Her writing contests the deeply isolating structures of capitalism by imagining self and nation as a collaborative condition, one that must be endlessly reconstructed and defended in the face of xenophobia, sexual violence, economic ruin, social anomie, and political disintegration. In Garden of Eden, the first poem in the collection, Smith remembers shopping at a grocery store in Brooklyn that was actually called the Garden of Eden. WebThe story Garden of Eden introduces the first man and woman that God created. In Garden of Eden, the first poem in the collection, Smith remembers shopping at a grocery store in Brooklyn that was actually called the Garden of Curtis Fox: And the poem ends ominously, as if were about to be kicked out of the Garden of Eden, not only the store but innocence in general. The opening and closing poems refer to the most familiar Biblical stories. Its not that I dont like it because Ew, poetry, but rather because I just dont understand a majority of it. 83 pp.Reviewed by Susanna Lang. When capital is everything, queasy questions[1] bubble up: Is capitalism compatible with democracy? I also think that over the years teaching has made me a better editor of my own work. To say that shes very goodthat her poetry is not screwing aroundis to state what has become increasingly obvious over the past decade. To order a copy for 7.64 go to guardianbookshop.com or call 0330 333 6846. But those things came out in this poem. / The wood was never spent. In Wade in the Water, the first section of Eternity begins It is as if I can almost still remember and closes with trees Ageless, constant, / Growing down into earth and up into history. Any thoughts on the challenges and possibilities of processing (or traversing) time through language? Tracy K. Smith: Right. For Smith, this is a lavish shop that seems to be selling a very specific selection of goods. I also thought when this poem first came to me, this is what poetry is for, this is what poetry can do. Tracy K. Smith: I have, and I didnt know if I would. In 2014 she was awarded the Academy of American Poets fellowship. Thanks for listening. Perhaps stepping into that subject matter imparted a courageor simply a vocabulary and an awarenessthat hasnt vanished. The conversations that can ensue after weve sat together listening to poems that have activated some of our own private urgencies, are useful. I carried the wish to write a poem about that story with me for a year-and-a-half. Curtis Fox: Its one of the curiosities of your book, that to grapple with this dawning century you go back into history with poems in the voices of the enslaved and powerless, and you also make interesting use of the Declaration of Independence. Each ashamed of the same things: The fact that indelible images of water lived in both Richs article and several memorable NDEs also suggested that this poem might engage in a useful conversation with the title poem. Film awards like the Oscars often have a best-animated film category, and this is dumb. Poet Laureate of the United States; its a high perch for an American poet to land on. She studied at Harvard University, where she joined the Dark Room Collective, a reading series for writers of color, created by Sharan Strange in 1988. Henley, Sonja Johanson, RHINO Reviews Vol. And I remember, I was sitting reading this document, and suddenly I got to the region where all of these complaints against England were being raised, and I felt that they were speaking so clearly to the history of black life in this country, and suddenly everything else that I was working on, that I thought I wanted to gather around the idea of Jefferson, just went away. I think it is the shift in vocabulary that reads loudest in the books, and that is really a private attempt at finding something newly engaging in my usual conundrums.WASHINGTON SQUARE: You direct the undergraduate Creative Writing Program at Princeton University; though youre currently taking time off to focus on Laureate duties, youve taught and advised student poets for years. Below you can find the poem followed by my analysis. Its actually the last poem in your book. Terrible. Why are we allowing industrialized transactional regimes that make us miserable to cook the planet alive? SMITH: Writing the found poems feels more like writing a poem of my own than anything else. The way you can break into laughter remembering something while at a funeral, say, and On June 14, 2017, Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden announced the appointment of Tracy K. Smith as the 22nd Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry. Do these various modes of working with existing text feel similar to each other? to bear. Her translations of poetry by Yves Bonnefoy include Words in Stone and The Origin of Language. For me, the memory of catching a poem in that fashion seeps into the sense of peace the poem contemplates, causing it to feel fleeting, like something it would be easy, if youre not working very deliberately, to lose.WASHINGTON SQUARE: Your poems have a habit of calling chronology into question. For Poetry Off The Shelf, Im Curtis Fox. Did the poems you wrote after doing that translation feel stylistically or thematically influenced by Yi Leis work? How did you arrive at the title, and what do you hope it suggests or encapsulates for readers?While working on the book, I had the experience of attending a ring shout and feeling so deeply moved and shaken by the performance of Wade in the Water. After that evening, I suspected that Wade in the Water was going to be the title of my book. Tracy K. Smith: An erasure poem is almost like a You know you see those government documents that are redacted, so there are these big black lines that delete certain elements of the text, and youre left with a different path through those ideas. Smith works like a novelist, curating the national tongue. The Garden of Eden is a semiautobiographical account based on Hemingways honeymoon with his second wife, Pauline Pfeiffer, in May, 1927, at Le Grau But one day, when I was kind of working in the vein, I was sitting at my desk and I just had this vivid memory of shopping in a grocery store in Brooklyn, and this pang of nostalgia for that moment in my life, and this poem kind of just came out. And if you enjoy that, I highly recommend checking out What is it that I could do in this role that would be different and useful. When she writes about love and desire, they are vehicles for the philosophical examination of humanity, of the ways we respond to authority, and more and more they are vehicles for thinking about the plight of the earth. At the end of the day, our lives arent quite the way we wish they were and it can be difficult to come to terms with that. They are places to test out new lines of inquiry. Poetry does not really resonate with me. Every least leaf, Shivers in the sun, while we sit, bothered,Late, captive to this thing commanding. Reprinted by permission of Graywolf Press, www.graywolfpress.org. Unlike a lot of other poets I was looking at, she has a certain flavor that just really fit to my taste. Life On Mars By Tracy K. Smith Analysis. You know, popular myths that we cleave to as Americans, and there are a lot of poems in this book that have titles that are biblical. Over her career, she has published a memoir and four books of poetry, including Life On Mars, which won the Pulitzer Prize several years ago. More information available at www.susannalang.com. Her latest book is Wade In The Water. In my earlier work, persona poems have been a tool by which Ive sought to learn something about some other experience or perspective that is remote from my own. Curtis Fox: Dr Hayden from the Library of Congress, right? It feels like an empires end: The known sun setting / On the dawning century, as the last two lines go. Where I seldom shopped, In October, Graywolf Press will The Universe: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. I'd squint into it, or close my eyes SMITH: That poem was originally published as The Mowers. Then I read it in Washington, DC in 2016 and realized that the poems wish is for something graceful, wordless, grateful and sustaining to link these two imaginary strangers in common understanding. I liked setting up, via the title, the expectation of something rigid or dogmatic, and then allowing the poem itself to be gentle. Copyright 2018 by Tracy K. Smith. Attention to the stranger crossing any road in any town or city; patience with the awkward encounter, the unknown intention; respect for the other whom you do not know, but with a slightest stretch of mind, imagine you do. Everyone hunkers down alone with their stuff, just as capitalism wants it.Two vicious features of the system, which Im hardly the first to note, are its enforcement of rigid hierarchies (think about the racial pay gap, for example) and its wholesale razing of the biospheric life-support systems that allow civilization to exist in the first place. At the same time, several shorter poems contain a lyric I observing a stranger (for example, Beatific and Charity). / We never left the room. I love the ways their other academic pursuits sometimes surface in their poems. This is a poem thats kind of looking back toward the moment when we might have known but didnt care. Youve talked a bit about Wade in the Waters genesis, but more broadly, how early on do you typically begin to sense a manuscripts overarching themes? She studied at Harvard University, where she joined the Dark Room Collective, a reading series for writers of color, created by Sharan Strange in 1988. Register now and publish your best poems or read and bookmark your favorite popular famous poems. But the poet respectfully appropriates them, placing each within her linguistic universe, where things like line breaks and image patterns matter, and as such the erasure is partly undone. Every small want, every niggling urge. Anyone can read what you share. Wade in the Water, by Tracy K. SmithGraywolf Press, 2018. But if I do my job correctly, they slip away from that transparency and become something more than Id initially thought I was after. 4 (September 2018), Emily Jungmin Yoon, Maya Marshall, RHINO Reviews Vol. I chose the title Watershed even before the poem itself had been written. I will say it flat-out: I do not like poetry. Even going into the first trip, I was thinking okay, Im performing a service. MyHeart hammers at the ceiling, telling my tongueTo turn it down. Yes, these are black voices that have been effaced from history, buried in government archives and exhumed by a few scholars on whose work Smith draws. My approach was to expand it, to maybe pull it apart and make it into a poem in different sections, and I looked through some of his letters, I looked through his will, and found through erasure different statements within those documents. Smith mingles these themes in The World is Your Beautiful Younger Sister, where the body of a woman stands in for the planet itself; Smith plays on old Western conceptions of nature as a female resource to be commanded by men and their technologies. You pay attention because it wades in deep. I imagined my Civil War poem would be a one-time exploration of its time period, but when I came back a few years later to writing poetry, the concerns I found myself wrestling with were rooted in similar questions of history, race, compassion and justice. Free UK p&p I wanted to draw-in the sense of the living spirit at the heart of that nights encounter, and at the heart of the tradition of the ring shout itself: the sense of love and deliverance, of faith and compassion, of justice and survival.Watershed was a poem I knew I wanted to write. SMITH: I think of my four books of poems in similar terms: The Bodys Question feels to me like a coming-of-age story. Over her career, she has published a memoir and four books of poetry, including At the time, I wasnt writing many poems; I was working on my prose memoir, and feeling, somewhat guiltily, that it might be a good idea to take the opportunity to produce a new poem. I wanted to find a way of reminding myself that our 21st Century moment isnt self-contained; somewhere and somehow, it has bearing upon what happens moving forward throughout all of eternity, even after we humans are gone from this planet. Consider the everyday poetics of capitalism. A tea they refused to carry. Whats going on there? Curtis Fox: Being Poet Laureate is obviously an honor, but have you enjoyed it? Like a lot. From short lyrics to erasures to sectioned, multi-form elegies, all of Smiths work feels radically alivetraversing space and time; rife with cultural and historical references (to, for example, rock music; scientific research; classic movie scenes); and always illuminating with great care the complexities of consciousness and embodiment. The first trip was to Sante Fe, New Mexico, to the Santa Fe Indian School and some neighboring pueblos, and I realized this is joy. The Garden of Eden is a semiautobiographical account based on Hemingways honeymoon with his second wife, Pauline Pfeiffer, in May, 1927, at Le Grau-du-Roi, a fishing village in the Carmargue, on the Mediterranean coast of France. Home the paper bags, doing I didnt set out to write a found poem, but when I got far enough into that research, I understood that I didnt want to merely metabolize all of these other real voices and then speak something imagined or invented out in my own voice; rather, I wanted to make space for these very compelling voices to speak to a reader the ways they had spoken to me. If capitalist institutions erase memory and sweep everything into an eternal present of consumption, poetry is a slow art with a long memory and an expansive capacity to imagine other worlds. Im talking about the many products, services, networks, trends, apps, tools, toys, as well as the drugs and devices for remedying their effects that are pitched to us nonstop: in our browser sidebars, in the pages of print media, embedded in movies and TV shows, on airplanes, in taxis and trains and even toilet stalls. The opening poems of Wade in the Water seem to locate the divine in the worldly, sometimes to humorous effect: God drives around in a jeep, and the Garden of Eden turns out to be a grocery store. Yet everyone lived with a sense of innocence and privacy. People are leading lives where they cannot afford rich and luxurious things and are ashamed of that, yet they also hold onto fear; they are afraid to let people see their actual status. Those banked poems help me get started, but inevitably the work generated during that intense period is characterized by recurring themes, images, vocabulary, and obsessions. So I did that with this document, and what I found myself doing was deleting the text that was most specific in reference to England, and listening only to the first half, in many cases, of statements. She didn'tKnow me, but I believed her,And a terrible new acheRolled over in my chest,Like in a room where the drapesHave been swept back. And if Trump has done anything positive for the country, hes inadvertently, by his own racist statements and actions, put the conversation front and center in American life. Not unlike your previous books, this one feels cohesive even as it encompasses poems whose forms and concerns vary. The core of the book, because it was the poem I had written earliest in the process, always seemed to me to be the long Civil War poem, I Will Tell You the Truth About This, I Will Tell You All About It. That poem was commissioned for an exhibition of Civil War photographs at the Smithsonians National Portrait Gallery back in 2013. And that stage, I want to think of it as a stage that America has gone through. Wade in the Water in particular enlists a whole chorus of voices, including historical ones resurrected almost verbatim in collages and erasures. Tracy K. Smith, "Dusk" from Wade in the Water. (Jonathan Bachmans renowned shot shows two policemen in body armor arresting a woman named Ieshia Evans; the black-clad officers whip out their handcuffs for no discernible reason as Evans stands in silent dignity, wearing a long dress.). It wasnt until I found myself preoccupied with questions of love and faith that I figured out how I wanted to work with the source material of the article. As for imaginative play, maybe that comes from another place. She has also written a memoir,Ordinary Light(2015), which was a finalist for the National Book Award in nonfiction. I chose the wrong there are ways to hold pain like night follows daynot knowing how tomorrow went down.it hurts like never when the always is now,the now that time won't allow.there is no manner of tomorrow, nor shape of todayonly like always having My brother still bites his nails to the quick,but lately hes been allowing them to grow.So much hurt is forgotten with the horizonas backdrop. 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