[1] Benjamn Martin Snchez, The Last Times: Public and Private Prophecies, TOP, 1st ed., Imprimatur: Bishop Eduardus Zamorensis, 1968, p. 14., pp 45-47. The night before 3 days there will be a tremendous natural upheaval. The sky was now dark with a thick darkness that looked like either smoke, ash, or something like a dust storm. Here are some excellent instructions for watching Comet Neowise from home. The following were words of Jesus Christ to Blessed Ana Maria, as she saw a man in the future who will play a key role in her Restoration: Do you see him? However, many shall burn in the open fields like withered grass! Pray with outstretched arms, or prostrate on the ground, in order that many souls may be saved. In the dream, I was standing in the road talking to my neighbor Jen. However, there are definitely some similar elements. During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy.. The wind will carry with it poisonous gases which will be diffused over the entire earth. . (n.: All these tips give the impression of step by step instructions in a kit for children. . three days less one night., During these three days of terrifying darkness, no windows must be opened, because no one will be able to see the earth and the terrible color it will have in those days of punishment withoutdyingat once , The sky will be on fire, the earth will split During these three days of darkness let the blessed candle be lighted everywhere, no other light will shine. When they appear to be unduly disturbed and restless, know that the day is not far away. . The OUTER forces of fear and darkness LOOMETH. "I will be their light. If My sacrifice on the Cross is rejected, there is no other means to keep that person from eternity in Hell. For the Three Days of Darkness ensure an adequate food and water supply for at least four weeks (a year is also advisable). Their lights therein will be soon taken away. My Dear Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Elizabeth, Saint Conrad, Saint Michael. Nothing will be able to be seen, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of Religion. 3His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. The error of the Progressives resides in rejecting the necessity of working for the implantation of a Christian social order. Let them unfold just as Haggai and Joel were given. Do not anticipate the time by being early. He was in the beginning with God. You have to use wisdom; it is not about being fearful. , Through the BLOOD of JESUS, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. The darkness occurs during the Sixth Seal in Revelation 6:12 Rev 6:12 And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, NKJV The "three day duration" is hinted at by Jesus here: Matt 12:39-40 "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. Please share on Twitter and Facebook. Stay safe and secure in your houses when it comes. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Then he dies at 3pm, and there's a huge earthquake when he does. Mount Sinai shook and trembled, it smoked, and YHWH appeared within the THICK DARKNESS and the CLOUD. 2 Samuel 22:29, For the LORD will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you Exodus 12:23, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mERj0TApALE&feature=youtu.be, https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/lifeline, https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/lifeline/forum, https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/safehavenforum/forum/connect-with-one-another, "Not by might, nor by power, but by MY SPIRIT", 'lights out' event / 3 days of darkness instruction. The Bible does speak about the Rapture as a normal day where people are marrying and being given in marriage; however, we believe that the harpazo (catching away) does not happen simultaneously with the Resurrection. Days of the Most Holy Sacrament, of the Cross and Our Lady." Three days less one night. And may there be darkness upon the land of Egypt, so dense that it may be felt. All this is to prove that God is the Master of Creation. Make acts of Spiritual Communion, also acts of love, which are so pleasing to Us. I'll end with the stirring words of John's Gospel in John 1:1-5. He lists several of the multitude of fulfilled prophecies made by Ana Maria Taigi to assure us of the confidence we can place in those regarding the Latter Times: [1]. . You are not to open your doors for any reason until the 72 hours have passed by. Have courage! I will visit each one of MY CHILDREN during this time, and will sanctify them,(1Thessalonians 5:23). You are not to open your doors for any reason until the 72 hours have passed by. Raffaele Natali, were judged praiseworthy and worthy of belief in her Beatification process, it seems unwise to hastily ignore them, particularly since the same warning of a descending darkness was made by other Church-approved Saints and mystics. Those who shall fight for My cause shall receive grace from My Divine Heart; and the cry: Who is like unto God! shall serve as a means of protection to many. Do not look out. That you may be prepared for these visitations, I will give you the following signs and instructions: The night will be very cold. It shall be sent as a warning for the faithful. Thunder and lightning will cause those who have no faith or trust in My Power to die of fear. The weight of the Divine balance has reached the earth! Important Note: We do not believe God EVER speaks through a dead saint as this would be going against His own Laws (Leviticus 19:31, Deuteronomy 18:9-11). The candles should be beeswax. Here I note that this prophecy supports what St. Hildegarde saw, the innocent one who would direct the restoration of the Church and Christian Civilization. If, on the other hand, the instructions are meant to . After a time, thunderbolts will be heard. God IS pure light He dwells in Light. Then after days of Great Upheaval came days of healing and rebuilding as a great number of the defiled and distressed came into Gods care as Lost Sheep to their Shepherd. The wind will roar. angels will descend from Heaven and will spread the spirit of peace over the earth. After a time thunderbolts will be heard. Those who disregard this advice will be killed instantly. will be on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The sins of men have multiplied beyond measure: Irreverence in Church, sinful pride committed in sham religious activities, lack of true brotherly love, indecency in dress, especially at summer seasons The world is filled with iniquity. These are simple things to prepare and keep in mind, even for those who have doubts about private revelations. There are various theories as to when this could happen. A Fiery Prayer for the Apostles of the LatterTimes, Two Documents On The Three Days OfDarkness, Saint Joseph and a Call for the Purification of the United States. She received prophecies about the last days, which included. Those who suffer and die innocently will be martyrs and they will be with Me in My Kingdom. The World is trying the experiment of attempting to form a civilized but non-Christian mentality. [7]. Woe to the earth and the sea (of humanity), becausethe devil has come down to you with great wrath, knowing that he hasonlya short time.. For those Catholics who insist we are in the End Times, let them note that the terrible scene described here in the Apocalypse does not refer to the upheaval at the end of the world, because it is followed by a grand religious restoration at the opening of the sixth seal and the sound of the sixth trumpet. "The crisis will explode suddenly; the punishments will be shared by all and will succeed one another without interruption ." [January 4, 1884] "The three days of darkness will be on a . Provide yourself with sufficient food. There will be lightning and thunder so violent that many people will think the end of the world has come. Keep your windows well-covered. They think, How could a loving God send anyone to Hell?They dont realise that no sin can enter Heaven and it is only through My shed blood on the Cross that any sin is forgiven. having some confusion about the Three Days of Darkness prophecies. I noticed the shadows on the ground,how there was such a stark contrast between the dark shadows and the bright sunshine. Divine Intervention is needed due to the weight of sin and iniquity in the world. In short, she told me that the Lord wanted to purge the world and His Church, and for that He had prepared a new crop of souls who, unknown, would appear to perform great works and surprising miracles. (Plead and apply the blood of JESUS over all the belongs to you and anoint with oil! Satan will triumph! Because JESUS CHRIST IS GOD who manifested Himself in the likeness of human flesh, we also see JESUS riding ON THE CLOUDS. I have chosen souls in other countries too, such as Belgium, Switzerland. Pray and make reparation to Me. Do not go outside the house. AMEN. God created the Universe with foreknowledge of THE FALL. During these three days of darkness let the blessed candle be lighted everywhere, no other light will shine.. " "NO ONE OUTSIDE A SHELTER.. will survive. The THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS is coming. [8] Fr. Nothing will be able to be seen, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of Religion. Day would be as night, they warned. .. three days less one night. So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for THREE DAYS. I am the Creator and Preserver of all animals as well as man. Three days of darkness is referenced in the Bible on 3 different occasions. However, just a split second after I did this, the shadows overtook all of the sunshine, and in a moment, it was dark. She announced a terrible plague that would break forth in Rome as a chastisement from God on the day after her death. In Genesis Chapter 1, when God created the Heavens and the Earth, God (YHWH) separated the Light from the Darkness. The Lord will protect those who need protection. I can use the candle when I die, or give it to someone else who may die at my home.. The darkness will last for three (3) days from the time it begins at 12:00 noon time until seventy-two (72) hours have passed. Read spiritual books. Padre Pio and the Three Days of Darkness From . God ordained the Sabbath for a day of rest and in giving worship to Him. Should Catholics take it seriously and should they prepare? They will realise that I am indeed their Creator and their Redeemer. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Forif they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much moreshall we not escapeif we turn away from Him whospeaksfrom heaven,26whose voice then shook the earth (When YHWH descended to earth to meet with Moses at Mt. But in three nights, the earthquake and fire will cease. The plague of DARKNESS was the FINAL WARNING that YHWH sent to Egypt prior to HIS JUDGMENT and the EXODUS of HIS PEOPLE. The silver is Mine. Amen. She goes on to tell how the three days will end with a triumph of Heaven: After the three days of darkness, Saints Peter and Paul, having come down from Heaven, will preach throughout the world and designate a new Pope. Have confidence! [End of Padre Pios Message]. In-fact, they are more HOPEFUL, especially for BELIEVERS. You shed YOUR precious blood on the cross. I have a passion for Jesus because He literally drug me out of the pit, washed me clean, and made me new. 1/3 of the day and 1/3 of the night, there will be no light. The darkness is coming. You are the LAMB slain from the foundation of the world. THE world is set to endure a horrific three days of darkness where fire will rain from the sky and the sun will not shine, according to Christians who claim the end is near. She warned that when iniquity would parade openly and the Revolution would triumph, there would be a great chastisement that would come unexpectedly and destroy the impious and the enemies of the Church. and Hell will be loosed on Earth. Sinai because this time YHWH is going to shake not only the earth, but also the HEAVENS. It is in one of the SEALS TO BE OPENED.(the 6th SEAL?? Jesus does not want us to behold the anger of God, because Gods anger must be contemplated with fear and trembling. (Plead and apply the blood of JESUS over all the belongs to you and anoint with oil!) Arise, My children, with joy in your hearts, for your Bridegroom cometh for His Bride! This will mark the beginning of the tribulations ahead. Daniel 12:2Andmany of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake,these to everlasting life, but the others to disgraceandeverlastingcontempt. When God meets with man, He shrouds Himself in THICK DARKNESS. (GLORY CLOUD of GOD). The latter glory of My House shall be greater than the former and in this place is peace., Me: Lord, this is Haggai that You are quoting., Jesus: No, Haggai was quoting Me. As I looked out at the city below, I noticed that the beautiful day quickly turned into night, and I could see all the city lights twinkling in the darkness. Obey my instructions. When YHWH appears to mankind, He Hides Himself in four things so that we can survive His presence. SINAI to share with Israel (and mankind) His Commandments which are YHWHs standard for Righteousness. They, shall pray incessantly, and they shall not be disappointed in Me. The earth will shake as at the judgment and fear will be great. It was the 9th Plague where there was three days of darkness: "Then the LORD said to Moses, Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness spreads over Egyptdarkness that can be felt.. This Great Army established that You were here with Your Great Glory. This is only the second time I have ever seen HIS black sash, which represents 'death.'.

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