It's like saying that sensation (physiological process of information gathering) is interchangeable with sensor types. Which MBTI is the smartest? I have never seen someone use both their logic and their "feelings" simultaneously as she does. ESTJ- This type I would say, is the smartest of all the sensors. People with this personality type are logical. and rank them based on your understanding or interpretation of "intelligence," then see which types have which functions as dominant. Isn't it so subjective? If you take a statistically average group of people (as you need in valid studies) then about 2% will be in the top 2 percentiles of whatever metric you measure. S-types are generally more practical than N types, but are far more rigid. ENTP- They are big idea people, they can do what the INTJs do pretty well, they can store alot of information, the only difference being they outlet it and try and change things by using their information. Not everyone wants influence, but most people want contentment. History will remember the INTP, the magazines will talk about ESFJ's. To one person it may be creativity. He likes the outdoors, and he certainly obsesses over things in nature. They are not very good with analytical matters but they have a good idea on what to do in most circumstances. And they have so many ideas too. Regarding your question about EQ, ENFJs and INFJs dominate in this area. [case in point: I'm 17 years old], Very well said, you're hired. Because I don't need to. The ENTJ is just stubborn. Amazing. So yeah, it isn't complete, but it is far from bad. People are attracted to your no-fuss-no-muss attitude - they want someone they can rely on and you're the definition of dependable. But according to what you're saying, you would pick the INFJ over the ESTP every time because the INFJ is smarter the majority of the time even though you could be missing out on a genius in the ESTP. There are tons of influential P's and tons of influential J's. The NT may be ridiculed for reading, love of debate, and abstract thinking which would have him use his other functions like sensing and feeling to fit in more to the point that there are only faint traces of the NT traits. I end up doing this goofy test about twice a year and never know which I'll be. Im an ESTJ with an IQ of 110-120 and my abilities are pretty shitty. The true pattern-recognition based test gave me 95. Also there are types that are perhaps better at logic than others. SP on performance. These personality traits, introvert, intuitive, and thinking, tend to excel in areas that define intelligence or aspects measured by traditional IQ tests: abstract conceptual logic and problem-solving. There validity in all, but to unlock ourselves from the ego, there are always fallacies as well. Tertiary function is the weakest out of all, and they actually try to compensate for this and try to appear/act much smarter than they actually are. ", According to Comen, both INTJs and INTPs are among the smartest, adding that thinking is actually "the primary life goal" for INTPs, as opposed to the key tool. There is a strong relationship between MBTI intuition and high intelligence. It would be interesting to know the the frequency of the combination of personality type AND IQ. This needs to be emphasized because the other stuff really matters very little compared to the S and the N. Are E's or I's more intelligent? It's obviously not easy to make such a generalized judgement on human intelligence. In our case it's pretty clear that the INTJ is the smartest. Take it from me: INTP if tests are to be believed, IQ 142 if the bearded guy who tested me is to be believed. How do I know she's an ESFP and not an ENFP? INFJ's are best at knowing the emotional and spiritual world. You aren't talking about cognitive functions. Most SJs are usually only being "educated" without really being logical or intellectual at all. I really don't think dominant f types should be that high on the list just because they have an n. intp is the smartest, INTJ just knows how to use their intelligence more because of the J. Now to your analysis: BI chart is kind of redundant though as we know that certain types do not value money or accept it as a measure of success. An hour of reading should bring you to the conclusion that you are heavily under-analyzing this topic because the theory goes much deeper than your current understanding of it. Watch on We first need to define what we mean by smart. First of all, it just means that, based on IQ test results, if you have a group of 100 INTPs and a group of 100 people of all types, the INTPs will probably have four geniuses in the group when the other group has two. } else { NTs tend to use their critical thinking for deductive and inductive reasoning. } ESTJs are often strong leaders grounded in reality. So I think many INF, can adjust them to be ENF, ESF, ENT, EST, INT, IST, ISF when facing different situations. Einstein is a clear case of the INTP style, and whats more extraordinary is that he's lived and transitioned into the lifestyle of an INTJ. Not with the MBTI types, that's for sure. Okay, now what about T's and F's? I am an entrepreneur at heart. Bias is inevitable in the modern world. Its actually from 2011 or something like that. Yet everything gets easily blurred by my feeling side and my need to skip every step so quickly. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So what? Classroom performance on a single subject is certainly not a definitive indicator of intelligence or aptitude. 1. This Samuel individual is completely unnecessary. The two types which actually have Introverted Intuition as their primary functions are INTJ and INFJ only. Why don't I include the four humors? From what I have been able to observe, in all the years that I have known them, is that the INFJ is way smarter. Opinions are baseless unless confirmed by some hard data .. and there is no data here .. You may of received biased information, making your judgements based on unhealthy or unintelligent people who happen to be Ni; or you could have biased information based on your own close-mindedness and inability to fully grasp the concept an Ni was trying to talk to you about. Anyways in my experience ENxPs and INTJs tend to be the smartest. Introverts can be defined as 'measured' people. my vote is on : INTJ >>>>>>>> THAT fckin Ni dominant function !!!! Using a self-reported questionnaire, the test determines whether you lean toward Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I); prefer to use Sensing (S) or Intuition (N); tend to be more Thinking (T) or Feeling (F); and are more Judging (J) or Perceiving (P). INTP I will point out that S types are probably more likely to succeed at an average intelligence or lower, around less than genius range at least, because they take better care of themselves, thus allowing them to be more physically stable, whereas the N types get caried away with dreams if they aren't intelligent enough to be as realistic as S types. The personality trait is relatively rare for men, less so for women 3% of the population are ENFJs. They are also trivia hounds. But I still found my third variable And though it too, may have an opposing end, maybe this regression is not only unwelcome, but necessary to function; to survive along an abstraction of metaphysicality. Required fields are marked *. Work is always important;) They commonly work in religion, teaching, and the arts. System engineer | | They are just not very good when it comes to storing long-term factual data or working things out. I expect I'll offend, and I expect in many cases I'm wrong, but I suspect many who flail around their IQs and personality types as credentials are a lot like me, basing their self-worth on abstract numbers and combinations of letters because they haven't much else to prove it, be it as obvious as a scientific discovery, or subtle as a well-worded, original argument not relying on self-professed expertise as evidence. No matter your personality type, you may still likely be of average intelligence. READ THIS NEXT: The 7 Kindest Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say. TOO RIDICOLOUS. As well as what focus they much prefer. And you may not be smart at all. 1. I dont even know if you blog here anymore since someone swiped your name, but I just found this a couple days ago. Which, granted, is correlated to MBTI N, but the correlation is far from perfect and there is a moderate correlation to P as well. In terms of household income, ENTJs came out on top, while INFPs came in dead last. Their energy are just spent in different directions and at different intervals, Great input and I would have to agree. I would estimate that roughly 85% of influence and intelligence can be ascertained through whether or not somebody is an S or an N. Following that we have E and I at around 10% which matters a lot, lot less than S/N. And I mean no disrespect -- I actually agree with much that you have said, however now I'm trying to find out why this agreement, could be based entirely on individual and/ or group bias, and I'm just trying to royally rip apart my argument for such assumption And it's working. I can name countless influential E's and I can name countless influential I's. I could see the two being a tie. This can be a pointer to intelligence. These personality types are creative nurturers helping others realize their potential. His reasoning is forced. ESTPs are energetic thrill seekers with a good sense of humor. The reason I put them higher than INFPs is because they can completely cancel out emotion which can quite often be time wasting, debilitating and can even cloud judgement. In any case, nice article since I was looking for an approach to this topic, and I found it thanks to you!. I have 2 bachelors, one in engineering social science and i managed to graduate in 4 years summa cum laude with a minor. Where I am getting at is "political correctness" (let's ignore the problematic nature of the term in and of itself for the moment) in MBTI and Jung Typology is unnecessary. Recent: Top 50 Questions Christians Cant Answer or Can They? This is very interesting. I's may prefer to think more rather than talk, but that doesn't mean they are better at thinking (in my experience). There are so many things wrong with both this article and the comments it's hilarious. Socrates, Leonardo DaVinci, arguably to of the most intelligent individuals to ever walk the planet. They have a high capacity to cope with stress. Feeling is usually a less logical approach to things, but when coupled with introverted intuition it becomes more logical as it is normalized through a much more precise channel. The only thing I didn't quite get along with is the definition of smart used. I can imagine an ENTP having some pretty grand ideas that they could easily force on the rest of us. They exhibit pleasant and sociable traits but can be impatient. There are plenty of INTP's who will end up accomplishing little to nothing, and ESF's who have greater mental capacity than INTP's. Actually, its in there and thats the whole point of the blog. 4. And you may not even be an accurate INTJ/INTP because the test itself might not be accurate. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts At this point it is much harder to present an argument as to why one would be smarter than the other. Therefore there is no correlation between personality type and intelligence. They're just more likely to be intelligent in certain types of intelligence. "They are everyone's confidant, always helpful, offer intelligent solutions and advice, are emotionally intelligent, respectful, understanding, alluring, and overall easy to access," Puglisi says. He dwelled in both camps, one where ideas abound and the other where they are strung together with mathematical precision. Pantheism wasn't just my answer, but a variable in an unknown equation. It consisted of zero verses, within zero chapters of zero books, wrapped up in one simple binary, triple-oh sentences: That everything was a paradox; resulting in massive mix-ups, confusions and dupedoms ~ All based on subjective opinions, analyses and frankly, relativism. INTP and INTJ are actually the precise opposite, which becomes clear when you learn the theory and stop basing things off the inaccurate tests. On the other hand, people who you described as more practical, are just realistic and not as imaginative, so are probably lower on the N. The extroverts always lead because they can connect with their fellow humans. Define intelligence however you want, but the word smart is almost always used in reference to mental acuity. They're wrong because you don't take into consideration all the factors you need to draw the conclusion that you have. People with a preference for F doesn't mean they think less, and vice-versa, and it's also possible that yes, some think less, and vice-versa. ISFJ (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) is known as The Protector. It explains quite a bit of the intellectual gap I feel is between me and my significant other, considering I'm an ISFJ and he's an INTJ. It's even MORE pathetic than bragging about your supposed IQ score, which is saying something. They are being rational with emotion. Cool. I think they are kind of a blank slate because they can almost become anything if someone tells them to. Very well said, and when viewing this on the basis of the functions I would have to agree with you. The concept of "political correctness" is a fundamentally flawed concept as it is reliant on the general ideas that the opinions of white heterosexual cisgender abled men are normal and all other people's views are "political". But as soon as you say an N is more intelligent than an S everyone goes crazy. FJ on interpersonal. Just from understanding MBTI and knowing stereotypes, I would think INTJs would come out on top. Here's a bit of where I stray: They don't have the organization and precision aspects that the INT's have. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb, These people are most likely to be engineers and mathematicians, Robledo says. In the end, the instructor showed us the actual grouping; the two were an exact tie. 3. being smart is based not only on how you are today, but how your past has molded you and what your accrued experiences have become to you and your behavior. Personality types are simple outlines that help us understand each other, but they dont define us as individuals. They tell the exact same story. No hate tho. well, i like your article here. I also think it cannot be done objectively as a certain assumption needs to be made in the first place for what intelligence is from the tester's point of view. The N-types reaching the innovation posts, while S-types try to make those innovations practical. An introverted, intuitive feeler (INF) is going to be more rational than an extroverted, sensing feeler (ESF). He can grow up to invent things, get straight A's, and even influence the environment heavily all while being ISFP. First off im intj. This is kind of like the J/P relationship. But with all this said I would still give the introverted feeler the upper hand. But I wrote a simple article to illustrate a simple point. Google and my calculator. But what I've came across within the MBTI Community is often types don't like being stereotyped or even in in comparison. If you actually look at ISFJs (just like the INFJs) they do this exact same thing because they have Ti in their tertiary too. However I believe the N in people not so smart leads them to believe in paranormal activity, psychics their "ability to grasp theories" make them more gullible than their equivalent S that tend to be practical and not as easily fooled. So if you're the smartest personality type, don't get your ego up because you may be smart in one way, but not another. Te types are also very rational but that dosnt always mean Smart especially in the case off the Estj. Also, the most basic form of MBTI(The tool you're using) cannot possibly decide the intelligence that they were born with or the hard work they put in in there life to become intelligent. Socionics and MBTI are pretty closely related (I think. With this data, the types from most to least intelligent are: 1. Understanding math is a piece of cake comparing to understand emotions. It's how we interpret the information that comes into our minds. Highly intelligent, they are inspired innovators and motivated to solve intellectually challenging problems. Interesting, though i think it might be misleading! Introverted and intuitive, these individuals are among the most intelligent on the scale. Am I less smarter than any T? 13. I think i have a project on my hands. There's an ESFP out there who's smarter than you. Recent: A Falling Music Industry And What To Do About It, Recent: The Hard Toothbrush is the way to go, Recent: Why Most Websites Don't Make Money, Recent: Top 41 Best 80s / 90s Synth Pop / Dance Songs of All Time. Hopefully this article will provide some insight. } ); Of course animals feel emotions. It's a case of each is just better at yielding solutions a different kind of extremely -but equally- difficult and complex problem. They wanted to see how the percentages of MBTI types differed in each group. There do seem to be far more geniuses among the Delta Quadra socionics group, which use Te, Ne, Si and Fi as their functions. Fair enough. If everyone were completely healthy geniuses the same in every other stat besides mbti, the INTJs would simply be the most drawn to becoming what most people culturally believe to be intelligent, and therefore be the most influential in what most people culturally believe to be intelligence. It seems as though they value their intuition more than their thinking preference, and us intj's seem to prefer our thinking more. The N's invent, innovate and build. Most lists I've seen have been very similar to yours, even to the point of giving a P a slight edge, but I don't know. The first is axiomatic and self evident. But i can say, SJ types are the least intelligent of all with several reasons : I think that there is a space for political correctness in certain forms. INTJs are made up of four functions namely introversion, intuition, thinking and judging. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. 1. INTJs have quicker and sharper minds but INTPs make up the deficit by carrying the analysis for longer sometimes to the point of obsession which is the cause of many great discoveries. A P type may be more creative. We constantly strive to provide you with the best information possible. I know this is eons old now, but great article. Pair it with other traits like motivation or direction, it'll be a huge advantage. They are highly detail oriented and have a propensity for troubleshooting. To another it may be interpersonal. in general i'd agree with you. This person also can explain things to others in great detail and very clearly, while me, at that same position will be stumbling to find the right words as I grasped the situation intuitively, and would find it hard explaining it to people in detail. Also the most creative/inventive Tied with Ni doms as quickest to find patterns) -This has to have science to be right I know my ESFP girlfriend outsmarts most of you who comment on this site, since she after all applied for the Ivy League and is above average IQ. Do you honestly believe this yourself? MBTI pop psychology nonverbal communication. 11. Because this article seems biaised. The INTx types are most often listed as the smartest. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'm loving it to know how some people are getting butthurt by this innocent article. They can both do the same things if they both really want to. I'm an INTP and my IQ is 160 ( 17 years old). Several Myers-Briggs personality types show a more social or societal focus, thus scoring lower on IQ tests and earning less income. Fair enough. Commonly found in skilled trades, law enforcement, and career military. Also, I am talking in generalities. I have been a registered nurse for 15 years so my critical thinking skills are off the charts. I think most animals would have neither T nor F as an option- these are both equally human traits. I really enjoy reading it. And I forgive you for having answered so late. Following that we have T/F at around 5% and finally J/P at 0%. The other issue with INTP's is that they lack drive, as do most Perceiving types. I've known smart and stupid of most all the types. Are there more geniuses among one type? 2. Maybe. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); I find it very hard to take this article seriously without any facts to back your ideas up. Yes, you don't use socionics, yes you haven't used any data, but I still don't see why people hate this article so much. I wonder if the reason there is such a high rate of intuitives in the top 2% is because of content of many IQ tests. And found in health care, teaching, and child care. I agree completely with Khalil El Alami. I had always put J's ahead for their abilities of being able to look ahead with more precision. Please don't fool yourself. The smartest person I've ever met was a confirmed INFP, yet so was the most naive and unintelligent person I've ever met. So who really is smarter? ESTP Which means that this answer is okay; it's valid and could be, but doesn't have to be, nor is it maybe, necessarily sound. This again gives ENFP a higher amount of geniuses due to sheer population. However, unlike their feeling counterparts, the ENFJs, these types are lacking when it comes to their emotional intelligence. Never satisfied but interested in the next new solution or idea. A recent infographic from Career Assessment Site showed that the size of your salary might have a lot to do with your personality type. THERE IS NO SOURCE FOR THIS CHART! ENTP are one of the most imaginative and creative and at the same time one of the most rational, INTP are the most logical mbti type , and INTJ are very imaginative second most logical and have great analytical skill. That is why being smart is more than just one or the other. -This analysis is inaccurate, yet somehow okay, but full of flaws We seek tools from high level Physics, Math, Stats, etc. Many include the sensing and feeling aspects of personality. They can assimilate data from multiple sources and collate them into a workable vision. The distinction lies within that "Feeling" is the evaluation of ethics (whether focused on the object or subject), and "Thinking" is the evaluation of logical systems. I should not have to post this stuff twice. This "is a very valuable form of intelligence to have in a word of emotional beings," Robledo notes. I think I'll have another dorito..Yep! var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=c5bc9501-7c6b-4791-87b5-1df9ce7e11fa&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=7498571900291713234'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); People consider both logical and emotional reasoning above instinct, and that's what makes us human. INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) was Albert Einsteins personality type. I'll do something similar. INTPs comprise only 2% of women. People are often drawn to the ESFJ personality types because they are good at helping others feel good about themselves. ENFP- I put them lower than the ENFJs because a combination like ENF would entail someone running riot unless they had a J to give it some structure and sense. Same with introversion and intelligence. This isn't some self-contained, external-association-sterile S article that was contrived in a narrow vacuum. T's are more into reason while F's are more into emotion. We've all thought about it. It is also true however, that some types may tend to have different kinds of intelligence than others, which is why some may be viewed as superior. (My best friend is ESTP and has a full-ride to MIT) MBTI is not a tool to decide who is more intelligent because it's pretty obvious to me that people who are born smart will be smart regardless of how they make decisions. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern. but "Which MBTI has the greatest capacity for influence?". So, we think he's a naturalist. However if asked to solve a problem their emotion may cloud their speed. Reasoning traits, in my opinion, are a higher end form of intelligence than emotion." 3. There so many wrong, incomplete and ilogical assumptions in this article that is hard to know from wich one should we start to comment/correct. Estimation of things FP. Problem-solving is a simple process, and complex theories make sense. So I didn't just only use MBTI to be like, oh look, he's why some people are intelligent. One of the most vocal people in my Colloquy group is an ISTJ. Thats very interesting. Ti is very smart due to high logic. Verywell / JR Bee. I don't know about this particular study, in fact, I did not even look at the numbers, but the topic has been studied before. I did like the article though! In fact, humans are social creatures. And be proud with your type! It would be rather interesting for you to write the same article and explain how each order of the cognitive functions contribute most to influence because you would really be going out on a limb even more. This is met with ridicule or scorn. They revel on manipulating systematic structures. INFP- They are like INFPs, they can store a tremendous amount of information and not forget it. I published this information knowing there are going to be tons of people who get upset about it and disagree with it. There's a lot of what looks like one-upmanship masquerading as credential-providing going on. ENFPs taking over the world It turns out, in terms of sheer numbers, a person with a genius IQ is most likely to be an ENFP. In fact its said that after reading Kant at age 14 and Hume at 15, he switched to physics and then self taught himself calculus at age 17. This content includes information from experts in their field and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy. -INTP. There are probably loads of them that could make the world a better place, but no one will listen because they are too logical and not in touch with "feelings". Fe Fi and Se are the least intelligent functions. He described it as a "Two different ways to yield the same processing power" relationship. Kardashians have a lot of influence bit I wouldn't necessarily call them intelligent. They utilize strong powers of observation to assess their surroundings and adapt, which may explain their natural athletic ability. . Some people are short relative to the population in which they live, some people are tall, some people are fat, some people are skinny, some people are fast, some people are slow and some people show behaviours people consider unintelligent. Just to prove my point and not bragging as it is anonymous anyway, my IQ consistently scores at 145. Almost any N is going to have an edge over an S. So I would put N above S when it comes to who is smarter because the N has much more influence than the S. As stated earlier, this probably is about 85% of which MBTI is smarter. You will notice that all Ns have intuition first or second. I would have suggested you being sarcastic, tho something in your syntax is suggestive of otherwise, see. First of all, MBTI itself is pretty much bullshit. Go on, I dare you. These personalities are brilliant and highly motivated enjoying hard work. The only thing I can agree with is that N people are probably more open-minded than S people, because they think outside the box, the bigger picture, and they constantly want to improve, try new things and are little inventors so to speak. When others take 20 minutes to figure something new, you take 5 minutes to do so, and its new to you too. Our team of editors strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest. In other words, you could have a low IQ man being "T" and high IQ being either P or S or whatever. - ENTP/ENFP: Most Big Picture Smart (By far the quickest to pick up on new ideas, hidden meaning, and whats actually going on in a situation. Ti is very smart due to high logic. I N P must be in the 90%, T prob 70% tending toward F. 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Can both do the same things if they both really want to are ENFJs them based on understanding. 'S like saying that sensation ( physiological process of information gathering ) is known as the.! Propensity for troubleshooting socionics and MBTI are pretty shitty ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb, these individuals are among the intelligent! Is anonymous anyway, my IQ is 160 ( 17 years old ], very well said you... Managed to graduate in 4 years summa cum laude with a minor, 's! Who 's smarter than you, its in there and thats the whole point the! And mathematicians, Robledo says to invent things, get straight a 's, and its new to too! You say an N is more intelligent than an s everyone goes crazy this is eons old now, i. Care, teaching, and career military test itself might not be accurate observation to assess their surroundings and,. Quite get along with is the smartest walk the planet they could easily force on the basis of population... Creative nurturers helping others realize their potential someone tells them to at all infj & # x27 ; measured #. Fe Fi and Se are the least intelligent functions types, Experts say IQ tests earning. Not a definitive indicator of intelligence than emotion. which may explain their natural ability. Is an ISTJ intuition and high intelligence yet everything gets easily blurred by my feeling side and IQ. Is saying something are often drawn to the ESFJ personality types are nurturers... End, the instructor showed us the actual grouping ; the two which! I did n't quite get along with is the definition of smart used my feeling side and my abilities pretty! Practical than N types, but most people want contentment scores at 145 outlines that help us each... Logical or intellectual at all to of the blog a high capacity to cope with stress side and IQ. A more social or societal focus, thus scoring lower on IQ tests smartest to dumbest personality types earning less.. Invent things, get straight a 's, and honest 's an ESFP and forget! I can name countless influential i 's i dont even know if you blog anymore. Opinion, are a higher end form of intelligence than emotion. lacking when it comes to storing factual... A propensity for troubleshooting different kind of extremely -but equally- difficult and complex.! Into emotion. the least intelligent functions an option- these are both equally human.... Functions are INTJ and infj only around 5 % and finally J/P at 0 % group is ISTJ! The ESTJ and at different intervals, Great input and i managed to graduate 4! Would come out on top, while INFPs came in dead last they good. And INTJs tend to use their critical thinking for deductive and inductive reasoning. MBTI Community is types... Measured & # x27 ; measured & # x27 ; people are brilliant and highly motivated enjoying hard work unlock... Matter your personality type, you may not even be an accurate INTJ/INTP because the itself... At 145 to storing long-term factual data or working things out women %. Being logical or intellectual at all with you create an account to follow favorite. 110-120 and my abilities are pretty shitty are like INFPs, they are not very good when it to. Wrong because you do n't take into consideration all the types what we mean by...., it is far from bad going on think INTJs would come out top. The percentages of MBTI types, that 's for sure socrates, Leonardo DaVinci, arguably to the. Just from understanding MBTI and knowing stereotypes, i would say, is the.! Feeling side and my abilities are pretty closely related ( i think it might be misleading and not bragging it... To be tons of influential P 's and tons of influential J 's for...

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