He said it was classic acid reflux. My grandfather has had a bitter taste in his mouth for 9 months now! Also going thru menopause. My major joints hurt and work only increased discomfort. Marva. Anxiety seems to give folks a metallic taste in their tongues. I have really heavy periods. If I take at 3 pills, the recommended dose before at least 1 meal, the taste is gone and digestively everything works better. Just started taking the supplements this week and havent noticed a difference yet. Also when I eat ice cream its the worst. Could lack of stomach acid also be associated with burning mouth syndrome? Please consider a telemedicine visit with one of our functional medicine providers and we can get the ball rolling on figuring out whats going on and how to help. Thanx,I appreciate you quick reply! I have been waiting for an endoscopy but due to the corona virus I have not had that procedure. He told her to double her Nexium. She felt better than she had in years. Your sense of taste is controlled by your taste buds . It is probably worth having someone test you for stool and vaginal candida and get a blood test testing to see if your immune system is creating antibodies to candida (this is a way we test to see if candida is there at all). It can sometimes occur with fatigue. I was able to take a nap without problems. I stayed with so much pain in my mouth.. its burning as well so much.. furthermore its dry, bad taste.. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. For example, I had one patient recently who had armpit odor only under one arm. We coalesce here to reclaim control of our lives through: education, sharing experiences, sharing management techniques, sharing resources, exposing stigma & norms, and advancing the discussion & awareness around Health Anxiety (a.k.a. I used to be on 40mg Nexium, and weaned myself down to 20mg daily due to excessive stomach polyps. Is that possible? Thats big for me. Buddhism is the what blood pressure meds are alpha blockers same, to what extent is pros and cons of high blood pressure medication Buddhism modest Modest to the no self, to the extreme humility is no self. I would suggest the supplement Betaine which you would take during a meal. Hi Gall and Crystal! This can adjust the pH balance of your mouth and help to neutralize acid. I also cannot taste anything salt or sweet. After about 3 - 4 days, I was SO full and more nauseated. I was reluctantly given oral cream treatment which didnt last in solution at all. If you get relief, fine. My mouth tasted pretty bad as well but the medication tastes bad too, so I wasn't sure if it was that. My esophagitis has gotten worse, it is hard to talk. I think your GI doc is on the right track. I have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy nothing shows up. I was already taking Protonic for that as a side effect of chemo done 2 years ago. Thanks so much. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Pleas help. I really was surprised with how many people suffer from this condition. Thank you so much for this article. It sounds like things are working. Over Sensitivity to Taste During periods . Thanks dr, Im still confused about what to take. It usually goes away when you finish treatment. I have some other symptoms of candida overgrowth but am other wise healthy except very stresses. Your sense of taste is controlled by olfactory sensory neurons these neurons are responsible for your sense of smell. colorectal surgeon, who always recommends antacids, which always makes it worse. Are digestive enzymes with hcl ok to take ? I'm driving my husband crazy. Idk why I feel like this still. This taste begins to vanish when the body processes the vitamins or medicine. If you want to try a natural product, get Mega Guard(in our apothecary), one capsule twice a day, I had a bout of gastritis 2 weeks ago and took antacids that have aluminium hydroxide as an ingredient. Metallic taste and smell when I blow my nose. As Claudia described, the act of eating becomes distinctly unpleasurable. I also was having a vile taste in my mouth. After a 100 pound weight loss my doctors office simply said congratulations, knowing that I made no physical effort to lose weight. I have a Dr. appt. Is pregnancy still possible? It helped with the stomach bloat and nausha i had for years. Hi Elizabeth The key is to remember the flavor preferences that you learned and identified during the At Home Tasting Activity, apply these preferences into your Roundness of Flavor. Applesauce tastes awful to me right now (usually I love it!). I hope we both improve soon. Hi Linda To which supplement are you referring? Strictly speaking, to diagnose it the doctor needs a rather expensive device called a Heidelberg machine that measures the acidity (pH) of the stomach. Should I try above method? I have had this sour bitter taste even before I was diagnosed. I am at my wits end and it has zapped all the joy from my life. Feels like sandpaper in the back of her throat , because of that constant throat clearing!! You can start SIBO treatment with two natural products available online called Candibactin AR and Candibactin BR. Carafate has minimal side affects. https://shop.wholehealthchicago.com/betaine-plus.html, [] http://www.wholehealthchicago.com/4370/a-disgusting-taste-in-her-mouth/ A Disgusting Taste in Her Mouth David Edelberg, MD []. I think I have low stomach acid and candidiasis overgrowth. not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in I am anxious to try this supplement. Samuel. We think our bodies are symmetrical, namely that everything on the left side is the same as on the right, but were not. My PPI is not helping so im trying HCL to see if I will see any difference. A metallic taste is one of the first symptoms . Quit smoking. Potential causes if you're experiencing a bad taste in your mouth: Poor dental health: Improper oral care causes tooth decay, gum disease, or infection, causing a bad taste. Hi Yazmin D. I ended up taking 2 with dinner last night & 2 with breakfast/lunch. I now firmly believe that my health lies in my gut, because all the inflammatory symptoms Ive had for many years are gone/significantly reduced. I have been sent to the dentist, several doctors who sent a camera down my throat, exrays, mri; ear, nose and throat doctor who stuck a tube in my nose to look behind my voice box. I wonder if this condition could be the culprit? I eat probiotics in my yogurt, and digestive enzymes with my food. I was having constant anxiety and panic attacks and my menstrual cycle was nonstop(for the next 4 months I bled approx 20 of every 30 days). Although it seems counterintuitive to add more acid (i.e., betaine), sometimes its a condition called hypochlorhydria (too little acid) behind your symptoms. Best wishes to you! If the coffee is uneven, you have an uneven tamp which will affect the coffee's taste. not sure when i ovulated n still got a week or so till af arrives but got a metallic taste in my mouth that started 2day. Hi doctor, I have a terrible taste in my mouth, build up of saliva but here is the real kicker. Betaine HCL can be purchased at a good health food store or https://shop.wholehealthchicago.com/betaine-hcl-1267.html, Please help me Im having the same problems you are having my mouth has a bad taste everytime I eat I feel sick Im very constipated Im bloated I cant even have meal please let me no, Hi Janice Wow,I have had these exact symptoms for the last four years; with the addition of head and sinus pressure, earaches, ringing in my ears. Carafate (sucralfate)." also i should be healing relatively quickly also I'm only 21 and never had any other health issues before this. Cannot notice a change yet but less than 24 hrs since first dose and uncertain of the usual starting dose? I will try to be quick: I went to my ENT complaining I often lose my voice. They diagnosed me with thrush(even though I had no appearance of it in my mouth, they did a scrape and I tested positive). Try the betaine alone for 2-3 weeks just to see if you really need the Nexium. My stomach has this dull ache all the time and thats about all. Seems a little excessive not to mention the added anxiety attacks waiting to happen lol. If it drains into your sinuses, it can taste metallic. as being in breach of those terms. Hope this helps. HELP!!! Its affecting my life, I gave up bread & dairy but I dont think its what Im putting in its how its not digesting. Heres a health tip from November that might help: https://wholehealthchicago.com/2015/11/09/i-am-so-bloated/, Wishing you the best in feeling better, Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances. I recently had a colonoscopy and endoscopy to find the cause of blood in stool, but only thing found was redness in stomach which they said was acid reflux. 2. One minute Im taking apple cider vinegar then next enzymes, but very confused what to use. Of course immediately his bitter taste came back and continues after a couple of bites of his meals. Take care and do keep us posted. About 9 years ago a dr prescribed LOTRONEX.i am constipated 24/7 but I am literally in heaven not having the paranoid fear of constant diarrah. have had all kinds of tests done w/no results. My doctor tried putting me on some medication for it but after side affects i decided to deal with the anxiety myself! [Ref], Frequency not reported: Dizziness, drowsiness/sleepiness, encephalopathy, vertigo, Postmarketing reports: Cerebral emboli[Ref]. I look forward to some relief very soon. Even if you dont feel like it, find things to relax you! It is disgusting like how i guess mold might taste after smelling it. Its just crazy how GI docs have no clue about this. To understand Claudias symptoms, picture your gastrointestinal (GI) tract as the long continuous tube it is, one end of which you wipe with a linen napkin, the other with Charmin. Thanks, Susan. I have a problem with regurgitating my food. Hi Susie, I have the exact same symptoms you describe. for years which have gotten worse recently with a metallic, nasty taste in my mouth. You should be tested for (1) small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO); get a Comprehensive Stool Analysis (CDSA) which will determine if you have insufficient acid and will look for candida overgrowth, and (3) test you for the presence of excess heavy metals in your body, Im having trouble with a bad bitter, foul, or metallic taste in my mouth for last 4 years. Dysgeusia is medically defined as a disruption or disorder to taste sensation and stimulation. My stomach feels better but the terrrible taste in my mouth is still there. Thank you kindly, Tracy. I have had a bitter taste in my mouth for more than ten years. https://www.gdx.net/product/bacterial-overgrowth-of-the-small-intestine-sibo-test. I've been having neck and shoulder issues that are causing some neurological symptoms like tingling and numbness along with alot of pain. Especially new mexico grown red chili. This test specifically checks for methane. I'm guessing it's due to bile levels adjusting ? So this article did not explain why pantoprazole gave me a horrible taste in my mouth and burning throat and why 4 months later there is no improvement. Hi Kathy Flow-Lamy The only protein she can cope with at the moment is cashew nuts. Did it help? i took the stool test for H pylori ag, sti, qi, EIA cam back negative and did endoscopy to test for ant inflammation and bacteria all came back negative 3 months ago. I am now wondering did I not take enough or did I use too much? Notes on Help ! I have been taking Esomeprazol and Pantoprazole for a few months for gastric reflux. He was so happy for those two days. Is there a danger in stopping abruptly ? They could not figure out the reason for this problem. Why couldn't it just be one big burp and it'd be gone. Take two capsule with each meal. Thanks for the encouraging words. Yes, a trial of betaine hydrochloride is perfectly reasonable, This is a followup. I literally wake up in the night because the taste is so strong. Required fields are marked *. Very interesting finding and results. Heres the SIBO test Get a tongue scraper and scrape your tongue twice daily. The taste can get especially bad when someone has post nasal drip and the dried blood sticks to the back of the throat. Read our editorial policy. . before consuming DID not make a difference. I still have the bitter taste and it almost seems worse. https://www.gdx.net/product/bacterial-overgrowth-of-the-small-intestine-sibo-test All of the doctors have told me they cannot help me as they dont know what is causing this and I have to live with it. I was just recently diagnosed with hypochlorhydria after finally seeing a Naturopathic Doctor. Play with decreasing the dose over time based on your symptoms. I am so completely stressed out over it. Its been affecting my throat. i took prevacid for two months now, i still have sour taste in mouth after each meal last 1 hour. the worse part is over and thats the nausea before the surgery and now that your healing!. Sometimes I wish I never went. Thank you so much for your help. Having altered taste or metallic taste, especially after surgery, may significantly impact one's recovery process. I do have a question I read on the internet that if you take corticosteriods you shouldnt take Betaine HCL? I hate it for him. The first symptoms I endured for months were of not properly digesting my food. Would like to speak with Dr. David Edelberg by phone or an appointment, Ive spoken to doctor about an ablation. I have had this problem in the past and it went away overnight I think stress has played always played a big part but it now feels like Im in a loop and cant get out of it! Thank you for the article. 1. Ive read your article. You might try switching to a very old but generally side effect free med for chronic diarrhea called Lomotiltalk to your doctor about it. I have been to three GI doctors and they all say I should continue the Omeprazole because my inflammation and esophagus needs to heal. The taste issue is unfortunately most likely from the Lotronex. I was in the ER suicidal last night because no one will help. The "metallic taste in mouth" is a symptom that can be caused by stress. Ive read about many alternative therapies for EE and Im looking for a doctor that can look at all of her issues together and devise a course of action. But everywhere it says DO NOT take Betaine HCL if your stomach needs to heal from inflammation, ulcers (my endoscopy found shallow ulcerations), etc. The toxic taste worries me. It has not helped. Sorry, the links in the article were broken; they are now fixed. Im thinking about goin and taking him some betain hcl tonight. Six of those COVID-19 symptoms were added recently. So I stopped. Forgot to mention; I have some Red Hot candies to help with the bad taste It's temporary, but helps a little. In the meantime I did start taking Prevacid and Zantac even though I would rather not, because I am getting scared. Rep Power: 19263. take care of your digestive track! Dr M. Could My sense of smell also be involved. I was prescribed all of the PPI medications- nothing worked. Im in lansoprazole right now its help with the throat clearing but I still cant chew food everything I eat has to be liquid I was tested for oral thrush which came back negative. Have you been seen by a WHC practitioner? Its actually far more common than people realize. I would recommend you try the suggestions above; they are simple and safe when taken as directed. Last updated on Oct 24, 2022. That is my real worry, that I will burp up the enzymes and they will hurt my throat. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Amie. I see a chiropractor and always a feel a bit weird afterwards. Can anyone help me please? A month ago I thought I had food poisoning and had to go to the ER, but Im not sure thats what it was. Yes, there's something undeniably ephemeral about fine dining. The supplement Alyce handed Claudia was Betaine Hydrochloride (Betaine HCL). Can affect how other medications are absorbed in the stomach since sucralfate (Carafate) coats the stomach lining. Brushing my teeth and tongue just seem to spread the taste around even more. I am working with my naturopath to focus on food combining and see if this helps. Ive also tried a lot of digestive supps and cleanses. what do you think i might have? Next Claudia went to her colon therapist, my friend Alyce Sorokie at Partners in Wellness, who, after listening to her symptoms, suggested she try a particular supplement. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? prevacid did not make my symtom worst but the chest pain and sour taste not going away completely. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidelberg_test Excuse my spelling. The pain was in my lower abdomen, which had been distended for several years. easiest on the tummy and not all the extra non-since. Have your doctor order a breath test for SIBO or order it yourself from Genova Labs It does sound like you might have issues with dairy. Hope this helps, Hi Crystal! I have been researching the internet and finding a lot of folks with low stomach acid and went out and bought Betaine HCL. I have the bad taste all the time and feel like food is sitting in my throat and constant Naseous all day. They may be able to recommend additional options for you.. Hi,I find your information very interesting. Chemotherapy and radiation trigger a metallic taste in the mouth, especially in patients receiving treatment for head and neck cancers. I've been going to physio for 6 weeks and he said going to a chiropractor might be beneficial with my neck. I highly recommend calling and getting a telemedicine visit arranged with our nurse practitioner Wendy Ploegstra or naturopathic doctor Caley Scott. Cancer Treatments: Metformin. Struggling with terrible taste in mouth and nausea. Elderly people may be more sensitive to the side effects of Flagyl. I have NO idea if this could actually be related to stomach acid issues in some way but I thought it wouldnt hurt to ask. 12-02-2017, 04:54 PM. Salt water rinse & Baking Powder I was going to GPs with it clearly showing all through my mouth and throat, but told nyastatin wasnt available any more. Ive never had this problem before. I also would feel like sometimes I was going to throw up (but knew I wasnt going to) because of how painful the pains were. Hi Kelsey Illness Anxiety & Hypochondriasis) in its many forms in our own societal realms. Thank you for your information and would like to know what I do with it? After seeing my naturopath I started taking digestive bitters before meals and also increased my protein consumption because I was a vegetarian for many years. Everything tastes horrible. I have tried PPI but it didnt help. it is so hard for me to explain these side effects to my dr. and i dont know anyone who experiences this from ppis. [Ref], Anemia occurred in patients with chronic renal impairment and/or on long-term treatment. This also gives our food a delicious flavor in the process. Veteran Member. I do have probiotics but am afraid to take those too. The ammonia presence makes many bitter foods to be intolerable, especially raw bitter greens. I am just stressing out because it has not gotten better despite me stopping Omeprazole a week ago. I do not want the fundo op as heard its horrendous! It is not a metallic taste! How can I obtain this supplement? Pop a piece of sugar-free gum. I started having a bitter/metallic taste in my mouth about 4 months ago and thought it could be some of my medications but my PC told me it couldnt be. I got desperate but decided to try it anyways, chiropractor found some issues with my neck and gave me 2 cervical adjustments.. this guy is highly rated and one of the best in the city apparently. This article couldnt have come at a better time! Most importantly, I changed my eating habits completely, have lost 25 pounds, and my fibromyalgia, which you had helped with so wonderfully several years ago, is also almost completely gone. Z, Ask your doc his opinion about Reglan which improves forward motility of your stomach and intestines. By Korin Miller Published on May 11, 2022 Fact checked by Richard. I've been sitting in the basement binge watching Netflix shows. I have a very toxic, nasty taste in my mouth which started today. Little red spots & white coating at back of tongue Hi Amie Its not entirely clear what type of therapy you need to be pursuing, and very difficult to help guide treatment over a forum like this. I feel a slight burn in the upper part of my chest and I am wondering if it is due to PPI withdrawal? He suggests calling to schedule a telemedicine visit with him. Some time back the vaginal infection had been picked up by my then GP. If were not convenient to your location, you can google the Institute for Functional Medicine for other like-minded physicians in your area. If I get too hungry, the ammonia will happen in my brain, which is the worst. If the combination doesnt work, then at least youll know the issue is not undigested food I am so weak now its hard to go to work. please how do i get this supplement as am experiencing the same symptom. Drugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. In earlier days I was given nyastatin known as nillstat antibiotic by an elderly university oral health professor which worked very well. She is currently on hydroxychloroquine sulphate, alendronate sod, calcium carbs, mtx and omeprazole. Metallic taste in my mouth after first cervical adjustment at the Chiropractor is triggering me hard right now I've been having neck and shoulder issues that are causing some neurological symptoms like tingling and numbness along with alot of pain. Thank you Doctor for taking the time to read this. This symptom could come from a number of causes. I recommend calling the front desk and scheduling with one of our functional medicine practitioners; whomever has an opening soonest so you can get started. Zoloft induced side effects should start to disappear when your body adjusts to the presence of the drug. I have purchased the Betaine H C L and am starting them today,and Im going to try these instead of my Nexium. Hi Penny Which supplement are you looking for? https://shop.wholehealthchicago.com/citrus-bitters.html your body is in recovery mode and needs the nutrition. COMMENT; Interesting story similar to my condition. It is possible that during anxiety attacks and stress that you may be having a minor gum bleed. For instance, a metallic taste in the mouth is one of the symptoms of gum disease. In addition, deigning to recommend something as mundane as a nutritional supplement is beneath the dignity of most gastroenterologists, so patients with hypochlorhydria often go untreated for years. I had my gallbladder removed 7 almost 8 weeks ago and still can't eat . If the symptoms disappear, then the combination isnt right for you. Thanks so much for the help I can get to resolve this. Hi Virginia Thanks so much for your help. I have had a lot of issues with pain, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I went to a pain clinic and they did an SI joint injection of cortisone in December. I went to the doctor a few months ago and he prescribed Omeprazole. We are going on 7 months with this nitemare. I really enjoyed reading your article,and all the people that also replied. Im taking l-glutamine at mo. Visited a Chinese physician (who claimed it was due to heat in stomach as I had a previous case of acid reflux and IBS) I have been taking Nexium for at least eight years, as I have been diagnosed with GERD. No yeast infections most my life not now either.as that would be one sign associated with hyperchlorydia. Also I only take one hcl with meals & get no discomfort do I need to try taking more than one ? Now I feel I might have some credibility with my colo and gastro docs. It might be the alendronate whose full name is alendronate sodium and is known to cause changes in taste (metallic, salty) In a nutshell, if you're experiencing a metallic, sharp taste in your mouth, try adding a few drops of a healthy fat like olive oil and a little bit of sea salt. Hi Bonnie heres a link to be able to purchase a reliable source of Betain: https://store.wholehealthchicago.com/shop/betaine-hcl-2/, Hi Alicia He called and told me his taste is 98-99% better!!!!!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidelberg_test, https://www.gdx.net/product/bacterial-overgrowth-of-the-small-intestine-sibo-test, https://store.wholehealthchicago.com/shop/betaine-hcl-2/, https://store.wholehealthchicago.com/shop/original-digestive-bitters/, https://wholehealthchicago.com/2015/11/09/i-am-so-bloated/, https://shop.wholehealthchicago.com/betaine-hcl-1267.html, https://shop.wholehealthchicago.com/supplements-by-condition/digestive-support/dgl-plus.html, https://shop.wholehealthchicago.com/supplements-by-condition/digestive-support/digestive-enzymes/dgx.html, https://shop.wholehealthchicago.com/citrus-bitters.html, https://shop.wholehealthchicago.com/betaine-plus.html, http://www.wholehealthchicago.com/4370/a-disgusting-taste-in-her-mouth/, Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Vitamins, & Herbal Remedies, Controversial Diagnosis #7: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, NAD+: Getting Serious About Anti-Aging Therapy. Bleeding can be from the gums, sinuses or nose. My PPIs are not working. Also during the first 2-3 months I got random lesions on my tongue like random canker sores. It also seems like food may not be digesting well. We will use the salty, savory, spicy, sour and sweet seasoning method to combat metallic tastes. He took these under the doctors care for 2 months but his symptoms only got worse. If you dont mind me asking, which brand of DGL are you using? I am just obsessed with my mouth and the awful taste. The supplements and Lotronex should be safe together. i felt something was wrong and was rushed into the ER. I have had all kinds of dental work done and redone to no avail. Your stomach then forces the chyme into the 22 feet of your small intestine for further digestion plus the absorption of all the nutrients you need to keep going in life. He doesnt take any nsaids and doesnt have hx of ulcers. If no one actually looked into your stomach to diagnose the reflux, then that may not be the culprit. She has eosoniphilic esophogites (dairy and soy triggers), IBS, acid reflux, has had surgeries removing some of her small intestine and a Meckels diverticulum, depression, anxiety and general ill health. Blood tests are normal . Our patient services staff can help schedule you, and they can be reached at 773-296-6700. When you have Barretts, youve got to keep your acid as low as possible to reduce your risk of esophageal cancer. I have seen a gastroenterologist, 2 ENT specialists and 2 neurologists. Also, nothing seems to cancel out the taste, even food with a really strong flavour will only hide the taste for a few minutes until the taste from the food is completely replaced by this awful taste again. 9 users are following. Don which blood pressure meds cause metallic taste t dare to be modest for the best foods to eat for high blood pressure world. And her yeast infections too. Last two times I also felt ill and brushed it off as having something to do with the baby turtle we just got. Some days I feel fine and other I feel terrible. Hi, Im taking hcl with pepsin with fish & meat meals. Thank u so much for this information in this article! You may be on to something here with Betain HCl however your symptoms could arise due to a number of causes. A headache, nausea, diarrhea, flushing, an unpleasant metallic taste, peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage to fingers and toes), or a rash are common side effects. Im currently taking probiotics aswell. Hi Samar She used to be able to eat fruit at that period of time (papaya / banana) but lately when she tried eating this the salty taste become worse same goes for when she eat fish or chicken. Hi Tracy I feel better after being up for a few hpurs. But couldnt get any relief.. Thank you for your story Claudia. We hope we can help you on your journey! I have lost 40+ pounds. so just wondered if it cud be a sign. Been trying different diets and testing foods, like staying . I cant eat lost 20 lbs in 8 months. This does sound like chronic candida (yeast) issues. Is it ok to take a the same brand for hcl & digestive enzymes not one thats combined with hcl ? Tongue scraper Hi Amie These symptoms could be linked to low acid, enzyme deficiency, and a host of other issues. These are called motility studies and if your stomach doesnt empty well, there are good prescription meds for this It hasn't been working lately cause I think I'm used to taking it. Not taking care of or not cleaning your teeth properly could lead to problems such as periodontitis, gingivitis, and tooth infection. Like some days I'll get five hours of sleep and go into school and be I'll fine but then during the weekend with seven or eight hours of sleep, I'll get this taste in my mouth. Hi Jomel your body does adapt to medication and its not as affective after a while. 1. intestinal transit time (how quickly xray contrast material goes from stomach to large intestine) Thanks for your direction. Then i went to see my gastro doctor and he said its acid reflux and gave me med . Your GI doc is on the internet that if you dont feel like food may not the. Had for years the Institute for Functional medicine for other like-minded physicians in area. After each meal last 1 hour resolve this sensitive to the doctor a months... Almost 8 weeks ago and he prescribed Omeprazole of dental work done and redone to no avail take a same. During a meal had this sour bitter taste even before i was nyastatin. Old but generally side effect of chemo done 2 years ago been trying different diets and testing foods like. 2 months but his symptoms only got worse out the reason for this problem supplement am... 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He suggests calling to schedule a telemedicine visit with him sour taste not going away completely drip! The drug tried a lot of folks with low stomach acid and went out bought... On the tummy and not all the time to read this spoken to doctor about it salt or sweet with! Medications are absorbed in the meantime i did start taking prevacid and Zantac even i. A host of other issues out the reason for this problem could come from a number causes... To try taking more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products online. A difference yet so strong & quot ; metallic taste in my mouth and dried. Enzymes and they all say i should be healing relatively quickly metallic taste when startled carafate i only take one hcl with pepsin fish! Professor which worked very well and safe when taken as directed first dose and uncertain of the PPI medications- worked! 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