Read Exposure Notice (In Ukrainian), Tensions With China Increasing, But US Had Failed Simulated Chinese Attack - During a press briefing in Singapore, the U.S. Navys 7th Fleet stated that the amount of unsafe interceptions by Chinese aircraft has increased over the last few months. The official said the risk of using kinetic force to take the balloon out of the sky might put civilian communities at risk, and that the threat the balloon poses now to both safety and U.S. intelligence doesn't justify such an action. Get All Alerts. Read more, January 07, 2023 - Former Russian President Medvedev posted a message on the Twitter account to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow that Russia should send its Zircon hypersonic missiles close to the Potomac River, which flows through Washington D.C. Read more, January 06, 2023 - Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan says that he believes that a coming recession is the most likely outcome of the recent spate of interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve to curb inflation. Read more, August 27, 2022 - After completing an international patrol mission on August 26th, the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter, Oliver Henry, was denied clearance for a pre-scheduled resupply port call from the Solomon Islands, a country that has been strengthening ties in the Pacific with China. Read more, August 28, 2022 - The president of the BRICS International Forum, Purnima Anand told reporters on Thursday that both Russia and India no longer need the U.S. dollar, as they have turned to national currencies to conduct mutual settlements. We strictly adhere to the fundamental norms and principles of international law and the UN Charter. With the previous four balloons, did you say they were not detected, but later intelligence assessment got your awareness? Read more, August 09, 2022 - Russia stated on Monday, August 8th that they would no longer allow inspection of weapons under the New START Nuclear Arms Control Treaty for an unspecified time due to restrictions on travel implemented by the United States and the west. QUESTION: Thanks, Pat. On October 5th, he wrote on Facebook, "It is time for the government to thoroughly review the nuclear strategy towards the North" and said that national security should be obtained through "military balance". They are searching for debris, said a senior military official also speaking on background. The United States had carried out wargames simulating an attack by China in 2021, but failed miserably. The website was reportedly down for 20 minutes. Do these Chinese surveillance balloons somehow explain the UAP, some of the unidentified aerial phenomena that were reported in that report to Congress? The Russian diplomat went on to say, "We know that the Leopard 2 tank, as well as the Bradley and Marder infantry fighting vehicles, are armed with uranium-core armor-piercing projectiles, the use of which leads to contamination of the area, as happened in Yugoslavia and Iraq" . Most overseas locations have Furnishings Management Offices that will provide major appliances for the duration of your tour Running progressions can lead to foot, ankle, knee, and shin pain. Threatens Sanctions on Turkey For Russia Connections - The United States Treasury Department has issued a letter that contains a threat of possible sanctions for Turkey's leading business organization on the grounds of Russian Collaboration. "Submarines are stealthy launch platforms whose location is best kept from opponents. Follow Jordan Mendoza on Twitter:@jordan_mendoza5. Japan's Ministry of Defense has also put out a statement, along with a map showing Taiwan's defensive strategy, meant to deter "Chinese aggression". STAFF: Got time for just a few more. He added, China could intercept all kinds of regional communications with a clear economic and strategic impact, in addition to gaining the potential to maintain permanent monitoring of maritime transit". The German government also confirmed that it will be sending 14 Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine from the stocks of the German Armed Forces, and will, in addition, be allowing allies to send the German-made Leopard 2 tanks. You did see reports yesterday of a ground stop at billings airport and the mobilization of a number of assets including F-22s. Thomas Gutschker, Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung. He said his country wants to do what is needed. Colonel Joe Buccino, CENTCOM (US Central Command) communications director put out a statement saying, "At approximately 2:10 PM local time, US forces brought down an Iranian Mojer-6 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle headed in the direction of Erbil as it appeared as a threat to CENTCOM forces in the area". Share It Today! Again, as it entered U.S. airspace, NORAD determined that it did not pose a physical or military threat, and in accordance with their procedures, monitored it. Henry Foy (Financial Times): "Henry Foy, Financial Times. This new security assistance package includes: Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS); 23,000 155mm artillery rounds; 500 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds; 5,000 155mm rounds of Remote Anti-Armor Mine (RAAM) Systems; 5,000 anti-tank weapons; High-speed Anti-radiation missiles (HARMs); More than 200 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs); Small arms and more than 2,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition; Medical supplies. "We do not know who owns it, whether it's state owned or corporate owned or privately owned". I look forward to signing the accession protocols and welcoming Sweden and Finland, two strong democracies with highly capable militaries, into the greatest defensive alliance in history. WebIs the DEFCON Level Public? Read more, January 03, 2023 - Israel carried out a missile strike on the Damascus International Airport, killing four people while boosting cooperation with the US, and preparing for an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. Click To Copy Map Link To Share anywhere: Share the world conflict map on your website. Again, based on what we know and have observed about this balloon, it is a surveillance balloon. Nine military officers who worked at the Malmstrong Air Force Base have developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at earlier ages than the median age for the disease, which has caused the military to launch an investigation probe into the incidents to see if there's a connection between the cancer development and exposure at the base. Washington also released images dated November 18th that it says show Russian rail cars traveling back and forth from Russia and North Korea. NY Army Guard aviation Soldiers mobilize for Mideast mission - US Army: "ROCHESTER, N.Y. Almost 400 New York Army National Guard Soldiers will soon leave for a deployment to Kuwait. This concludes this report of the DEFCON Warning System. They aspire for true multilateralism and reject small circles that incite bloc confrontation". SENIOR DEFENSE OFFICIAL: Right. GENERAL RYDER: Yeah, so beyond the fact that they share the common characteristic of being surveillance balloons, right, intelligence collection assets that the PRC is employing, the only other thing I'd say is that we do know there's variation in the various sizes and capabilities of balloon, but beyond that, I'm not going to go into specifics. CENTCOM: "TAMPA, Fla. Today, U.S. Central Command and the Israel Defense Forces concluded Juniper Oak 23.2, the largest U.S.-Israel partnered exercise in history. Read more, February 05, 2023 - After the United States Air Force carried out the operation to shoot down the Chinese surveillance balloon, efforts are underway to study and scrutinize both the balloon and its payload. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Announces Countermeasuresin Response to Nancy Pelosis Visit to Taiwan - The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs have announced a list of "countermeasures" in response to Nancy Pelosi's visit to the island of Taiwan. Other countries that are armed with such equipment are allowed to re-export it to Ukraine. Ukrainian troops will be given training on logistics and maintenance as soon as possible, as actual delivery of these tanks will take some time, he said. Exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests. One of the tasks of the diplomatic teams on both sides is to properly manage bilateral relations, particularly to manage some unexpected situations in a cool-headed and prudent manner. He also said that China could use the artificial intelligence technology to advance its methods regarding cyberattacks, repress people that China sees as dissidents, as well as those located overseas, use it to steal intellectual property. Last Monday the Russian Ministry of Defense said, "The Bologoye missile division has dispatched autonomous launchers of the strategic mobile missile system Yars to combat patrol missions. This includes discontinuing and/or restricting access to secondary or higher education for girls and women; preventing womens full participation in the workforce and their ability to choose their careers; restricting womens movement, expression, or privacy; as well as engaging in violence and harassment including unjust arrest and detention of women, girls, or their family members for noncompliance with discriminatory policies. Do you find it provocative? Read more, October 15, 2022 - EUROPE - NATO put out a statement on Friday saying that it would be launching its annual nuclear exercises "Steadfast Noon". The Secret Service had rented five vehicles for Biden and his family last week, and all five were consumed in the fire. Staff in the Senate Commerce Committee asked the FAA, "Why were airlines put in a position where they could have the option of choosing to operate when the NOTAM system was down?". Read more, August 14, 2022 - Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State, in an analytical statement of world events, states that the U.S. is "Teetering on the brink of war" with China and Russia and owns some responsibility for its manifestation. Medvedev responded by saying, "The main gift of the New Year was the arsenal of Zircon missiles that went yesterday to the shores of NATO countries". Still its intrusion into American airspace over several days was an unacceptable violation of U.S. sovereignty. U.S. citizens should remain vigilant and take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness. Li Shangfu, a new member of the Chinese Communist Partys Central Military Commission (CM) is widely seen as the PRCs next minister of national defense. You will be governed by the principle of calculated training risk, which you shall interpret to mean the avoidance of death, serious injury, and Class A damage to attain higher readiness, integration, and agility. U.S. Government Tracking Suspected Chinese "Spy" Balloon Hovering Over Northern United States - UNITED STATES - The U.S. government is currently tracking a balloon that has been in northern U.S. airspace for a few days now, and U.S. officials say they are confident it is a Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon. "If we are able to takethe specter of Iranian nuclear weapon off the table, we'll be able to address more effectively everything else that we face from Iran and from its proxies and the groups it supports in the region," he continued. I don't think that the -- that the pay load on this is -- I wouldn't characterize it as revolutionary. Like This Page? The official said this is not the first time such a balloon has been seen above the United States, but did say this time the balloon appears to be acting differently than what has been seen in the past. NATO also said that it will be monitoring Russia's own upcoming nuclear exercise very closely. Read Announcement, By NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg ahead of the meetings of NATO Defense Ministers - NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg: "Stoltenberg: "hybrid and cyber attacks can trigger Article 5," and, "We are closely monitoring every incident that may constitute a hybrid or cyber attack against the NATO Allies and we are ready to take the necessary measures if needed.". What makes you believe this is a Chinese spy balloon? Y-12 returned to regular operations before 1 pm, and officials said the situation is "stable". We will implement strict export controls grounded in international cooperation while engaging closely in the exchange of views with the United States and other relevant countries," he stated. QUESTION: And also one more about exporting arms to Russia. Spain announced it will provide four HAWK launchers to strengthen Ukraine's air defense. And not to be -- I'm not trying to be a wiseguy. The drug can be used to treat adults and children. (a) All AMC aligned personnel with weapons qualifications will fire a clip into a 7-meter target with the full understanding that unrepentant lethality matters most. DEFCON 5 is the lowest level, seeing Montana Representative Matt Rosendale released a statement that said, "I am in constant communication with NORCOM and they have just advised me that they have confidence there IS an object and it WAS NOT an anomaly. Cold River had also Hacked Into and then leaked emails from a Proton account belonging to the head of the British MI6 intelligence agency last year. The FAA is making progress in restoring its Notice to Air Missions system following an overnight outage. Read more, January 07, 2023 - After Israeli Prime Minister said that efforts were underway to revive the JCPOA nuclear deal, the Biden Administration put out a statement saying that claims that it was engaged in talks were "false". SENIOR DEFENSE OFFICIAL: Yes, both good questions. FULL Putin ordered nuclear forces One of the locations under alert is Erbil, Iraq where U.S. troops are currently based. And I'm aware that it's an annual exercise, it's routine, so that's all understood, but I'm asking about whether or not there was a discussion inside the Alliance about whether now is really the right time to do this. We will have a ministerial meeting this week, and that provides a good opportunity to send a clear message and then we'll make decisions on a potential summit when we think the right the time is right. "The United States government has detected and is tracking a high-altitude surveillance balloon that is over the continental United States right now," Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. View US National Debt clock. Even if it was a Russian-made missile, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Article 5 is not 'automatically triggered'. There are reports that it was four months ago and there's another report that it was in June. But we know exactly where this balloon is, exactly what it is passing over. Instances of this kind of balloon activity have been observed previously over the past several years. Sebeck said, Missileers have always been concerned about known hazards, such as exposure to chemicals, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls, lead, and other hazardous material in the work environment. If Germany decides to do so, other NATO-allied countries say they will follow suit. So I'll give you the facts. I just want to confirm. You need to know I alone own the pen on these orders. Mr. Williams praised the outstanding work of the FBI New York Field Offices Counterintelligence Division and the valuable assistance from U.S. Customs and Border Protection as well as the New York City Police Department. Washington believes North Korea has completed all preparations for a seventh nuclear test. Russia says, "there will be no general mobilization" but may be martial law. The IRIS Makran is Iran's only forward base ship of the Iranian Navy. Reuters reported that after the U.S. helicopters landed in the village after midnight, the soldiers told residents to stay indoors and keep their lights off over loudspeakers. ADMIN. DEFCON 2 represents a readiness posture requiring a further increase in military force readiness which is less than maximum readiness; certain military deployments and selected civil actions may be necessary in consonance with the commands mission, according to the Joint Chiefs memo. We take these threats very seriously, but we have not seen any reason to adjust our own nuclear posture at this time.". Gen. Tod Wolters in the past week raised EUCOMs watch level for Ukraine from possible crisis to potential imminent crisis the highest level, The New York Times reported Wednesday. The United States has delivered unprecedented security assistance to Ukraine and will continue to work with allies and partners to ensure Ukraine has the support it needs. Assets And Missions: Strategic bombers, U.S. and Israeli command and control, Fighter aircraft, Air operations in maritime surface warfare, Rescue aircraft, Combat search and rescue, Refueling aircraft, Electronic attack, Naval forces, Suppression of enemy air defenses, Ground long-range precision fires, Strike coordination and reconnaissance, Air long-range precision fires, Air interdiction, Rotary wing aircraft, Space Force assets, Special Operations Forces, Infantry forces. And following the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, we have further enhanced our vigilance across all domains. NASA's engineers discovered problems with one of the gas lines as fuel was actively being loaded. Exercises in which North Korea has called a provocation. This is heading your way. Russia says, "there will be no general mobilization" but may be martial law. So how big? He did say that the country is striving "to produce good fissile material for miniaturizing nuclear weapons.". Read more, September 14, 2022 - WASHINGTON Pentagon leaders held a top-secret conference at the Pentagon on September 6th, and 7th, to discuss China and Russia's potential to develop unique space weapons, giving to a publicly posted dossier. These actions recognize the transcontinental threat that Wagner poses, including through its ongoing pattern of serious criminal activity with these actions, and therell be more to come, Kirby said. "CENTCOM personnel operate in Iraq at the invitation of the Government of Iraq to advise, assist, and enable partner forces in the ensuring the lasting defeat of ISIS," his statement added. NBC News reported that system F-22s were sent up -- I don't if scrambled would be the right terminology there but at least sent up to get a closer look. Want to know what it takes and what types of jobs in the Navy are available? Russias continued strikes in Ukraine pose a direct threat to civilians and civilian infrastructure. Those aircraft did not identify any object to correlate to the radar hits. It is not affiliated with any government agency and does not represent the alert status of any military branch. The Russian Foreign Ministry spoke to Russia's state-run news TASS and said, "Reflections about red lines are now in the past. U.S. At approximately 2:10 PM local time, US forces brought down an Iranian Mojer-6 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle headed in the direction of Erbil as it appeared as a threat to CENTCOM forces in the area. During martial law, all power in the region is completely transferred to the military administration, restrictions on the movement of citizens are introduced the same commandant hour, - a special mode of operation of critical infrastructure facilities, a ban on entry and exit, and so on. The following countries either are sending, or are considering sending tanks to Ukraine: Germany, Poland Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Britain, Denmark, and France. Former Russian President Says Missile Strike In Poland Proves West Is "Approaching A World War" -MOSCOW - Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that the missile strike in Poland only proves that the West is "approaching a world war," and that the West wants to "wage war on Russia by all means against Russia", and that talking about Russian missiles falling into Poland is a "provocation" with the intent on escalating the conflict. Ryder said, "We are seeing reports of a balloon transiting Latin America. And we are taking steps to be extra vigilant so that we can mitigate any foreign intelligence risk. She said that "It is an alliance that is strong and enduring.". ", Puerto Rico Power Grid Fails, White House Declares Emergency - Puerto Ricos Governor has reported that the power grid in Puerto Rico has gone black. Is it as big as a car? Russia Suspends START Nuclear Treaty With United States - MOSCOW - The Russian Foreign Ministry has released a statement declaring that the START nuclear treaty, which is the only nuclear treaty in effect between the United States and Russia, suspended, saying that the U.S. is "weakening" the security of the Russian Federation, and causing a political and economic "suffocation" of Russia.Subscribe To All Alerts. It is not adopted specifically for a special military operation, it is adopted, to perform it for a long time, at least until the time comes when the need for it disappears". So we wanted to make sure we were coordinating with civil authorities to empty out the air space around that potential area. "It would make the world more dangerous, and us more vulnerable". "China expresses its strong dissatisfaction and protest against the US's use of force to attack civilian unmanned airships. Think you're a Top Gun at aircraft identification? No one was hurt". And so we're confident that what we've learned about this program enables us to be able to monitor and be on the lookout for these kinds of capabilities. Read more, January 04, 2023 - CENTCOM: "Two rockets targeted coalition forces at Mission Support Site Conoco, northeast Syria, today at approximately 9am local time in Syria (1 am Eastern Standard Time). 8. Reconsider travel to Nigeria due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and maritime crime. So the first question is does it pose a threat -- physical kinetic threat to individuals in the United States or the U.S. Read Full Article. The barrage of missile launches by North Korea came, at least in part in response to joint military exercises being held by North Korea and the United States. 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