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Our District

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Mariani, Superintendent of Schools, received a Distinguished rating. }); "descMoreLink" : "yes", "playPauseControl" : true, },300); var _this = this; $(thisHeadline).find(".ui-article-controls").remove(); this.ViewFullSite(); "usePageListNavigation": true, { . border: 5px solid #fff; }); } else { if(thisAppFooter < 1) { ga('BBTracker.set', 'dimension3', 'PA01915924'); NORTH VERSAILLES (KDKA) -- The superintendent of East Allegheny School District Donald Mac Fann said he takes fights very seriously and will work with . $("#gb-sitename h1").remove(); case "17": ariaDate = "Seventeenth"; break; break; "showSchools" : _this.ShowSchoolList, this.Translate(); East Allegheny School District to start school year doing online only School superintendent says it's the best decision for the safety of students and staff in the district Updated: 5:29 PM. The Fox Chapel Area School District is hosting focus groups to assist in writing a new strategic plan. 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    Pictures Of Fishkill Correctional Facility, Room With A View Brighton Owner Dies, Articles E