a. ", In Revelation it says for the cup at the time of the sun giving power. WebGod Will Bless His People. For thus says the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: They trust for their national defence in a treaty with Egypt, which, to them, is like a high wall that protects them from enemy Assyria. That therefore all those are blessed who wait for him, who not only wait on him with their prayers, but wait for him with their hopes, who will not take any indirect course to extricate themselves out of their straits, or anticipate their deliverance, but patiently expect God's appearances for them in his own way and time. And so the sun increased in its brightness to a seven-times intensity so that the moon reflecting the sun at night under a full moon, it would be as bright on the earth as it is usually during the daytime. 25 And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. "He will wait to be gracious (Isaiah 30:18; Isaiah 30:18); he will wait till you return to him and seek his face, and then he will be ready to meet you with mercy. When we trust God, we dont have to strive for ourselves. As in the night when a holy festival is kept, To come into the mountain of the LORD, Those that have exalted themselves, He'll pop them. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. 2 Timothy 2:13). For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem; In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength: God offered to Judah the promise of protection from Assyria. i. (2.) You know He can and will come through, and you have a profound confidence in the God who loves you. And trust in oppression and perversity, But the sinful people do not want to hear messages that come from God. And the flame of a devouring fire, "And therefore will Jehovah wait, that he may be gracious unto you; and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for Jehovah is a God of justice; blessed are all they that wait for him. Concord. WebIsaiah 30:18 - Summarized Bible Commentary. In returning and rest you shall be saved; I personally just leave it alone. Then He will give the rain for your seed Verse Isaiah 30:18. Kindles it. You will throw them away as an unclean thing: The literal Hebrew for unclean thing is literally a menstrual cloth. Sanhedrin, fol. They had the light, but they loved darkness They wanted religion, but they didnt want the living God of heaven to have a real presence in their lives (Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us). Judahs reliance on Egypt is against Gods will and in the end will bring only disgrace upon Judah (30:1-5).Isaiah pictures the dangerous journey, as a caravan of donkeys and camels carry Judahs payment through the dry southern region of Judah towards Egypt. Which is broken in pieces; p. 507. in the same way Gataker. He is Lord over all the nations. In like manner, Jeremiah says, Chasten me, O Lord, but in judgment, not in thy wrath, lest thou crush me. (Jeremiah 10:24.). Hell is not a place of eternal punishment. I can hardly wait.Shall we stand.May the Lord be with you and bless you and keep you in His love and grace. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. ". Don't tell me the truth. It must not be so with you, my brethren, you must learn a better way. (Spurgeon), You shall weep no more. IV. Blessed are all those who long for him. And here he is saying, "Your strength is just to sit still and trust in God.". a. They are many of them going to ungodly psychiatrists who are filled with humanism and Freudism. The word kadosh, lost out of the text, but happily supplied by the Septuagint, clears up The word in the Arabic language, as Schultens observes w, signifies to "desire" x; and this will make the words run smoothly in agreement with the former; "and therefore", or "nevertheless, will he desire to have mercy on you"; which denotes the Lord's good will to his people, and how much his heart, and the desires of it, are towards them: for the Lord [is] a God of judgment; or, "though he is a God of judgment" y, of strict justice, judges in the earth, and will judge the world in righteousness; see Malachi 2:17 his grace, mercy, and justice, agree together, in redemption justification, pardon of sin, and salvation: or of moderation, clemency, and grace to correct his people; he corrects them not in wrath and hot displeasure, but in judgment, in a tender and fatherly way and manner, Jeremiah 10:24 and he is a God of "discretion", Psalms 112:5 of wisdom and knowledge, and does all things after the counsel of his will; he has fixed upon the proper time, and he knows which is the best time, and he waits that time to show grace and mercy to his people: blessed [are] all they that wait for him; that do not run here and there for help, and are tumultuous, restless, and impatient, but wait God's own time to do them good; that wait for his gracious presence, and the discoveries of his love, for the performance of his promises, for answers of prayer, for all blessings temporal and spiritual, and for eternal glory and happiness; these are happy persons, all and every one of them; they enjoy much now, and it can not be said, nor conceived, what God has prepared for them hereafter; see Isaiah 49:23. q "nihilominus, tamen"; so Noldius, Ebr. The light of the moon shall become as bright and as strong as that of the sun, and that of the sun shall increase proportionably and be as the light of seven days; every one shall be much more cheerful and appear much more pleasant than usual. A shard to take fire from the hearth, 2 Kings 19:36-37 describes how when the king of the Assyrians returned home after attacking Judah, his own sons murdered him as he worshipped in the temple of Nisroch his god. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. Jesus said of Gehenna, "Where the worm dies not, neither is the fire quenched" ( Mark 9:44 ). (w) Animadv. People today are seeking counsel, but not from God. In the day that the LORD binds up the bruise of His people and heals the stroke of their wound: Better than the material blessing of the LORD is His loving care. He is not like us, therefore; he does not act with bustling or hurry, otherwise at every moment we must perish, but he calmly waits. 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. Now this is what the prophet Isaiah kept telling Hezekiah, "Don't worry about it. 2. CONTENTS: Warnings against alliance with Egypt against Sennacherib and exhortation to turn to the Lord for help. (3.) 1. How glorious to be led of the Spirit and having God say, "This is the way, walk in it." Shall be your shame, To cease from before us.. If under reproach, their heart ferments towards revenge. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. That the Lord is a God of judgment; he is both wise and just in all the disposals of his providence, true to his word and tender of his people. Now some of the more wealthy people were escaping to Egypt when they saw this Assyrian invasion coming. It will be fat and plentiful. i. b. Sounds like the sun will go into a supernova. Bibliographical InformationHenry, Matthew. They were all ashamed of a people who could not benefit them: The ambassadors of Egypt came to Judah and saw that Judah had nothing to give them. And rely on them, waitcompare Isa 30:15, wait, namely, for His times of having mercy. Judah would be like a shattered clay pot, which is broken in pieces. Philolog. We can rest in Him, and when we do, it shows we are really trusting in Gods promise. Egypt would sit idly by as the Assyrians trouble Judah. And those whose names are not found written in the book of life are cast into the lake that burns with fire" ( Revelation 20:13 , Revelation 20:15 ). And it does sound like the sun will go into a supernova state. The corn shall not be given them in the chaff as usual, to make it go the further, but they shall have good clean corn fit for man's use, being winnowed with the fan. And, We will ride on swift horses I. Gods waiting, 1. For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem: thou shalt weep no more: he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee. That this is a rebellious people, lying childrenwho say to the seers, Do not see: God wanted Judahs rejection of His message, and His messengers, to be documented. ", You can read into that whatever you want. i. God will give you rain of your seed, rain to water the seed you sow, just at the time that it calls for it, as much as it needs and no more. The people of God would come to hate their idols so much that they would throw them away as readily as they would throw away a used menstrual cloth. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. Or the first words in this paragraph may be read by way of antithesis, Notwithstanding this, yet will the Lord wait that he may be gracious. p. 56. x "mavit rem", Golius, col. 922. Only God can reconcile mercy and justice, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus (Romans 3:26). Isaiah starts with the real day of the Lord. He is Lord over all the nations. (By implication, what is Assyria, compared with such a God!) The Lords people will be safe in his Day: their part will be to sing amid the judgments of God. "Tophet is ordained of old." And in battles of brandishing He will fight with it. But you would not, and you said, No, for we will flee on horses Therefore you shall flee: Because Judah rejected Gods promise, and trusted in horses and other such things instead, they would need to flee! "Aionios posto aionios" in the Greek, the strongest term there is for expressing eternity--from the ages through the ages. Behold, the name of the LORD comes from afar, burning with His anger: Isaiah sees the judgment of the LORD quickly coming, to sift the nations with the sieve of futility. The whole design of the passage Isaiah 30:19-26 is to describe a future state of prosperity by images mainly drawn from the idea of temporal enjoyment. Those who hate you shall reign over you, and you shall flee when no one pursues you. Because you despise this word, But it sure sounds like it here. b. Assyria will be beaten down: In the near view, Isaiah saw the judgment of the LORD against Assyria. He is the great teacher who punishes his people when they turn from him, so that they might see their wrongdoing, give up their sinful ways and return to walk in the ways of God (20-22). As he learns that a group of Judean representatives is on its way to Egypt, he points out again how disastrous this alliance will prove to be. Alert unto the Lord in these last days when the world around you is walking in its drunken stupor. A God of judgment.Better, of righteousness. They didnt need to look to Egypt to help at all. WebHe wants to rise and comfort you. That it may be for time to come, It is supposed that they might be brought into straits and troubles after this deliverance was wrought for them. They are resolved never to harbour it any more. This is not unfitly applied by many to the light which the gospel brought into the world to those that sat in darkness, which has far exceeded the Old-Testament light as that of the sun does that of the moon, and which proclaims healing to the broken-hearted, and the binding up of their wounds. No way! They must have their desire instantaneously fulfilled, or else they are ready to take wrong means of attaining it. With scattering, tempest, and hailstones. "Thy eyes see thy teachers; but this is a teacher out of sight, it is thy own conscience, which shall now by the grace of God be awakened to do its office." Through a land of trouble and anguish, You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. But it speaks about "the name of the Lord comes from far, burning in his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation. p. 56. t Gloss, in T. Bab. This is the foundation of all good. What is the way? And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare ( Isaiah 30:11-14 ): God's going to crack all of these pots.This takes you out to the book of Revelation where it talks about the reign of Jesus Christ, who as with an iron, will pop the clay vessels and shatter them to pieces. WebIsaiah 30:1-18 New International Version Woe to the Obstinate Nation 30 Woe to the obstinate children, declares the Lord, to those who carry out plans that are not mine, See? Veritas non qurit angulos--Truth seeks no corners for concealment. For the Egyptians shall help in vain and to no purpose. 31 For at Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the LORD, to the Mighty One of Israel. 3. And therefore will he be exalted - Lowth renders this in accordance with a conjecture of Houbigant, 'Shall he expect in silence, by reading yadum instead of yarum. But God will find a time to call the teachers out of their corners again, and to replace them in their solemn assemblies, which shall see their own teachers, the eyes of all the synagogue being fastened on them, Luke 4:20. Note, To all true penitents sin has become very odious; they loathe it, and loathe themselves because of it; they cast it away to the dunghill, the fittest place for it, nay, to the cross, for they crucify the flesh; their cry against it is, Crucify it, crucify it. 2 Kings 19:35 describes how God sent the angel of the LORD and killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night. When it gives up its dead to stand before God at the judgment bar. So there shall not be found among its fragments Woe to the rebellious children, says the LORD, For the Lord is a God of judgment - He will do what is right. Salem Media Group. The truth is that Gods people are here portrayed rejoicing at his judgment on sin because they must take his point of view on everything, and because this judgment is at the same time their salvation. (Grogan). If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. 2. u "dum miserabitur vestri" so some in Vatablus. I don't worry about that. ( Isaiah 30:1-2) God exposes the sin of those who put their trust in Egypt. s "et propterea exaltabit se", Pagninus, Montanus, Vatablus; "elaturus est se", Junius Tremellius. Jesus said, "Where the worm dies not, neither is the fire quenched. 2. God would thus repair the losses they sustained by that devastation. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning, And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you Or "yet" F17, or "nevertheless" though such an utter destruction shall be made, there are a few that the Lord has a good will unto, and therefore waits till the set time comes to arise and have mercy on them; he has taken up thoughts and resolutions of grace and favour concerning them, and has fixed the time when he will show it; and he is, as it were, panting and longing after it, as the word. Introduction. But God is so great, He can show both at the same time. i. It seems that their teachers had been removed into corners (probably being forced to shift for their safety in the reign of Ahaz), but it shall be so no more. Whence this word shall come--from behind thee, from some one whom thou dost not see, but who sees thee. GOD takes the time to do everything Despite the riches that the pack animals bring across the desert, Egypt would not help Judah at all, so one could call Egypt Rahab-Hem-Shebeth, which means Rahab Sits Idle or Rahab the Do-Nothing. Rahab is a name, but it is also the Hebrew word for pride, and is sometimes used as a title for Egypt (Psalm 87:4). (r) "significat anhelat, vel inhiat", Forerius. The children of Israel didn't have to fight them. Death and hell are going to give up their dead which are in them. 19 You people who live in Jerusalem will not weep any more. Woe unto those that take counsel but not from God. Not only the tillage, but the pasture-ground should be remarkably fruitful: The cattle shall feed in large pastures; those that are at grass shall have room enough, and the oxen and asses that are kept up for use, to ear the ground, which must be the better fed for their being worked, shall eat clean provender. And bread of the increase of the earth; Returning also has the idea of drawing close to the LORD. They shall be cured of their idolatry, shall fall out with their idols, and never be reconciled to them again, Isaiah 30:22; Isaiah 30:22. For his princes were at Zoan, It is all useless, bringing neither help nor advantage. WebIsaiah 30:18, NIV: Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you,. Or "yet" q, or "nevertheless" though such an utter destruction shall be made, there are a few that the Lord has a good will unto, and therefore waits till the set time comes to arise and have mercy on them; he has taken up thoughts and resolutions of grace and favour concerning them, and has fixed the time when he will show it; and he is, as it were, panting and longing after it, as the word r used signifies, as some have observed, until it is up; he waits for the fittest and most proper time to show mercy; when things are brought to the worst, to the greatest extremity, and when his people are brought to a sense of their danger, and of their sins, and to repentance for them, and to see their need of his help and salvation, and to implore it, and to depend upon him for it; then, in the mount of difficulty, and in the most seasonable time, does the Lord appear; and hereby the mercy is the sweeter to them, and his grace is the more magnified towards them: so he waits to be gracious to his people in conversion; he is gracious before; he is of a gracious disposition; he is inclined, nay, resolved, to show favour to them; yea, he has done various acts of grace before, such as their election in Christ, the provision of a Saviour for them in the covenant, putting all grace into his hands for them, the redemption of them by him, and the adoption of them into his family; but in conversion there is an open exhibition and display of the grace of God; much grace is then shown in applying pardoning grace, a justifying righteousness, and salvation by Christ unto them; by many love visits, and by opening the treasures of his grace unto them, as well as by implanting much grace in them, as faith, hope, love, and every other: now there is a fixed time for all this; and, until that time comes, the Lord waits to be gracious; this is his longsuffering towards his elect, which issues in their salvation; he does not cut them off in their sins; he bears much and long with them, and, as it were, longs till the time comes to unbosom himself to them, and bestow his favours on them; and so, after conversion, he waits and observes the fittest time to deliver them out of afflictions, temptations, c. and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you or, "will exalt himself" s; raise up himself, who seemed to be asleep, and careless of his people, and rise up against their enemies, and in defence of them, which is showing mercy to them; or be exalted on his throne of grace, that he may give, and they may find, grace and mercy to help them in time of need: or, "he will exalt", or "lift up"; that is, his Son; so he was lifted up on the cross, that his people might be drawn after him, and saved by him; and he has also exalted him at his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance unto Israel and forgiveness of sins; and he is now lifted up as the serpent on the pole in the ministry of the word, that whosoever believes in him should have everlasting life; so that these exaltations, or lifting up, are in order to have mercy; and his waiting to be gracious is by the Jews t interpreted of his desire after the Messiah's coming, and his waiting for that: or, "he will be exalted, in", or "by, having mercy on you" u; the glory of God is displayed in showing mercy to his people; they are engaged and influenced hereby to glorify God for his mercy, both in things temporal and spiritual. 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