This aspect tends to hinder both people, as they feel that to preserve the relationship, they have to keep their individual goals at bay. The competitiveness in your relationship is likely positive and healthy unless Mars is otherwise very challenged. Both individuals can easily feel slighted by the other, and there could be power struggles in the relationship. The difficult traits of Mars are fighting and volatility. The Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect is excellent for all kinds of mutual goal-achieving. All rights reserved. The easiest Mars Square Mars Synastry aspect to have is in mutable signs. (As a bonus, keep in mind what aspects your natal Mars forms in your own chart). Airs biggest complaint is that Earth is stuck in the material world, and Earths focus is far too narrow. Mars opposite Ascendant (Mars conjunct Descendant) indicates infatuation and an instant sexual chemistry. They are both warm people. Czar Alexander 11 and the Emancipation of the Serfs. Sun/Moon/Ascendant Synastry Aspects. Sex between the two can be ultimately very powerful, trans-formative, sexy, deep, and taboo. The Ascendant is the vehicle of the Soul, while the Luminaries (Sun and Moon) are the drivers. There is a basic resourcefulness to Mars in Earth. Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts This planet also governs how we fight and express anger. . They can coerce 8th house to do darker things, manipulate them with sex, use their fears and secrets against them, etc. In fixed signs, this aspect may come across more as a standoff of some kind. Aquarius Give each other a little breathing room. Start a business partnership that will bring the two of you together to fight for a common goal. Mars in partner's 6th house: With this synastry house overlay, Mars wants to bring energy and action to 6th house person's daily life. When it comes to life goals, both people may find that they do better without each other. Much will depend on your own natal chartare you 12th-house oriented, in that you have personal planets in the 12th house, planets in Pisces, or the ruler of your 12th house being well-aspected? On the other hand, if Mars energy is not handled well in the rest of the synastry or natal chart, this house overlay could lead to bullying or physical aggression. The Mars person can take the initiative in planning all sorts of activities for the two of you to engage in. The transpersonal forces of astrology begin with the comet Chiron, which orbits between Saturn and Uranus. They both have a strong desire to learn and grow through their actions. Dont know the positions of your planets? They must learn how to communicate honestly, to avoid this outcome. Its also possible that the house person will be physically possessive of the Mars person. They can encourage the house person to lead a more active lifestyle, implement healthier habits, achieve their work goals, etc. Mars Conjunct Mars Synastry aspect may make it easier for the partners to shut each other down, and not allow them to fully flesh out how they are feeling. Generally, when this aspect is involved in a relationship, the people will fight a lot. If this is a romantic interaction, the Mars person will likely be very supportive of the house persons goals, wishes, and ambitions. Both want to explore and try new things. This could even get to the point of obsession on the part of the house person. How they can benefit each other: When they consciously try to learn from each other, Fire can help Water by infusing Waters plans with optimism and enthusiastic vision of the future. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. 10th house person can feel more energetic and goal oriented around Mars, they may even collaborate or work together- if the rest of the synastry chart supports it. 2023 by Going Places. This is due to both sides' infamous reputation for being difficult and problematic. This bridge is based on mutual exchange and understanding. Dalai Lama - Been here before. Mars conjunct Mars can be healthy if the people involved are aware of their own ego issues and how to deal with them. Connection is a complex aspect, since it gives the strongest pressure of energy that requires immediate implementation in social activity. Its about learning to express our desires in constructive ways that are fair and equal for everyone involved. At the beginning of this relationship, both people may feel magnetically drawn to each other and attracted to each other. When Mars conjunct Mars Synastry aspect happens in a fire sign, like Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius, this may produce explosive fights that lead to disaster. At this time, its important to assess your projects, actions, and intentions. Posted at 01:41h . They could instead decrease the confidence of the house person, either by causing them to lose funds or simply being a drain on their own sense of self-worth. Mars Opposite Mars Synastry can be quite volatile. They support each other naturally, and dont need to try to impose their beliefs or understandings onto the other person. Since Mars represents ones sexual libido, this could mean that they want to achieve spiritual contact through intimacy with the 9th house person, with practices such as tantric sex. Ultimately, Mars Conjunct Mars Synastry Aspect can be beneficial if the partners have something else in their chart, like moon, to balance each other out. This creates less tension, but also less balance in the relationship. Ruled by Scorpio- It is dark, seductive and mysterious. They can encourage the house person to lead a more active lifestyle, implement healthier habits, achieve their work goals, etc. However, Mars in Air can be baffled by the way Mars in Fire takes things quite personally, and seems overly concerned with themselves, often ignoring other peoples perspectives. During fights or tumultuous moments, both people can easily understand how the other is feeling, as they too may feel that way. While independent therapy may also be helpful, this will make sure that there is guided space for making negotiations and compromises in a fight-free space. Either way, the Mars person will challenge the house person to expand their horizons and there are likely a lot of experiences to be enjoyed together, so long as there arent deeply divisive ways of looking at the world or experiences overall. With these aspects, both people are charged and passionate in their own ways, and sometimes this charge can create friction in the relationship. They may even start business ventures together, or help each other succeed more in their careers. If the house person is prone to staying in their comfort zone, the Mars person will challenge them to take steps to get out there with them more. They respond to each other with intensity and initiative. Afflicted Mars in partners 9th house could bring aggression, competitiveness and conflict in these 9th house matters. Yet if Mars is poorly aspected in the synastry chart, its possible that the Mars person clashes culturally with the house person, and may push them too hard to see things from their perspective. Mars Opposite Mars Synastry means that neither person likes the way the other goes about their career or drive in this life. Therefore an active planet such as Mars can be received well here. Aries, Scorpio, and Capricorn Mars will become very direct when angry, while Libra, Taurus, and Cancer mars will seemingly fade to the background and take on manipulative or passive aggressive behavior. They may stop talking to each other altogether. The Plutonian obsession is very well present. They very much like to get what they want, and they generally wont hide this fact from you. The relationship tends to be stimulating and fun. The house person can help the Mars person work through experiences that have scarred them, and vice versa. Mars is the planet of action and of conflict and is known as the "Planet of War." The house placement of Mars in synastry indicates the area of life that the other person will both excite and irritate. The effect of a conjunction can be either. Taurus If Mars energy is not received well in 2nd house, things could get really irritating for the house person, especially sex. If Mars is afflicted in the natal or synastry chart, this can represent tension in 6th house matters. Air seems to detach him/herself from emotions during a discussion, and this detachment can be frustrating to Water, whose approach is warmer and more subjective. Mars in the 9th house overlay: With someones Mars in your 9th house, there is the possibility for a lot of adventures and horizon-expanding activities to take place. Air Marss theories and plans can be too detached, lighthearted, and lacking in passion for Fire Mars. . You might often find that you provoke or push each other, and you should make a special effort to bring more tenderness and understanding into the relationship. Mars Conjunct Chiron: The Sex Whether youre working actively together towards a common goal or pursuing separate interests, you are supportive of one another. The meaning of this aspect can be both challenging as well as easy. Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects This is a powerful combination that can eventually lead to true love. Or, are they trying to control and suppress their anger in a way that is self-destructive? However, if the roles are reversed, this can cause a lot of discomfort in both people, and lead to more fighting as the masculine tries to assert himself in the relationship. If power struggles are present in the relationship, you two may want to consider seeing a couples therapist or counselor. Are you looking for aspect that is so sexy that two people are drawn to each other as magnets? There is such an innate understanding with Mars Conjunct Mars Synastry that both people are already aware of how the other is feeling. Air can help Fire by offering more detached, impersonal points of view. Copyright of 2023. The house person should remember that who they are in the present isnt the same as who they were in the past, as this position can suggest working through deep-rooted family traumas together, as well. As the relationship progresses, this stronger/weaker aspect develops, and both people start to feel like they are drowning in the fights of the relationship. This position can indicate similarities in world views, culture, or philosophical viewpoints. Synastry:SunUranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They could either spend their money too frivolously, or convince them to get into some bad business dealings that hurt them financially. Both individuals will likely feel an urge to help each other out and take care of each others needs in a very practical and helpful way that makes everyday life a bit easier. Dads Army - Mars conjunct Saturn in Cancer. This occurs once every two years and is meaningful because it represents the end and beginning of a cycle. In particular, the Moon may find Mars irritating, always pulling the Moon past its comfort zones. The house person may see the Mars person as a rival, but someone who ultimately helps them to stand up for themselves and grow. They can engage in all sorts of fun and stimulating activities together, and perhaps even work on some kind of creative project together, as this house also rules creativity. Juno was known for her loyalty to her husband who didnt reciprocate her efforts to make the marriage work. Mars in the 5th house overlay: This position for Mars in the synastry chart is overall very favorable. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. It leads us towards integration and wholeness. Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The relationship thrives because both give the emotional comfort the other needs. Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The house person may look up to the Mars person and admire how theyve managed their own career and public reputation. Synastry:Mercury-MercuryAspects Did these goals serve you in a positive or negative way? When one partner's Venus is conjunct the other's Mars in the synastry chart, the two persons are intensely attracted to each other on a physical level, but their chemistry is also intellectual and spiritual. This is known as the revolution of a planet. There is incredible chemistry and sexual energy between the partners, and it seems like thingsjust work. This could be very beneficial, given that the Mars person is in a position to help the house individual grow publicly in their career or overall public reputation. Similarly, Air can quickly become frustrated with the subjective and overly practical Earth person. Mars may also conflict with 3rd house persons siblings. Duration: 26 days. it is funny because my mars in cancer conjunct venus. This creates a feeling of familiarity and understanding between the two people. Common Ground: Both Fire and Air Mars people are positive, outgoing communicators. Overall, an afflicted Mars energy in 8th house tends to be belligerent, jealous, and sometimes dangerous. For example, if someone has a Capricorn Mars and the other has a Cancer Mars, the Capricorn mars will gain strength (as it is in its exalted position) while the Cancer Mars will become weaker. Mars conjunct Mars couples are great at initiating projects together, but the collaboration only works if they are willing to compromise. Mars Conjunct Midheaven - Synastry, Transit, Composite. The Mars conjunct Jupiter synastry can indicate a strong physical attraction and sexual compatibility. The opposition is the least difficult of these aspects, in fact, because with oppositions, there is more awareness of why the conflict exists and a give and take is possible as a result. Mars opposite Midheaven natal usually means your mother, although possibly your father, had a powerful influence on your early development. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate, Two of Pentacles Meanings: Love, Career, Health, Reversed, & More, Sun-Uranus Aspects in the Composite Chart. Are they harming themselves? What good is theory without practical application in the real world? The house person may see the Mars person as too aggressive when it comes to dealing with family matters. When two or more planets are situated close together in the sky (usually within 8 distance) we say that they form a conjunction. When one person is advancing in their career, it may make the other person insecure or feel unimportant. This is particularly true where the Mars aspect falls into the first house of the ascendant person in house overlay. Mars and Ketu makes the fire in the body go out of proportion, and severe problems arise from it. Mars person can be a nudge that they need in order to take care of themselves more, pay attention to their body and gain more confidence. This created extreme feelings one way or another towards them that is felt well into adulthood. Sun conjunct Mars in synastry means that two persons will feel an undeniable sexual attraction for each other. Mars can also really push 4th house out of their comfort zone and encourage them to act on the issues around their home and family, especially if sits close to the IC. Both of them may share many activities, work matters included. The Mars conjunct ascendant synastry Where a conjunct synastry is present in two people's birth charts, there is an unusually strong connection and attraction between them. 7th house also represents open enemies, so an afflicted Mars might represent a love-hate relationship. Well I have the conjunction in synastry, in Capricorn. There is also a desire to see new things and travel together, or they may meet through travel or education. Mars and Pluto are very intense, and when they merge in conjunction, you can expect all sorts of things to happen. Partners Mars energy in the house of career can be a beneficial thing, especially if the house person is more career focused. Soft aspects from yin planets and bodies, such as Venus and the Moon, can help smooth over rough edges. If it was the reverse, moon conjunct mars in Capricorn, Mars would be exalted, well behaved and the moon would be in the sign of its fall, so weak and acting in a detrimented way. It is almost like both people are threatened by the others drive and success, and the more success one person gains, the further away they become from the relationship. Mars in 9th House synastry relationships are formed between people who are dynamically active and developing in spiritual, intellectual, scientific, cognitive, and social spheres of life. When Mars in Earth and Mars in Water people interact: there can be a conflict between realistic plans and dreaminess. For those with a strong Mars or Aries presence in the birth chart, this ego drive is particularly strong. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. With Cardinal signs ruling the Mars Square Mars Synastry aspect, there will be a lot of explosive fights as both people want the other to bend to their way of doing things. How they can benefit each other: Earth Mars can give Water Mars some practical and useful tips on solving problems, while Water can teach Earth to consider the feelings of others when formulating plans. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. This is a less volatile and frustrating aspect than Mars Conjunct Mars Synastry, and may lead to fewer fights and resentments. Mars in the 2nd house overlay: With Mars in the 2nd house overlay, the Mars person will likely affect the house persons finances and self-confidence / self-worth, for better or worse. But overall, this position invokes feelings and memories related to growing up and is good for building a family and enjoying activities with family. Mars person will try to bring out 12th house matters to the surface, this can be a good or a bad thing for the house person. These two people are very much alike. This video is about Moon conjunct Mars aspect in synastry. On the other hand, there is a power struggle, and if partners are not on the same page, the constant push and pull may strain the relationship. Mars can encourage 3rd house person to be more assertive and confident in their communication. You might also need to be active with one another, as excess energy may turn sour if not channeled well. They have a strong sense of self and are good at making decisions quickly. When one person's Ascendant conjuncts Mars of the other, the Mars person feels immediately turned on only by looking at the Ascendant person. What gets them out of bed in the morning? Here are some ways that these two individuals can connect and grow together. A soft aspect with the Moon or Venus can help. Synastry:SunMarsAspects He published paperback Almanacs from 2011-15 but began posting his prognostications online last year, referring to his collection of weekly, monthly, yearly essays and daily delineations as The Online Almanac. As a result, house person may earn OR spend more money with the Mars energy entering in their 2nd house. In addition, their respective energies provide a huge contrast that is hard to mesh easily. The 12th house is about secrets, fears, the subconscious . Both the Sun and Mars are very masculine energy planets. Water Mars enjoys experiences that allow them to connect with their partner, while Fire Mars is far more excitable and self-centered in their expression. Mars in Fire people (that is, those with Mars in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) are generally quite passionate. JUNO in CANCER indicates he wants someone to make a home with, perhaps a partner for . mars on asc= very strong connection and attraction.the mars person might even be controlling of the ascendant person cassanra Well-known member One example of this is with Mars in Scorpio. Once you answer these questions, you can make a clear and confident decision as to what you want your next steps to be. Virgo Synastry:AscendantNorthNodeAspects, THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & ATTRACTION: ARTICLES & GUIDES. Since Mars is a fiery planet, it craves novelty and excitement. Water Mars intuits his/her way through problems, while Air is endlessly analyzing and considering all sides of a situation. If the stronger mars placement of Mars Opposite Mars Synastry aspect learns to back off and give the weaker placement time to come to terms with things, and the weaker placement learns to speak up and say their truth, they can learn to compliment each other well. Capricorn The partnership of Mars and Uranus has full of adventures, excitement, and unpredictability. How they can benefit each other: Earth Mars can help Air Mars handle the details of everyday life, bringing some practical value to Airs many theories; Air can stimulate Earth to think in objective terms. Verbal arguments can become an issue, and the Mars person may not have patience for the house person when communicating with themperhaps thinking they communicate too slowly, ineffectively, or otherwise. When Mars Square Mars Synastry aspect happens in cardinal signs, there is a tendency for both partners to want to take the lead in the relationship, which may lead to power struggles. Water just knows things instinctively, while Air looks to the world around them for answers. If this is a sexual relationship, there can be an impressive level of understanding between you. Although they generally arent as flexible and polished as Mars in Air, they do employ tactics and often use roundabout ways to fulfill their desires. The house person will likely easily accept the Mars person for who they are, and see them as a natural friend or ally. Austin Coppock is a writer, esotericist and astrologer based in Ashland, OR. Allowing one another the freedom to pursue separate interests is also important. Sexual attraction is felt on a subconscious level for the 12th house person. However, this aspect is not doomed to failure. Fearful of confrontation, one person may withdraw while the other becomes even more forceful. Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. The key is to come together and express yourself, where a physical connection is also important, but not necessarily constant. How do they go about getting what they want? Mars and Uranus are not shy to be vocal about . When you're emotionally down or drained, your energy is nonexistent. When Mars in Fire and Mars in Earth people interact: there is often a conflict between creative instincts (Fire) and physical desires (Earth). On the negative side, if Mars is heavily afflicted in the synastry chart, the Mars person could become a financial drain on the house person. juno conjunct mars synastry 27 Feb. juno conjunct mars synastry. With Mars Trine Mars Synastry Aspect, both partners feel understood, but not overly understood to the point where communicating is in vain. In working relationships especially, there can be a need to work independently before coming together, as joint efforts can stimulate impatience. When your progressed Mars enters Cancer, you go from a period where your energy was more scattered, to now having energy that's calmer and more focused. The Mars person can help the house person to stand up for themselves in communication, and the Mars person will appreciate the way that the house person thinks, speaks, and communicates. 12th house Mars in synastry does not mean your relationship is doomed. Water reminds Fire to be sensitive to others in their actions. The Moon person completely trusts the Ascendant person. It is considered an important and positive position because it represents a bridge between elements, providing ideas to make things happen. Mars conjunct Mars in a natal aspect is an opportunity to redefine and breathe life into personal projects. Synastry:SunPlutoAspects Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts There is a large amount of sexual energy, which may be the ruling factor that brings these two people together at the beginning of the relationship. The person will always be warm to touch, and will feel hot all the time. Neither person will bend to the others way or point of view in a Mars Square Mars Synastry aspect, and neither will apologize at the end of a conflict. Synastry:SunJupiterAspects If Mars energy is not handled well, its presence in 7th house can feel quarrelsome and hostile, riddled with commitment issues. Received well in 2nd house, things could get really irritating for the house person more! Excellent for all kinds of mutual goal-achieving 3rd house persons siblings very intense, and severe problems arise from.... Virgo synastry: VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts the house of career can be a conflict between plans! For all kinds of mutual goal-achieving and when they merge in conjunction, you can make a clear and decision! You looking for aspect that is self-destructive will fight a lot even start business ventures together or. Likely easily accept the Mars person and admire how theyve managed their own issues... 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