of people choose not to talk about. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When your girlfriend says she needs space, it can be difficult not to immediately think about the worst-case scenario. Isnt it frustrating when you dont know if shes into you anymore? Listen actively when she is talking. Out of curiosity I asked one girl what she thought about texting and messaging and she said that she felt like it was a waste of time, that it wasnt natural and it was artificial and forced. If you're planning to go out together, she'll take an extra hour to get ready. If your girlfriend doesnt respond to your text messages, then its really important to read this article to understand the best way to deal with it. You prefer your friends' company over her. Let's dive into each. A Few weeks later we meet through that mutual friendgot her no., asked her outeventually went on a dinner datethings looked kind of promisingshe texted showing interest for 2-3 days after that and then just lowered the communicationand on multiple occasions shed flake out on mecanceled plans once then afteragain wont talk much on textflakes out on me when I say something that would indicate my interest in being more than friends and then goes awol on me thereafterI tried my best not to make her uncomfortable except maybe an occasion or two on textdespite my nicest efforts wont take interest in mehow should I proceed? Hi Apollonia, She did look extremely tired though so I think there was some truth to the work thing. I just don't know if she's losing interest or if it's normal. Dont fight this, instead, use it as an opportunity to break the attraction killing cycle of message message message. Thank you Appolonia, Hi Juan. Its a lot to do with timing and where an individual is at the time of their life. I have my gf for three years.last year she went back to her country but we still in touch strongly till 6 months ago when she visited me in my countrysome bad great happened from my side to her due to my jealousysince then when she back to her country, she changed and she always says not in mood to talk or busy in workwe broke up twice in the last 6 months but she finds reasons to back to meI have asked her twice to discuss our relation to start again but she always reply that she doesnt want to talk, she asked me to go and read books or articles how to deal with her and this how I end up in your blog now she planning to spend her birthday with me next month but she still in busy mode or tells not in mood to talkI am very confusedis she not interested to be with me or she want to continue with me but hurted from last time incidenceplz advice from your point of viewthanks, Maybe she have someone else, me myself I dont get involved in long distance relationships because you never know what a person is really up to. Whats going on? Start dating again and also post some photos of your recent spontaneous trip on social media. We literally don't talk anymore. hi, gossip about friends . The more respect your girlfriend has for you as a man the more likely she will be to respond to your messages and text you back. It's time to face the truth. i was thinking that she is spending time for an other guy or texting that is the only reason which i understood but i did not want to tell her anything like that . His messages displayed so much weakness and insecurity that his girlfriend lost all attraction for him. I met my girlfriend December last year and we have been dating until her decision to go back to school( part time thought school is on strike) but she works but which is far away from my current place. And today i called her she picked up and said she was out of town and said she was busy and told me that she would call back. Turns out that this guys girlfriend had simply been having dinner with her parents and left her phone upstairs. As you worry about losing your girl you think back to the . An hour goes bystill no response. I think you might be right on this one. im very confuse now.. she told me before that she really likes me and she even invited me to her families new year party, i guess that will be on hold now lol. You want to be with someone who is available and who is EXCITED to see you!!! What you will find here is dating, relationship, and life advice from your host along with some amazing interviews with some pretty amazing experts! When she called and my line was busy shed assume automatically that im talking to another girl so ive ignored her. But dont be a dick to this girl your talking about now. Is She Playing Me? I normally get over girls very easily but for some reason i want a relationship shiny with this girl because she has great qualities that Ive not seen in other girls. I don't think I'm a terrible catch either, but I have one major flaw. You're not in a hurry to mend things anymore. If you can just be honest from the start. Just know that you learned from this. Please check your inbox. This podcast is here to help inspire you in your life and better understand your relationships so you can maximize the potential of your love life along with your personal life. I have women friends but am not about to accept their offers to help me with this Im just too far behind the starting line with the whole game of attraction, dating and all of it to even contemplate trying. There is, however, a huge section of women in society who crave constant attention, need reassurance all the time, and have so much insecurity inside them that they need to be in constant contact with their boyfriends. I think everyone has missed the mark. I dont want to badger her and annoy her with calls and texts especially if shes not even gonna respond to my other texts Ive sent her. A lot has been written about why its so important to give your girlfriend space. She Uses The Word "Friends" To loosely She Responds and Calls When It's Convenient For Her She Does Not Reply To Your Text or always gives excuses She constantly flakes on plans She doesn't care what she looks like in front of you She avoids physical contact She does not introduce you to anyone important to her reply. Here is the simplest and most comfortable thing for you to always remember. I would focus on my goals, what I want to accomplish, my work, and my emotional/mental health. Your email address will not be published. You might expect your girlfriend to enjoy being in touch with you all the time and to be highly responsive, but not all women are like this. I was in Asia a couple of months ago when this older White guy walked passed me down the street. > with dignity will be the moment another woman comes in asking for you gymgirlie 13 years ago The hardest thing a girl or woman has to learn is that a guy has to work very hard to keep talking with a girl. You start to get angry and upset. 3. Just say the words and avoid the problem. because he has become too insecure, needy, clingy or controlling), she disconnects from the love that she used to feel. So yesterday she sent one text to me then i sent one back and around 6 pm my time i called her so it went to voicemail but then a minute later she called back and i can here that guy in the background at the park with her kids so we talked like almost an hour and she let me explain myself on how i felt. One these reasons is often because of bitterness. The last 6 to 7 months i have been around her kids, i meet her brother, meet her sister and briefly talked to her mom. Find Out The TRUTH Here! Only time she actually wants to talk or be nice is when she needs something. 2. She wants to break up with him, but doesn't have the courage to tell him. They make excuses to not communicate. 9. We promise not to spam you. I seen her out in the club one night and avoided her as I know she didnt want to talk to me. This was because I wasnt interested and to be honest I didnt even think of it till now. -28 Amanda. Feeling like she's just "going through the motions" when having sex. Selena Gomez Download / Stream: Turn on notifications to stay update. due to her busy time i asked her to have a fixed time to each other s but suddenly at the agreed time she said that she was working . Little does she realize that Paul is not the kind of man that can ever be won over, but Jane will spend the rest of her life trying (uncertainty heightens attraction, Psychological Science). So how to get her back. She blocked me on social media and I went into no contact for a month. It was no surprise then that this guy was suddenlly dumped by this girl. To my surprise she accepted d proposal and we talked for like half an hour when she told about her past experiences about boyfriends. This can be for many different reasons. You just stop analyzing texts and text timing and text tone. This has caused a lot of anxiety and overthinking for me. All youve said is happen to me the girl I love is not just getting attracted to me anymore. Until one day(JULY), we agreed shed come over. Unfortunately, a lot of guys get into a routine of texting their girlfriend too often. Same as before proposing her. So please I want to let go but sometimes she makes me feel like theres hope. Next night she did unblock me on social media and basically told me to leave her friend alone as we had a fall out and I was trying to fix things between us. He really is weak and needy, its not just my imagination, ugh. 8. She's completely okay with you hanging out with your guy friends every weekend. The trick is to face what you've been avoiding, and to find ways to convince her to do the same. Love is one strange thing happens when you're least expecting it, leaves you when you need it the most. This doesnt mean that she doesnt love you or care about you when she doesnt respond to you or text you back, it simply means that she is overcome by other emotions and negativity that is preventing her from reaching out to you at this present moment in time. I cant say if she cares or not, i never noticed it that much, 6. 2. This anxiety comes from the fact that youre nervous that something has happened and your girlfriend has suddenly lost interest in you. but after all,sometimes we get really touchy feely and then it all goes off for maybe 3-4 weeks and then again she talks to me and we talk around the things happened lately, im very confused about her signs and just dont know if I should move on or try my chance, since she has so many male friends and barely had been in a relationship, I cant tell which step is the proper one to take, Hi Cyrus, Women that are interested care what they look like especially in the beginning stages with a man. For example, we had an argument a couple of months ago and I have been thinking of calling her or even texting her. Your girlfriend is losing attraction for you. There are several reasons why a woman may feign interest in having a relationship with you when she is not really interested anymore. The idea of meeting them doesn't excite you anymore, even if it's after a long time and we're talking months here. I called her asking whats wrong and she was short with me and sounded tired. I would just take out all expectations. Also dont be rude and cold and distant, this will betray the fact that you are emotionally hurt by her behavior. I was driving her home, and as I dropped her off, I went in for a kiss expecting that she would reciprocate. The only way that happens though is if she feels safe emotionally with you, meaning that you are in control of your emotions, youre not putting your sense of worth on her, or your validation and you understand your happiness is not dependent on her. Appolonia I got a really good question. Not only will I be giving you the signs on how to tell shes just not interested. I thought she was not into me. But understanding what she means by "needing space" can make the difference between a rough patch in your relationship and a permanent breakup. We've been together for 7 months now (21F, 24M), and this is the first relationship for the both of us. When a woman is in love, she finds her man super attractive and charming. I would suggest pulling way back and focusing on your life. How do I know if its working or not? Best, You're fed up of trying to make it work, so you just let things be; you don't ask her if she's fine anymore, you don't try to cheer her up, you 'give her space', you let her cry to sleep, because putting in more efforts just sounds like an ordeal now. Busy beating up some other girls pussy. When we first got together everyone commented how they'd never seen two people . Our sex life is none existent. I also noticed that she used to smile at my friend too who is like a step forward than me in terms of girls. 12-Week Transformational Attraction Coaching w/Apollonia, NOW ACCEPTING JANUARY 2023 Enrollments , She Responds and Calls When Its Convenient For Her, She Does Not Reply To Your Text or always gives excuses, She doesnt care what she looks like in front of you, She does not introduce you to anyone important to her, She tells you directly or indirectly that shes not interested, She does not commit to anything that has to do with the future, She leaves you behind and only hangs out with you in groups. Thank you so much for reading our blog. And we both are doin preparation for competition exams and she is like good in studies. And until youre in a long-term fully-committed relationship, your girlfriend wont want to interfere too much in your life. Customer Service Phone Number - 424 239 4800. She removed he DP on whatsapp and always comes online often without saying Hi. 2. 1) Be honest with her. Peter then sends Jane a follow up message: Hey, hope ur having a great day. This is a transformational 3-month experience with Apollonia to transition your dating and relationship life. If you see that when you guys are together, things are great, then try to communicate with her that for long distance to work, it would help a lot to both put in the effort with communication. Nervous that something has happened and your girlfriend do this to you interfere too much in your my girlfriend and i don't talk much anymore natural even! Become too insecure, needy, clingy or controlling ), she called asking shed. He really is weak and needy, its not just my imagination, ugh, hope ur having relationship... You think back to the dating and relationship life friend too who is EXCITED to see!...: Sorry, had a really busy day my friend too who is available who! 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