You may be very correct on the retroactive success of sermons he gave before he was famous. Best Sermon What I Saw Jesus Doing in Heaven Will Rock Your World! He teaches, despite how it looks, dont give up on God. During this process, its often the case that a person is not a false teacher, as was the case with Larry Osborne. Age (Birthday): April 5. [9] On a more topical note, Michael Todd is one of the preachers that rushed to surround Kanye West following his actual? Osborne wasnt a false teacher, from the evidence compiled. You are making sweeping judgements without proof. The faith statement of Transformation Church affirms the teachings of false apostolic movements such as the Ladder Rain Movement of 1948 and the present New Apostolic Reformation. Shoot, I can not even qoute a scripture or reference anything other then what I feel from the holy spirit and my number one source,God. It's about supporting the mission in contending for the faith against false doctrines. This is true for discernment as well as other spiritual gifts. To give a little insight into an example you gave of false teaching, If you dont love yourself it is impossible to love someone else. The organizational connection between C. Peter Wagner indicates an alignment of theological views, as it relates to NAR. Pastor Michael Todd is pictured preaching at Transformation Church on Oct. 9, 2021. Jakes - Pursuing God Leads You To Your Purpose. JoinMonday Morning Church at Transformation church February-13-2023 Live Stream. This is an anti-biblical message meant to tickle peoples ears. Representing God to the Lost and Found for Transformation in Christ. Next, the point of ridding yourself of relationships holding you down youre projecting Ray. $40.45 RRP $44.95. His horoscope sign is Scorpio. He called Beyonce a prophetess in his relationship series.thats when I knew something was not right. In his sermons there are no manipulations in the financial themes, there are no promises of lifetime wealth and exceptional well-being. Each verse speaks that through God with obedience, we will lack nothing. I always find these kinds of sites to be counterproductive. Many pastors use humor in their messages. Will they not both fall into a pit? Thats some cringe attempt to be cool. Polyamory isnt pursued for noble reasons. [1] There is some validity to the Holy Spirit renewing our minds, but this does not mean we are immune to mental health issues. I would agree that Transformation Church is seeker-friendly. . Nancy. Its alright, God will drop one from the sky. Pastor Mike and TC do not teach this nor give false hope. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doi. 42How can you say, Brother,b let me take the speck out of your eye, while you yourself fail to see the beam in your own eye? I welcome judgement on the basis of Scripture. Keep going and have faith through your individual relationship w/ God, as He wants us to live the life He planned for us. Its my hope that you will one day be able to watch Transformation Church and see it for what beauty it is. Today, Pastor Mike taught us how to serve in the kingdom of God. Therefore, Jesus has no need to preach on self-esteem. He was just wrong on a few things. Listen as he encourages you to l. Lent and Contemplative - A Likely Match February 26, 2023; Announcing New Book Release by Warren B. Smith: EVANGULLIBLE February 23, 2023; Asbury "Revival"Letter to the Editor Raises Concerns About Possible Pre-Planned Exploits February 21, 2023 "True Revival in the Midst of Persecution" - The World Will Not Love "True Revival" February 19, 2023 (Photo: YouTube/Transformation Church) Michael "Mike" Todd, pastor of Transformation Church in Oklahoma, has taken to the internet to apologize for a "disgusting" sermon illustration that involved him smearing his mucus-laden spit on another man's face . Love is the commandment we are suppose to be adhering to not give reviews of other peoples faith walk. Again, Michael Jordan, Space Jam reaching Ray. Ok Jesus says to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. This is an important thing that you may not know, and may not understand about TC. Furthermore, there are people who SWEAR they love themselves but fail at loving their neighbor. Jakes encourage us that we all have a seed of greatness in us and that seeking first the Kingdom of God will lead us to our destiny. WE BELIEVE THAT, AS PART OF CHRISTS WORK OF SALVATION, IT IS THE FATHERS WILL FOR BELIEVERS TO BECOME WHOLE, HEALTHY, AND SUCCESSFUL IN ALL AREAS OF LIFE: However there is a glaring problem with this analogy to explain the Trinity. But the fact is, Jesus said to love our neighbors and there are zero conditions written as to why we cannot, EXCEPT as you love yourself. So, as humans, this very simple and direct commandment is always broken because as humans, maybe we subsequently actually suck at loving ourselves, truly. While hes viral now, that shouldnt be used as a nudge against him. If I lose a leg, He STILL died for me. We pray this message causes you to rise in your kingdom identity and sonship so that we can see heaven on Earth! In Crazy Faith, Pastor Michael Todd shows us how to step out in faith and dive into the purposeful life of trusting God for the impossible. Calling out someones sin when you refuse to repent is feigned care for that person. Hebrews 11:1. Brian S. Rosner. This got panned because Michael Todd used dry ice to represent water in a gaseous form. Amen, Michael Todd Sermons 2023. [5] Genesis 3. However since the original publish date, Transformation Church removed their statement of faith from their website sometime around May 2020, likely because of the link traffic from this site. Pastor Michael Todd, whose previous object lessons have raised eyebrows, recently jumped in a bed on stage during a sermon about relationships. The commandment was given with the assumption of self love. Michael Todd (March-05-2023) Sunday Sermon. God is the ONLY righteous judge. Maybe you should continue to pray about that issue rather than spending so much time pointing out the flaws in others. Do Not Judge Since the Bible is Gods word, then it takes precedence over us and our feelings. Why? In Michael Todd's sermon series, Anchored, Michael Todd teaches that your life needs His love. In 1986, C. Peter Wagner founded the American Society for Church Growth. Michael Todd is a pastor over Transformation Church based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. For those of this generation, a progressive style is necessary. This is not a precise definition. Now its imperative to remind you why Jesus ranks love God and love your neighbor as #1 and #2 of all the commandment. Furthermore, Joel Osteen is the most notorious false teacher in America present day. Its not prosperity. This unbiblical insertion into this passage ignores human nature preestablished in Scripture that Jesus is referencing. Now if we as Christians, applied love your self more to love your neighbors more, we would be encouraging selfish behavior because we would be ignoring the context of this passage and thus misapplying it to our own lives. 2. Thats selfish and Pastor Mike didnt preach that. Let's put our hands out toward God as a sign that we are ready to receive, tell God, "I'm ready to receive. If you dont, thats fair. This is not a church that will give you a message about the bible back then. 7 books216 followers. That Mike Todd video has so many layers of terribleness wrapped up in it, I don't know even where to start. Todd D. Whitmore. I want to be a better version of me, because I now know God wants nothing but the best for me. Adam and Eve wanted to be like God in rebellion. And if youre not married, youre not bound to staying if its not for you. Bishops were not mentioned on their site in that context, because Bishops were not mentioned in the passage of Ephesians 4. Today, we come submitted and committed to whatever you want to say to us God." Today, we're starting Week 4 of "Anchored." We honor God - up, down, and all the way around Advertisement Pastor Michael Todd is the lead pastor of Transformation Church based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mike Todd's Introduction Today we're starting week 1 of a series we're calling Cuffing Season Mike is grateful for this message; you'll likely come back to it for decades to figure . How old is Pastor Michael Todd? It is a source of joy to be trusted in such a way. MICHAEL TODD. The hocking and rubbing and spitting and deflecting. 2 Timothy 1:7 does not support this claim. Todd says he has no illusions that his church's success can be attributed to savvy marketing, great technological design or his own inspired preaching. I appreciate everything you are doing here. The analogy that got many peoples attention is when he used the three states of matter using water as an example. Michael Todd. Is true wholeness and immunity from diseases and problems in this life realistic? Learn more about why the Prosperity Gospel is heretical here. As youve stated, you think its negligible to focus on the loving yourself piece. So as Christians, we skip over that part and say Ok God, sure when it comes to loving our neighbors. His wife, Natalie is the co-lead pastor at the church. Is Marcus Rogers preaching the Gospel and is he legit? You hypocrite, first take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brothers eye., Dani, Joel Osteen (February-26-2023) Daily Devotional: The Reason for Happiness - Today's Inspiration Word. He went viral from his sermon series "Relationship Goals" which he turned into a book and study. Its about loving yourself less not more and loving other people more. Long at 91 minutes, many critics panned the drama as an exercise in narcissistic naval-gazing based on meandering . How can we love others if we do not believe we are His prized creation. | James Durham In summary, Ive read all your points and I understand where youre coming from. It's not about the money. UPDATE. It appears we understood the same thing. The world is evolving, but God IS and always will be. Jesus even had opportunities to power trip but he had a power flip and walked in righteousness instead. He never stated that you should be single forever. This off course presupposes that only one of the godhead is active at a single time. [4] Single, Not Alone: Relationship Goals (Part 2) Aug 14, 2017 Time stamp 13:00-16:00, 20:45-21:10. This premise is both incorrect and heretical. Only he can. . Pastor Michael along with his wife Natalie, has been the Lead Pastors of Transformation Church based in Tulsa, OK since February 2015. Go here to submit a request Pastor Michael Todd teaches to let God show you what you need to do when you feel stuck. The church also has female pastors which is not biblical. And if you still like our content, at least subscribe to the newsletter below. What you are spending time doing is unfounded. with preaching on grand concepts rather than specific . Ill tell you why it may not be. I though what Todd was saying about loving yourself was obvious. Stay Connected and TEXT MY CELL NOW (918) 201-1337. But you do not do that. Established in 1985. Furthermore Scripture tells us to follow Jesus, we must deny ourselves. Therefore, its not unbiblical. We learned that oftentimes we want to do what feels good, but we dont serve our feelings. Christianity keeps you hoping for a change but . First service we came back to was an evening service and Michael wasn't doing the preaching but Charles. This organization is currently named the Great Commission Research Network. Todd White ( Facebook/Todd White) Todd White's faith has changed quite radically in just a matter of months. He pastors at Transformation Church, a church founded by Gary McIntosh. BUT while we are HERE, trust God and His process, Also Pastor Mike teaches that through the choices we make and even sometimes were born into unfortunate circumstances that were not our choice, God is always with us. And Pastor Mike literally sounds NOTHING like Kevin Hart. A sermon is where a pastor applies exegeses to Scripture to teach to the congregation. The Relationship Goals series, for instance werent even real sermons. $31.45 RRP $34.95. Thats a choice and that your choice and my choice. Watch the Series. Thankfully you cant stop anything God is doing in this hour. Michael Todd, who leads the Transformation Church in Tulsa, is going viral after he . No connection between Gary McIntosh and ICAL have been found. And I hope one day you can see that this form of critique is not of God. God will bless you. Dont have a car? Its to live a life (through the choices we make) of wholeness WITH GOD. This is an extreme case, but loving Kanye even through all his antics since the death of his mother is no different. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.#tbn #michaeltodd #purpose I have an endnote where I address this [10] that links to how baby Christians are vulnerable to wolves. Water cannot be liquid, solid, and gas at the same time. You deserve a response, so let me go point by point. Advertisement In March 2020, Todd worked with the governor to lead a statewide day of prayer to protect Oklahoma against the coronavirus pandemic. Transformation church was founded by Gary McIntosh and his wife Debbie. [Sponsored Content] Please visit for more information about VINIA.On Transformation Church's sermon series, Crazyer Faith, Pastor. Recent Posts. TBN is the worlds largest religious network and Americas most watched faith channel. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be poured into your lap. Digital Assistant. In fact, he says his entire testimony served as a test of . Jakes join Praise to speak about knowing the purpose that God has for your life. Megachurch is also consistently used on this site to describe a motif rather than the size of a congregation. You said that. This message was antithetical to the Bible. That way, someone can come behind you and tell you how false a teacher you are too. Whew man. Even if I get sick, He STILL died for me. Basically who cares what you think about about feels they are called to do. Check out a Switch Bible plan in our free YouVersion Bible App: The Great AdventureCome experience Switch live on Wednesday nights at any of our locations. And I agree with everyone that says that its Gods job to judge. May 25, 2020. Listen in as Michael Todd joins Praise to speak about being faithful where you are and trusting God with the rest. Gary McIntosh would later serve as its president. . In fact, I believe that God doesnt discriminate at all we are His children (all of us). In addition, he celebrates his birthday on November 16th every year. Lastly, just to add a point your reference to Pastor Mike as sounding like Kevin Hart because of his humor is offensive and comes off racist. by Abby Olurin Dames | May 8, 2022 | Pastor Mike Todd, Transformation Church Notes. Today's Scripture: John 12:24, NLT - "Unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But it is real to the end user. Ill pray for you. He goes on to say your love for Jesus should be equal to your self love. In order to love your neighbor, as yourself requires that you love yourself too. Our mission is to create experiences at our campuses and online that lead students to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. There is nothing he has done that is beyond Jesus. PM struggles with attraction to material worth and personal vanity. WE BELIEVE THAT, AS PART OF CHRISTS WORK OF SALVATION, IT IS THE FATHERS WILL FOR BELIEVERS TO BECOME WHOLE, HEALTHY, AND SUCCESSFUL IN ALL AREAS OF LIFE: (John 3:3, 11: Romans 10:9-10, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21), (Isaiah 26:3; 2 Timothy 1:7; Romans 12:2)[1], (Isaiah 53:4,5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24)[2], (Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 34:10, 84:11; Malachi 3:10)[3]. Hi Tera I just watched it and I dont listen to Mike Todd because I was suspicious of him some time ago I think it was the Holy Spirit one time I was listening to him and he just said something that didnt sit well with me and I searched it up and found what I needed and Im not gonna take the chance thinking maybe it wasnt the Holy Spirit and Satan instead but I will not take the risk and trust that it was the Holy Spirit as well as why did he make that illustration with the spit that was so weird and a little unnecessary. We would not consider Transformation Church to be a legitimate local church. 9. But prolonged adolescence is good for growth because human nature is somehow different in the twenty-first century than in any other. This self-denial that Jesus calls us to is about us not acting on our own psychological egoism. Their hearts posture. Thats reckless. ; The Church was entrusted on Pastor Mike Todd and his wife Natalie Todd by the founder Bishop Gary McIntosh after 15 years of operation. Just as our phones need a cha. Furthermore these verdicts are only a fraction of the posts. For the most part people did not find themselves in their 20s like they do now. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons . It saved me. Psalm 34:10 is about the Lord providing daily, not becoming wealthy. Also to their mention of scripture for the Physical, it represents that through all the things Christ took up for US and to have courage to keep on going. 3,225 posts. Part of what we want to do in our Discernmentministry is to go beyond the low hanging fruits like a Joel Osteen or Paula White. I was a member when TC only had 400 members and he had been at the helm about 6 months. Progressive meaning adapting the method of teaching to the audience. Transformation Church was built with the megachurch infrastructure of Gary McIntosh. Todd, who leads the Transformation Church in Tulsa, received grossed out reactions from his congregation when he wiped his own spit all over the face of a churchgoer. Its worth noting that Transformation Church has a robust YouTube page which boasts both the influence and the need for discernment. Im not a Mike Todd follower and dont attend church there but I will say all the fingers youre pointing shows the underlined problem in you. Scripture references: Genesis 1:26 NKJV; John 12:26 NLT; Ephesians 3:20-21 NLT; Hebrews 9:14 NKJV; Matthew 6:33 NLT; Joshua 24:15 NLT; Matthew 20:28 NLT; Luke 22:24-30 NLT. This point also lacked any reals Scriptural support. He was appointed as Senior pastor by Bishop Gary McIntosh on February 15, 2015. It is likely that C. Peter Wager would have considered Gary McIntosh to be an apostle. It is flat out incorrect to say that Michael Todd does not teach the Prosperity Gospel. He teaches sound doctrine of Jesus Christ. Pastor Michael Todd was preaching at Transformation Church in . So many people struggle with self image and loving ourself (bc of our pride- since insecurity is also a pride issue), but saying that self love is unbiblical, I believe is missing the point. To let God michael todd preaching you what you think its negligible to focus on the retroactive success sermons. A progressive style is necessary into this passage ignores human nature preestablished in that! My hope that you love yourself too 400 members and he had been at the time... 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