We find that the proposal has merit. Given that CDCRs ongoing need for the requested resources for redaction is unclear, we recommend the Legislature approve the proposed positions and funding on a twoyear, limitedterm basis (rather than on an ongoing basis as proposed by the Governor). Wednesday is the deadline for people to comment on whether state prisons should shave years off inmate sentences. In addition, we find that the proposed modifications to the program merit consideration. For example, it would shorten from 12 months to 9 months the duration of certain CBT programs to allow the department to serve more inmates. Republican Assembly Leader James Gallagher, R-Yuba City, and a group of his colleagues are urging Newsom to suspend changes to a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is committed to incentivizing incarcerated people to participate in rehabilitative programs and positive activities, and to commit to sustained good behavior. One of the bills signed today is AB 1076 by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), which will create an automated record clearance system for qualifying low-level offenses, so an individual's records can be sealed in a more efficient manner, as is their right pursuant to California law. In December, Corrections officials announced the proposal to make the changes permanent and doing that requires public input. Offenders Approved for Early Release by CDCR. The measure "allows parole consideration for persons convicted of nonviolent felonies, upon completion of prison term for their primary offense as defined.". 1 Because CDCR credit rules have changed in recent years, the credit you earned in the past might be different than what you earn today. The following pre-release community programs provide a wide range of rehabilitative services to ultimately aid in the participants transition and reintegration into the community. Accordingly, it is likely that the Governors proposal will need to be revised in the spring based on updated data. The Governor proposes $126.6million General Fund and 310positions in 202223 (increasing to $163million and 418 positions annually in 202324) to expand and modify ISUDTP in four key ways. Theproposed budget would provide CDCR with a total of about 65,300positions in 202223, an increase of about 3,200 (5percent) from the revised 202122 level. This would allow the Legislature to determine whether ISUDTP is effectively achieving its goals of reducing SUDrelated deaths, emergencies, and hospitalizations. However, in recent years, CDCR has increasingly had difficulty having adequate classroom space. Updated statistics showing the impact of these regulations are included below. By using the ASAM Criteria, medical staff are able to assess what treatment options are most appropriate for each patient. Increases Funding for CDCRs Contract With CalPIA. Accordingly, we recommend the Legislature direct CDCR to provide a revised ISUDTP proposal at the May Revision that is adjusted to reflect a lower inmate population. Inmate Population Likely Overestimated. In addition, the funding would be used to establish new bachelors degree programs at three additional prisons that would be modeled on the CSULA program. Third, the proposal makes various modifications to existing ISUDTP services. When fully implemented, the program is intended to provide a continuum of care to inmates to address their substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and other rehabilitative needs. Several Programs Were Established Without Dedicated Funding. For example, the CBT programs CDCR offers as part of SUD treatment are intended to help individuals identify and adjust their thought processes regarding substance use to avoid future use. Before such records can be released, sensitive informationsuch as names of witnesses or individuals medical informationmust be redacted from the records. About the California District Attorneys Association The California District Attorneys Association is a statewide training and advocacy organization representing elected district attorneys, city attorneys with criminal divisions, and more than 3,500 prosecutors. 2838/5278), and have submitted 82 reports since then. In addition, about 650 juvenile wards are housed in facilities that are currently operated by CDCRs Division of Juvenile Justice, which includes three facilities and one conservation camp. Although not required to, CalPIA generally adheres to various guidelines issued by the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) related to custodian classifications. For example, in order to assess inmates more rapidly, the department plans to use the ASAM CoTriagea condensed version of the full ASAM diagnostic tool currently used. To reduce transmission, staff and inmates are generally required to be masked and regularly tested. According to a release, "This ruling allows the Third District Court of Appeals to consider the issues raised in the trial court . In November 2016, California voters overwhelmingly passed Proposition 57, the Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act of 2016. Jan. 13, 2022 WASHINGTON Thousands of federal inmates will become eligible for release this week under a rule the Justice Department published on Thursday that allows more people to. The CDCR has had these regulations in place for 10 months as "emergency" measures which avoided meaningful public participation in this significant policy change. Accordingly, we recommend that the Legislature only approve the costs associated with cleaning additional health care facilities. Proposed Expansion and Modifications Merit Consideration. According to CalPIA, neither the federal Receiver (who oversees the delivery of medical care in prisons) or the Office of the Inspector General (the agency responsible evaluating medical care in prisons) have raised concerns with the services provided by the HFM program. ISUDTP Changed Process for Assessing Need for SUD Treatment. Proposition 57 gives prisoners more incentives to behave when they are behind bars. The NIDA Quick Screen consists of a series of scored questions about prior substance use. These programs allow eligible people committed to state prison to serve the end of their sentences in the community, in lieu of confinement in state prison. First, the proposal extends assessment to all inmates, andwhen necessarytreatment and release planning services, as originally intended by CDCR when the program was established. The Governors budget for 202223 proposes a total of 21.6 new positions and a $2.8million ongoing General Fund augmentation forCDCR to perform redaction workload. Inmate Health Care Facilities Have Been WellMaintained. In April, CDCR expedited the release of almost 3,500 incarcerated persons serving a sentence for non-violent offenses, who do not have to register as a sex offender, and who had 60 days or less to serve; In July 2020, CDCR announced an additional series of release actions in an effort to further decompress the population to maximize space for physical distancing, and isolation/quarantine efforts. As part of ISUDTP, CDCR revised and modified CBT programs in ways intended to better address inmates SUD treatment and rehabilitative needs. 15, 2019Oct. Withhold Action Until the Department Can Provide Information on Current Program Funding. CDCR reports that the number and complexity of requests requiring redaction has grown in recent years, driven primarily by two factors: Responsibility for redaction is primarily divided between CDCRs Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) and Division of Adult Institutions (DAI), which is responsible for operating prisons. 33 percent and 66 percent for non-violent second strikers who were previously convicted of a serious or violent felony. CDCR proposes to use these resources to address the following workload: Need for Ongoing Resources Unclear. 3795/7515.) Accordingly, we recommend the Legislature withhold action on the proposal and direct the department to submit a revised proposal at the May Revision. 2766/5060 & 2767/5061.) At the time of this analysis, CDCR was not able to provide sufficient information to fully justify the estimated COVID19 direct response costs. Receiving & Release at Kern Valley State Prison. Expands and Modifies ISUDTP. Effect on Public Increases Number of Custodian Supervisor Positions. As a result, reports will be filed in March, June, September, and December until further order of the Court. Read More. Civil service custodians and custodian supervisors in the HFM program are hired through the same process as other stateemployed custodian staff. In correspondence courses, inmates receive their lessons and assignments in packets that are delivered through the mail. CDCR Reports Growing Redaction Workload. Defendants have complied with the population cap for over seven years. About 6,500 inmates in California's prisons were eligible for release under the state's high-risk medical release program. Release Program Studies and law enforcement notifications of people actually scheduled for expedited release will be provided as required by law through CDCR's normal processes. MCC is awarded for successful completion of rehabilitative or educational programs designed to prepare participants to find employment upon release. The Governors January budget proposes a total of about $14.2billion to operate CDCR in 202223, mostly from the General Fund. Watts reported that Sacramento mass shooting suspect Smiley Martin had earlier been denied parole after a fight with a fellow inmate and other criminal activity while behind bars. The proposed regulations would permanently increase credits on violent inmates to. This is not reform. Under Proposition 57, incarcerated people increased their Good Conduct Credit earning, and have been given time credits for participation in Milestone Completion Credits, Rehabilitative Achievement Credits, and Educational Merit Credits. Increased credit-earning opportunities for all incarcerated persons except the condemned and those serving life without parole sentences: Determinately-sentenced nonviolent offender parole process: Indeterminately-sentenced nonviolent offender parole process: Contracting for additional in-state capacity in county jails, community correctional facilities, private prison(s), and reduction of out-of-state beds: Expanded medical parole process for medically incapacitated incarcerated persons: Parole process for elderly incarcerated persons: Incarcerated Persons Released Under Proposition 36, Office of Public and Employee Communications (OPEC), https://www.cdcr.ca.gov/news/2022/12/06/california-department-of-corrections-and-rehabilitation-announces-the-planned-closure-of-chuckawalla-valley-state-prison/. Without this information, it is difficult for the Legislature to determine whether the amount of funding requested is necessary to offer the level of bachelors degree programs proposed by the Governor, including the establishment of three newprograms. These medically high-risk individuals are evaluated for potential expedited release on a case-by-case basis, based upon public safety and public health considerations. As of January 28, 2022, CDCR has had a total of over 66,000 inmates and 36,000staff contract COVID19 during the course of thepandemic. While CalPIA indicates that the custodian supervisors are necessary to address various problems they have identified (such as providing timely evaluations), the HFM program has been able to provide quality service without these additional positions. This information would allow the Legislature to determine what level of state funding is necessary to the extent it wants to maintain and/or expand bachelors degree programs forinmates. (Based on the limited data available, we estimate that several million dollars of the requested funding is related to changing the supervisor to staff ratio.). Various Factors Could Limit Ability to Expand ISUDTP. For example, the administration indicates that it plans to adjust the projections and associated budget requests to account for the estimated effects ofChapter728 of 2021 (SB483, Allen), which requires resentencing of individuals to lesser terms to reflect the elimination of certain sentencing enhancements. To the extent the Legislature chooses to approve additional funding for ISUDTP, we recommend the approval of provisional budget language requiring that any budgeted funds not spent on the program revert to the General Fund. Prisoners may earn up to one day of worktime credit for each actual day of incarceration, or a 50 percent reduction in the inmate's sentence. Accordingly, it is questionable whether CDCR can accommodate the level of space necessary for the proposed expansion. The Governors budget proposes $425million onetime General Fund in 202223 for COVID19 response activities, such as testing for staff and inmates. (ECF No. Asof January 12, 2022, the inmate population was 99,100and the administration indicated that the backlog of people housed in jails waiting to be admitted to prison had largely been eliminated. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) announced on June 16th that people in state prisons for "non-violent" offenses with less than 180 days left on their sentence were eligible for supervised release beginning July 1st. While these individuals will still be processed for release once cleared, no more eligibility lists will be created. 24, 2019Sept. Written comments must be received or postmarked no later than April 13, 2022. Thebudgetyear net increase in expenditures is primarily due to a projected increase in the inmate population, which is partially offset by various decreased costs, such as parolerelated costs. For example, it is unclear why the programs supported with vacant position funding will now require dedicated funds to continue to operate. In addition, the proposal will likely need to be revised to account for a lower inmate population and changes in pandemic conditions. Despite this, CDCR reports that it has established bachelors degree programs at three additional prisons since the original proposal was withdrawn by using existing funding in its budget associated with vacant positions. Expansion Reasonable, but Additional Supervisors Appear Unnecessary. These programs allow eligible people committed to state prison to serve the end of their sentences in the community, in lieu of confinement in state prison. In addition to reducing inmate population density and allowing for improved physical distancing, the state expedited the release of certain inmates in order to reduce the inmate population. An award of up to 12 months of credit may be awarded to those who have performed a heroic act in a life-threatening situation or who have provided exceptional assistance in maintaining the safety and security of a prison. While the effectiveness of the program is not clear, initial data showthat SUDrelated deaths, emergencies, and hospitalizations have decreased since the program began. The public comment period ends on April 13, 2022. Under ISUDTP, MAT was made available at all prisons for inmates involved in the program. Changes to the California correctional system's Good Conduct Credit (GCC) program took effect Saturday, increasing the rate at which "incarcerated individuals are able to receive credits for good . Inaddition, the department reports that it is in the process of implementing software that it expects to greatly improve the efficiency of redaction work throughout the department. This can result in strong physical cravings, withdrawal that interferes with treatment, and/or medical complications. Dept Corr. Some individuals may not be immediately eligible for release (as matters such as COVID-19 tests or Offender with a Mental Health Disorder screenings may delay release). CONREP - DSH's Conditional Release Program - is a statewide system of community based services which treats patients with the following commitment types: Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity, Incompetent to Stand Trial, Mentally Disordered Offenders, and some parolees who have been released to outpatient status. 19, 2019Nov. Accordingly, the majority of goods and services produced by CalPIA are sold to state departments. The revised proposal should include adequate justification for the identified expenditures (such as estimates of the number of staff and inmates needing testing and personal protective equipment) and account for revised projections of the inmate population and any changes in pandemic conditions. For example, the CSULA programthe first program to be establishedwas a recipient of a philanthropic grant and obtained federal designation as a Second Chance Pell Institution. According to CalPIA, additional custodian supervisors are necessary to (1)oversee the services in the additional health care facilities that the HFM program would service under the Governors proposal and (2)adhere with the guidelines previously issued by CalHRand now expiredon the ratios of supervisors to custodians. But as of Nov. 25, only 62 inmates were released solely because of their medical conditions, according to data from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Treatment plans are developed utilizing the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria. (We note that inmate workers employed by CDCR to carry out other work assignments were paid an average of $.36 per hour between February2019andFebruary2020, the most recent data readily available.). Credits on violent inmates to ISUDTP Changed Process for Assessing need for Ongoing resources Unclear they are behind.. We recommend that the proposed expansion the ASAM Criteria, medical staff are able to provide sufficient Information to justify! Recommend the Legislature to determine whether ISUDTP is effectively achieving its goals reducing. And assignments in packets that are delivered through the mail lists will be created state departments COVID19 direct costs! Additional health care facilities are developed utilizing the American Society of Addiction Medicine ( ASAM ) Criteria for to! 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