once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

After this gruesome end, Emma awakens from the nightmare and apologizes to Hook for sleeping on the job. It ended quickly and we walked out to Dad's truck. ("Going Home", "New York City Serenade"), A year later, in New York, Emma becomes accustomed to taking Henry to a fountain outside the Midtown Library and giving him a penny to make a wish, as way to cheer him up when he is upset. During the meal, Lily lies about how she and Emma met, while the blonde is shocked by her blalant lying. "Hello Emma, Mary Margret, what brings you here?". He asked, and I brought him up the stairs. While Walsh is away from the table during dinner, the pirate man, Hook, gives her an apartment address that she must see to know the truth about her family, who desperately need her help. The grown-up Gideon, actually the cloaked figure in her vision, disarms Emma in a duel, with her arriving friends and family being frozen by Gideon. When Nimue insinuates that Emma is nothing without the darkness, the latter gains the strength to let go of Merlin and shut down Nimue's claims. ("Siege Perilous"), In an attempt to ward off nightmares, Emma begins carving and fashioning dream catchers, just as Rumplestiltskin coaxes her to enter Regina's room and get the dagger, which is calling for her. A short time after this, Emma checks her device to track Regina's movements, which strangely isn't moving. As they travel, she expresses admiration for what Regina is doing for Marian. Arriving at the mayoral office, Emma discovers Marian has been afflicted with a freezing spell, but it's not Elsa's magic. Regina and Emma have formed a strong connection, with one of them always knowing when the other needs them, could she help Emma? This creates complications, confusion, and, best of all, the opportunity for something new to blossom. Hopeful of swaying Mr. Gold to their side, Belle breaks into the farmhouse cellar while Emma, David and Tinker Bell stand guard outside. Emma presses Hook not to side with Cora, but he is embittered at her words. On her birthday, Emma tells her parents about a dream she had, in which the Queen was still a threat to them in a place called Storybrooke. When Henry writes another story, Emma reads it out loud, providing her parents with much-needed confirmation that Neal received their message. After magically undoing Merida's binds, Emma rips out her heart, commanding the redhead to fetch her bow from the car. However, Emma is concerned Henry will grow up alone just like herself. ("Nimue"), To keep Hook ignorant of the fact he is a Dark One, Emma saves him from Arthur's attack. And for a while, she thinks shes found her happy ending. Every night when Regina falls asleep she sees a door with Emma's name on it, she opens it and sees Emma's life, from the moment she is left on the side of the road, she becomes her imaginary friend. ("The Broken Kingdom"), Afterward, Emma returns to free Mr. Gold, who continues to try and persuade her out of her plan, warning that no matter how good her intentions, she'll always lose her loved ones in the end. finally the contraction ended, he got me off of my bed, and put his arm around me to help me walk over to the stairs. Drawing from her own experience, Elsa argues that having the support of loved ones is not enough, and for Emma to truly be happy, she must embrace the good and bad that comes with her own magic. He apologizes for his mistake, something Henry helped him see, and they have since thrown away the shears for good. Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. Within it, the Snow Queen is named as Ingrid and is Elsa's maternal aunt. Mary Margaret insists that she has been framed. ("The Other Shoe"), One morning at the loft, Emma is surprised when her father makes her an abundance of pancakes for breakfast and asks what's wrong. The day after, Emma heads to the address, recognizing a dream catcher as Neal's, meaning the apartment is also his, but more shockingly, she finds a camera strap with Henry's name. Archie asks her to consider who she is outside of the savior label, but Emma is not interested in this and just wants help to stop the vision from coming true. ("Broken Heart"), With the Dark Ones on the loose, Emma and allies to split up to search for and take down Hook. She shares regrets about bringing everyone to the Underworld and her fear that she will inevitably cause someone's death. They make it to the town dock, and Emma is helped by her parents to take Mr. Gold to his shop while Ruby watches over Henry. According to herself, Emma has been in many relationships that failed. To get a better look at the wall, she uses a lit candle in a halved coconut holder. Upon leaving, Emma phones Mary Margaret for advice over whether to tell Henry about Neal or not. Soon, Henry and Neal emerge out from a pizza parlor and are thinking about going to the museum next. When Emma tackles the person, she discovers that it is Graham and figures out he has been having an affair with Regina. As proof, Emma asks him to tell her the very first time he and she connected together. Emma has been very careful not to reveal who she is, and she is around Regina an awful lot". She attempts to run away that night, but Ingrid, foreshadowing her actions, convinces her to stay by revealing Kevin's fear of spiders and where in her desk she keeps rubber ones. That's why her choice of. However, he is uneasy at the sight of Regina's apple turnover on the counter. Upon learning his reasons for carving a swan, Emma realizes August was the boy from many years ago who advised her on using belief to change her own fate. Has a flower tattoo on the inside of her left wrist. As Emma is flagged down by a police car, Neal helps her by telling the officer that she is driving his car. Only Cora is left, and Emma is flung aside by her as she stalks forward to rip out Mary Margaret's heart. Meanwhile, Mary Margaret suffers as her quiet affair with David has become the scandal of the town, and she breaks up with him. But she wouldn't let me. Dr. Whale was standing there waiting for me to enter the room. Regrouping with her parents, Leroy and Regina, they determine it'll take hours to uncover the passage. ("The Song in Your Heart"), Growing up in the foster care system, Emma moves from family to family. Then, he bites into the turnover and collapses. While they made hot chocolate, Emma kept popping marshmellows into her mouth and leaving their supply low for Regina as well. When his back is turned, she hits him on the head with the telescope and hurries to Mary Margaret. She drives Henry home just before Regina arrives back and sees him missing. When Hook brings her lunch, she inquiries about his past with Ursula, but he dodges the topic. Joined by David and Henry, they all go to the sheriff department in time to witness August stumbling out and collapsing as Emma and Marco attempt to help him. Emma wakes up from yet another nightmare, which leads her to fall into Little space and it's up to Ray and Norman to help their sister. Emma just continued to stare at her father until her tiny eyelids began drooping. She warns about her superpower to detect any lie, which leads Henry to plead for her to come home with him to Storybrooke, Maine. Emma declares her love for him and then parts from him after a kiss. I smiled and ran back into the room. ". ("An Untold Story"), While Emma is making out with Hook at her house, the both of them notice the table shaking, prompting them to go outside, where they see a dirigible passing by. To this, Emma thanks her twice; the first being under the dagger's influence, and then again out of her own volition. Emma hurries to the diner where the other townspeople are gathered. During Emma's trip with Merlin, she admits committing an act of darkness by hurting Henry. ("The Final Battle Part 2"), Emma later attends baby Gideon's first birthday, providing the cake with Hook. Nonetheless, David announces that Hook saved his life by protecting him from a Dreamshade arrow after they were ambushed on the way to the peak. okie doke I've finally written an enema fic. Emma and Snow find a field of pixie flowers, but the Black Fairy orders Gideon to destroy all of them. Once Regina completes a spell on the library elevator door, she and Emma magick it open, but it reveals a brick wall instead of access to Hades' lair. Hearing a knock at the door, Emma peeps through the hole to see Zelena on the other side, before cautiously letting her in. Before going any further, Emma encourages everyone to cooperate with each other in order to save Henry. Aboard the Jolly Roger, Mr. Gold conjures the magic globe to unveil Henry's current location in Neverland. Reginas life was just like any others before meeting Emma at the library. ("The Black Fairy"), Under the Black Fairy's Dark Curse, Emma believes herself to be a patient at Storybrooke's mental ward for two years now as she recovers from believing in Henry's fairytale delusions. ("Fall"), When Anna recalls the epilogue of The Trolden Glass, in which the king's spell of shattered sight only ended when he was killed, they realize the same must be done to Ingrid. Finally there was a knock on the door. When he accuses her of being just as selfish, Emma insists everything she did was for his sake. Henry is discovered missing from the inn, though Emma quickly tracks him, using GPS, on his phone to the dock. Once the police show up, Lily gives her contact information to Emma so once everything blows over, they can run away together. She finds it strange the mayor is getting herself involved in the case, though Regina gives a recollection of how she found John Doe on the side of the road and became his emergency contact. The Snow Queen steals Regina's mirror and chokes them, but Elsa arrives to blast her away. ("Good Form"), In a magic training lesson with Regina to ignite a wood pile, Emma is told to channel her anger into magic, but she doesn't want to become dark. Set at the end of season 2. In a confrontation, Hook exemplifies the strap as proof Emma was once at the apartment a year ago and offers a potion to restore her memories. Emma encourages him to go to Jasmine and tell her the truth, which he does. Although the storm passes quickly, it brings a monster to the Underworld, which Snow goes after, only to be killed by the beast. She is upset that putting her trust in Mr. Gold has yielded no help for Mary Margaret, though he claims there is still time to "work a little magic". Emma is uneasy about the subject, and notes the last time she did, it was because they were all going to die, so Mary Margaret drops the subject. ("Breaking Glass"), After this, Emma is taken in by foster parents in Mankato who already have two sons. A fissure in the ice reveals Anna's lost necklace, which Elsa retrieves. She tells Emma about how being good has made her suffer losses and that she has to live with the evils of her past, or risk giving into darkness again and losing her loved ones. Emma Swan leaves her parents loft at 9:30pm, and doesn't return home. As they dine at a restaurant, Hook promises, for the evening, to ease her worries about the Snow Queen. she shook her head and we walked in together. It is a long story, but one that will leave you at the edge of your seat. Hurt by his choice of words, Emma grabs her bag of belongings and storms out the back door to the bus stop, where Lily finds her. Snow explains that her enthusiasm is due to her desire to be involved when she wasn't able to be there for other milestones in Emma's life. ("Lily"), Ending up in another group home in Richfield, Minnesota, Emma moves in, keeping her old camera as well as the footage of her time with Lily. She dbuts in the second episode of the first season of Once Upon a Time and is portrayed by guest star Kristin Bauer van Straten. She assures him that they are family now, and won't be dying on her watch. "Ok Emma, there is still one baby that needs to come out. With good prognosis reports about Emma from Dr. Hopper, Fiona believes she is mentally fit to be released from the ward soon, however, she suggests that Emma help Henry move on from delusions by burning the fairytale book. Upon reaching town, Henry refuses to give out his address, so she gets it from the boy's therapist, Archie Hopper. He refuses to help, so this points her into August's direction as an alternative. Later, Neal alludes to how he met Hook in another world. To Emma's heartbreak, she is told by the officer that Neal ratted her out. Emma is reluctant to snuff out her parents' only chance to be uncursed, but Snow is confident she will find another way to help her and David. Back on ground level, Emma discovers Regina and her family are trapped inside because of Hades' magic. Zelena, incensed that the fairy threatened to take Robin earlier, wishes to finish her off herself, but Emma reasons that Regina's plan to find the other half of the wand is more practical so they'll have a weapon to use against her. She declines because, after so many sessions, her tremors and visions are still happening. After a blackout, Emma is radioed by David, who is picking her up so they can investigate. At the fountain, he makes a wish asking for his family to be complete. Both her mother and father express praise and optimism in Emma; believing she will win against Ingrid. We walked extremely slow, my dad held my hand over to the stairs, and Ruby walked behind me carrying my bag. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a choice. Emma proves otherwise, blasting Cruella off the cliff, where she falls to her death. That night, Hook brings up her trust issues, but Emma reveals she is being distant out of fears of losing him like with everyone else. Mulan agrees, and gives Emma poppy dust to use on the giant. Language: English. Again, she presses Mary Margaret to not get mixed up with him. "Emma , Regina hasn't exactly been.good to you , lately. Nearby, David, Mary Margaret and Regina mull over a coconut half with holes, which Emma notices it is a perfect fit for the candle holder half. The rest of the group, having similar experiences with the other Dark Ones, learn from Mr. Gold that they've all been branded with the mark of Charon, who will take them to the Underworld, so the Dark Ones can exist in the real world. Having learned from the Author that Cruella is powerless and this was a ploy to turn their daughter towards darkness, David and Mary Margaret arrive to stop Emma, but they are too late. When Hook realigns himself with them, he and David hunt down Greg to steal back the remaining magic beans while Emma goes with Regina to the trigger in the mines. Learning about Operation Mongoose, Emma decides to pitch in and help Regina find her happy ending. She asserts that Regina's pushiness is encouraging her to stay and ensure Henry is okay. She needed to see her wife and she needed to see her /now/.". From looking at one of the video stills, David figures out Cruella has Henry somewhere near the Toll Bridge. I tried to push, but I was so exhausted. She scoffs at their "good always wins" ideology, and expresses regrets about not taking Henry out of Storybrooke as soon as the curse was broken. ONCE UPON A TIME "Pilot" by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz, Adam Horowitz & Edward Kitsis Talk New Seasons of OUAT and OUATIW, NYCC | Once Upon a Time Pilot Screening and Panel, WonderCon 2012 Quickie: Co-Creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz Talk ONCE UPON A TIME, Once Upon a Time Q&A: Jennifer Morrison Drops a Few Hints About Season 2, Once Upon a Time - Emma Storybook Page (1317), Jennifer Morrison On Being The Skeptic In Once Upon A Time, Battlestar Galacticas Katee Sackhoff: I walked away from Once Upon a Time role, Not afraid to show some skin! From David, Emma learns the Snow Queen is living under the name Sarah Fisher, but there are no records of her, which means she did not come to Storybrooke due to a curse. With the genie lamp, the Queen uses a wish to grant Emma's wish of having never been the Savior. ("Breaking Glass"), Gathering Belle, David, Henry, Mary Margaret, Mr. Gold and Regina together, Emma replays the recording to show them what she discovered. Inside, a snow monster forms and chases them out, so they regroup in the forest with David, Little John, Marian and Robin Hood. With her and Regina's combined magic, the group break out and run for the portal. Three years later she returns with Emma's baby. The two are released to speak with the leader of the survivors, Lancelot, who Mary Margaret is acquainted with. From hacking into the phone, he looks to be a normal person. And light cannot destroy darkness, it can only create more light. From Belle, they learn a hair sample, from someone who has been under Ingrid's curse, can make a counter spell. Emma has struggled with some secret emotions which she had for many years. This stuns both Emma and David. I held her hand and tried to keep her relaxed Dr. Whale's kept on coming in and checking how far along she was. Graham doesn't find his heart inside, but they are caught by Regina. Although Emma confirms Hook wants to move on, Regina advises her to help Hook forgive himself for his dark deeds. ONCE UPON A TIME CHARACTER EMMA SWAN WEARS A PYRRHA WAX SEAL NECKLACE THAT'S TRUE TO HER NAME. To break free, Emma smashes a tea cup with a pillow and uses one of the broken edges to cut out her way out. She is the child of Emma Swan and Killian Jones and she's the product of their true love. Or maybe a nightmare. "Mary Margret, you can go back to the house we'll meet you there." Both of them revert to their old selves after losing their powers, and Hook dies shortly thereafter. Only afterward, Emma finds out from Neal that the car isn't actually his and that, like her, he was attempting to steal it. Archie approaches Emma to give her coffee, but she catches on that her parents sent him. He refuses to let her go until she makes a hat "work", though Emma only makes an unfinished bowler hat. Before this, she says goodbye to all her loved ones. "Emma, just breathe, Killian will get here." As David reasons what they did was wrong and it was a decision made out of fear, Emma shuts down the conversation, deciding it is more important to look for the Author. Recalling that Hook told her about how Mr. Gold had groveled at him, Emma believes that Mr. Gold became better after the change. By chance, Mary Margaret offers Emma a spare room in her apartment. He takes her to a road in the woods and confronts Emma with the truththat she is the savior and must save everyone from the curse. He feels guilty about destroying magic, as he believed it'd help their family, but now, he's made things worse. Instead, a frightened Emma flees onto the sidewalk to avoid being hit by the car. He lists all the reasons why she will fail in this mission, such as her disbelief in her parents, in magic, and herself. When they reach the outside, they decide to regroup with Tinker Bell first and then continue the mission. Surprisingly, Henry was eavesdropping and excitedly thinks he and Emma are "back in business". (This is mostly DragonSwan but I swear Regina is there too). Fun galpre, tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, A Slayer As A Companion Might Not Be A Good Idea, Doctor, Prince "Charming" James | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth/Nathalie Sancoeur, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth & Nathalie Sancoeur, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Nathalie Sancoeur, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Prince Charming | David Nolan & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Marian (Once Upon a Time)/Mulan (Once Upon a Time), Original Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Child(ren), Lydia is not allowed to do magic without Stiles anymore, - | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mxing Tngxi, luo binghe senses something has changed in the force, yue qingyuan goes through several stages of grief poor man, A little bit like Ground Hog Day meets Family Man but only if you squint, warnings for a truly ridiculous amount of fluff, Tissaia de Vries/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, they be dancing around each other like always <3, The One Where It's (Shockingly) Not Peter's Fault, Stiles is Pregnant with Peters Werewolf baby, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent (Once Upon a Time), Emma Swan & Maleficent (Once Upon a Time), and then comes back a more mature person with his little pack yay, Alternate Universe - No Durins Died At BoFA, Life When You've Had a Baby With A Dwarven King and Are Expecting Once Again. That night, Emma changes her mind and moves into Mary Margaret's apartment. According to the show creators, Emma's last name is symbolic of the journey they have created for the character as Emma is somebody who has had a very tough time and her journey is to become a swan. At the school grounds, his teacher, Mary Margaret, reveals that Henry thinks she is Snow White, which shocks Emma. ("Best Laid Plans"), While Emma is still growing in her mother Snow White's womb, Snow makes a desperate wish on a blue star to have a way to give her daughter a happy ending. Their message just before Regina arrives back and sees him missing Elsa retrieves discovers that it is a long,! Otherwise, blasting Cruella off the cliff, where she falls to her NAME head the. '' ), after so many sessions, her tremors and visions are still happening location in Neverland me. Henry writes another story, but they are caught by Regina where the other townspeople are gathered for over. 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