He now faces a maximum penalty of life in prison plus a $100,000 fine. Here is something to ponder: compare a 1-mile area where 20 people live and one of those people was a serial killer who murdered 15 people over 15 years to a 1-mile area where 200 people live and 5 of those people killed 1 person each and were put in jail that same year. Before French there were other developers who were investigated by the FBI. GRAPH: Murders per 100,000 1980-2009 (Richmond, Virginia), DATA: Murders per 100,000 1980-2009 (Richmond, Virginia). It really is different here than it used to be. Theres no drop-dead release date there. Yes and no, McEachin says. I am not sure what changed, but I know i left in 2000.. Let me just also say this, these things wouldnt happen if the powers to be would be smart enough to drop this war on drugs policy and just legalize and regulate the stuff. Even had a bullet shot through our living room window but never found the slug. Just realized that the current 48 day stretch without a homicide in the city is the longest since at least 1980. WebFebruary 17, 1993 Three drug dealers responsible for Richmond's worst murder rampage were sentenced to death by a federal jury yesterday, the first time the federal death ''He asked her not to tell anyone about it, not to tarnish his ministry,'' Esther Brown said. There was a well known drug house directly across the street from me that was one of the distrubution centers for this gang. QUESINBERRY Jr. Monte Ralph There were more murders that April than in the first 6 months of 2010. Advertise With Us A lot of people around the neighborhood describe the streets as about as safe as the Wild West back in the days when drugs were the top priority for many in the community. * invasion of Haiti Again, good work chpn! Mental health specialists began seeing her at age four for her aggressiveness, hyperactivity, pulling out hair, smearing feces. Not just murders. Looking back, it was a @2020 - Church Hill Peoples News. Someone said things changed because of gentrification? Colette McEachin, Richmonds newly elected commonwealths attorney, started working in the prosecutors office in 1991. Ive pulled in Tabers table & graph: I find this data hard to believe. Message in a bottle travels more than 185 miles in Australia. @2020 - Church Hill Peoples News. Not all blacks raised in poor crime ridden areas are products of their environment. WebThe murder clearance rate hit an all-time low in 2020, and data analyzed by a nonprofit shows that trend continued last year. I then went to Franklin elementary to Elkhart Middle then to George Wythe High. Feb. 28 (UPI) -- A swimmer visiting a beach in New South Wales, Australia, found a mussel-covered message in a bottle that turned out to have traveled more than 185 miles. and got used to hearing gun shots and running away. * OJ Simpson chase In 1936, Richmond had 29 slayings in a city of 188,000. Copyright 2023 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Thanks for the superlative for Maymont/ByrdPark/Randolph. Surprising to me, the relation between the number of homicides and the number of assaults doesnt show as much of a relation as I wouldve expected. Everyone wore shower caps (whenever they were shown on the news, they always had on shower caps) and we turned off all the lights to make sure there was enough electricity for the deed. crack houses everywhere. I moved to Richmond in 89 and trust me, from 1990-1999, violence and crime was like that here in VA! Super article. wrapping yourself in a blanket of ignorance is the only way to keep stupid thoughts warm.good work and thanks nfor digging so hard. I rarely visit ( I am cross-country), because those sights, smells, and sounds do not go away. The search for Goins dominated the headlines in Richmond in the weeks before he was captured, seeming to take the focus of police and communities otherwise unable to stop the flood of violence around them. The lower Mosby housing development has great impact on this section of Church Hill even though that particular development is comparatively safe considering the other eastend housing developments in recent years. WebNo one was killed in Richmond in June 2010. Subscribe Crack and the early 90s, dems were tha days. I love being a Richmonder. WebIn February 1993, James Roane, Cory Johnson, and Richard Tipton were convicted in the Eastern District of Virginia for an array of criminal activity, including several capital murders, arising out of drug-trafficking operations in and near Richmond. CHPN focuses on activities and events at the neighborhood level, and on larger events with direct impact on the community. Over the shorter term or in smaller areas, homicide numbers in the city tend to vary considerably from period to period. (Some old news accounts reported 44 that year.) I was actually warned by the police to be careful because these guys monitor the police channel and know who is calling the police! There were reports of drive-by shootings done via bicycle as the shooter did not have a drivers license yet. I didnt move to Rmond until 1996. Back in the '30s and '40s, there were lots of domestic murders - women killing their wayward husbands and vice-versa, a good number of them getting away with it. Police justify fat budgets to fight such wars but is that worth the destruction it causes? I live at the corner of Mulberry/Parkwood and would have to agree that there has been insane improvements. In the 2 1/2 years since, weve had just 1. Reed Williams. After my parents divorce we moved uptown. Four points to consider: 1. I think Jake was actually referring to gun violence, stabbings, etc. I lived through the carnage of the early 90s in Richmond, although not on the hill. That would be hard to believe. Drugs passing through all the time, saw an attempted murder outside, a brother beating on his sister (different incident), us being harassed even trying to get in and out of our cars even with them walking right up to us. * Disney tried to open a theme park in VA Horgas was pondering this question the next day when he came across a teletype alert from Richmond that made his hands shake. This is the best start to a year for the 30 years that monthly records are available ahead even each of the last 2 record-low years at this date, and a whopping 59 better than 1994s count of 79 at the end of June. ''The guilty plea was an easy thing for him,'' said Christine Claiborne, a family friend of Thomas'. Wake up america. EVONITZ. It was reported locally, almost immediately, and then followed up by official information the next day and then a few days later. John is right. The vast majority of the victims that year were young black men, and they were shot to death. John do you know if this is true? "It's difficult to understand, frankly, how one human being can do that to another human being," he said. Feb. 28 (UPI) -- Firefighters in Georgia came to the rescue of a dog who fell into a storm drain and ended up stranded about 12 feet underground. She doesnt want to be around anybody, her mother told me. More than a dozen of them. Well-done!! Legalized drugs mean that people dont have to resort to violence to settle disputes. There were anomalies a fatal stabbing in a the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant on Grace Street, the murders of 2 elderly women in retirement homes, a body found in the canal by Tredegar Street but overwhelmingly the stories from 1994 are those of young black men found dead or dying on streets like Idlewood Avenue, Hull Street, and Afton Avenue. Each received at least one death sentence for his crimes, plus various terms of imprisonment. I have been shot at while walking along the park where the basketball courts are. Interesting walk back in time. Excellent work. Each of these quiet months has come in Thank you very much in advance. Nobody that lived here at the time is still here, except me. Shockoe Bottom has not been the same since the murders. There was lots of blame going around, including light jail sentences, environment, segregation and the legacy of enslavement. It certainly feels safer than it did 13 years ago. Lance Richmonds population hit a low of 197,790 in 2000 before starting to rise in 2010. Federal authorities accused the gang members of 11 murders during a 45-day span in January and February of 1992. Despite this overall trend, Richmond, Virginia. He then shot Thomas to death, doused her body with charcoal lighter fluid and set it afire, he said. And how do we keep that from ever happening again, in your opinion? She has also burned her maternal uncle's Bible and set his bed on fire.". but i was determined to live on my own and it was all i could afford. I get that, but in lieu of hard numbers, Im looking at the homicide rate as a proxy for the amount of general violence in the city. as a member of the infamous Poison Clan Posse i saw first hand some of the violence that took place back then and i can confirm what you guys are saying. So of course the stats would look like blacks were just killing each other and nothing else happened as far as crime. The decline since then has been steady and amazing, dropping down to 32 in 2008, and then spiking up more recently to 61 last year, with perhaps even a larger number this year. I havent been shot at for at least a month!!! Ive been trying to look into a homicide committed on august 14,1987..the victim was Jeff Davis, his killer was terry oconner page, I cant find anything on this particular homicide maybe because it was so long ago but if anyone can point me in a direction. Each of these quiet months has come in the last 8 months, and 2 of them have come in 2010. I must say how Richmond has come along way from back. the Murderpedia project stay alive. I really felt sorry for him. She then move back there. Monique was given 55 years. Caroline Cooke was one of them. Dog rescued after falling 12 feet into Georgia storm drain. Look at Portugal for an example. But Mrs. Cookes daughter and one of her neighbors fear that theres not enough oversight and control in the mental health system for someone as dangerous as Monique Anderson. Feb. 28 (UPI) -- Serial world record breaker David Rush reclaimed a Guinness World Records title when he threw and caught a fire sword 135 times in 1 minute. Yes there is violence, but you *cant* say that it isnt safer. This is way outside of my capability to self-fund. Out of curiosity, I crunched these numbers into the annual murder rate (FBI uses incidents per 100,000 population). * baseball strike They would collectively be called the Golden Years cases. A crocodile fights an elephant only to realize it may have bitten off more than it can chew. * Paper Moon tried to open on 18th Street The house we bought was not on the market and a friend at the time turned us on to it. In my opinion, Richmond has a history of overlooking white collar crime and its possible relationship to the street crime. Nothing seems to abate the obvious drug dealing going on at that stretch. I certainly did not have any idea of how dangerous the area was wow. The category of assault is fairly broad, perhaps there is a specific category or type of assault should be be pulled out for comparison. A startling picture in the December 1989 issue of Richmond Surroundings, this magazines predecessor, shows a mans body lying in bloody snow on Old Brook Road. I would like to further look into which areas of Richmond have seen these amazing drops in violence over the past decades, but the data required isnt readily available. Great research, and great job, John. No one was killed in Richmond in June 2010. Brown's 16-page confession, taped the morning after the Aug. 12 slaying, was summarized for the record Thursday in York Circuit Court after he pleaded guilty to Thomas' murder. Nine of the killings fell under the continuing criminal enterprise statute. I can ride down some streets and still remember how it was in my mind. They were both dead by 1985. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Briley_Brothers. The leaders of the notorious Newtowne gang were locked up in 1992 after killing 13 people in a furious month and a half. This was a great rendition of a small portion of how is was back then, the article did not seem negative to me but honest. To look at this a little bit, I just pulled the assault numbers for the past 5 years (going back to 2004 as the murder count was close to 100 that year). Drugs.. lots of em those years. We have many Spend a day in the ER at MCV and then you tell me honestly how you feel. I think local crime UNDER reporting is a valid concern: http://www.oregonhill.net/2010/06/20/laurel-street-stabbing-this-past-friday-night/. Subscribe Copyright 2023 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. and pray for the famalies of victims killed by my former associates. As of July 10, 2010, Richmond has gone 48 days without a homicide the 3rd longest period since at least 1980. At least I know the police are just around the corner and will be at my door in less than 5 minutes if I call (and Ive called before). Timothy Martin got a job in 2007 as a prosecutor for the Richmond Commonwealth's Attorney's Office. The Untold Story of the Harvey Family Murders Richmond, VA -- ( ReleaseWire) -- 11/17/2010 -- Cold Blooded, a chilling and shocking new book just released by Bookstand Publishing, tells the true story of the Richmond family that unwittingly harbored the infamous Harvey family murderers for six days in 2006. Those of you who think that nothing can be done for the neighborhood until crime is curtailed are mistaken. The alert detailed two recent murders on Richmonds affluent Southside. SPEIGHT, Douglas Christopher Unfortunately after they had hyped how great the area was he moved out after being robbed in his house at gunpoint. The six-woman, six-man U.S. District Court jury deliberated 11 hours over two days before returning the verdicts on the 17th day of the trial. The mother had to work two jobs while the father was out of the country working so the kids were on their own most of the time hanging with the wrong crowds. Unfortunately the RPDs online system doesnt break out Aggravated Assaults from Assaults and I dont have the desire to dig for it. This drop has given Richmond something previously unseen: the month without any homicides. The sheer number of killings on Southside in 1994 is shocking. We saw some crazy killers whose names became infamous like Pops Goins, teen-aged hit man Rakie Cloyd, and the Flax-Johnson crews. My rewards, in 2017, are all related to dancing in and out of the nightmares that dominated Richmonds realities. Based on my brief time here in 1997, I really, really had reservations about moving back. Yes, there are still guns and drugs in our neighborhood, but not like that anymore. A child psychiatrist testified that, starting at an early age, Monique was violent to small animals, including cutting off the ears of a kitten, killing a litter of puppies, throwing a puppy off a porch resulting in a broken leg, and placing puppies on a hot stove. The city was all-but killed by the skyrocketing murder rates during the crack cocaine years in the late 1980s through the mid-90s. The Hill is safer, but still not safe enough. Feb 6, 2012 Updated Aug 16, 2014. According to the Pew Research Center, violent crime rates fell over 50 percent from 1993 to 2015. richmond was dangerous. She had been strangled with a ligature and ratchet-type device. Because the information was pulled from news accounts, some of the dates and locations might be somewhat off, but are generally accurate. John, This was a great idea for several reasons. BLOODGOOD. Going with the lower number of 32 homicides in 2008, there were 3 months that year with no homicides: May, August, and December. Right now we have a shot gun victim, female, whos looks like shes going to make it. WebThe man who called himself Lawrence Vanner was arrested in September 2002, after police found Jun dead and buried under a pile of kitty litter in the basement of her East A neighbor saw guns being run out of a van around the corner by the barber shop recently mentioned at 27th and Marshall. I left Richmond in 1999. i found a body next to my car one time. I think if I spent my days in the ER of a Richmond hospital, especially MCV, Id probably doubt the safety of Richmonds streets too. And they eventually pinned four of the murders on a schizophrenic homeless man named Leslie Leon Burchart, one of the strangest and most pitiful humans I have ever interviewed. I am curious to hear what your opinion is on why the homicide rate went from 161 in 1994 to 37 last year. * George Allan takes office But it appears no one thinks 40 years in solitary confinement is going to help or reform one of the most disturbed young women this city has ever seen. There was drug violence across the country but because the news picked and chose what crimes to report on, the world only saw black on black crime and those stereotypes have prevailed to this day. Goins escaped the scene of the shooting and went on the run, leading to a manhunt by Richmond Police and the FBI that stretched from Virginia to New York. WebRICHMOND, Va. (WWBT) - Richmond Police are investigating after a woman was found dead with a gunshot wound in Gillies Creek Park. The number started rising in the mid-1980s and jumped to 100 in 1988. I spoke to Moniques mom recently, and she told me of all the treatment her daughter got, all the warning signs. Columbine happened in 1999. This city has so much potential. There have been a number of I am happy to hear that reality is gone. victims are at MCV doesnt mean the incident happened in Richmond. (I am 42 now and left Richmond in 2001 after a spiritual awakening). A real reporter would have editors and plenty of guidance and help. There were tons of good upstanding law abiding citizens living in all of the areas mentioned in the 80s and 90s. Richmond was known as The Murder Capital back then. RT @MRMark5: A compelling look at the record # of #RVA homicides in 1994: http://t.co/d7icBF8i0P The upside being the improvements since, b. i know people that killed and were killed. If I was grading this as an undergraduate research paper, Id give you an A. At one point during the year, the bodies were dropping fast enough to put the city on target for 182 killings by the end of December. The same stabbing in Oregon Hill or shooting up by Fairfield that doesnt make the news would be played differently were it to go down in Carytown. to keep expanding and making Murderpedia a better site, but we really so many drugs coming through the area. The historic low of 32 was achieved in 2008, with 2009 close behind with 39. With recent years showing the lowest body counts since 1961, the citys population back up over 200,000, and VCU having greatly expanded, it is difficult to imagine that mid-1990s Richmond was ever real. Ive heard a few things credited Project Exile, sector-based policing, better community involvement, and a national trend towards a decrease in violence. Since then, Richmond has also had the quiet months of February 2010 and June 2010. If you have any information, contact Henrico Police at (804) 501-5000 or our Cold Case Investigators at (804) 501-5304. When I told my uncle I was moving to Richmond 7 years ago, he was really concerned for my safety because of what hed heard. We had another one who was shot mulitiple times earlier in the week, yet the bullets missed every vital organ and the victim lives. Business owners on E. Broad and Grace Streets pulled down their security grates and walked away. I have a few ideas. * fire at St.James on Franklin Street I was around in the 90s and remember many of these murders. Sadly, many of the assault incidents appear to be domestic; conversely, the murders that are not happening in Richmond seem to be the street violence killings. She was a well-liked volunteer at St. Marys Hospital and a well-known animal lover on her Kensington Avenue block, where neighbors kept on eye on the 71-year-old widow. They occurred in homes, alleys, outside of pubs and pool halls. This was well known by the police who told me what do you expect when people on City Council are known cocaine users? I moved here in 1989, incidentally. Learn how your comment data is processed. Great reporting, John. The drug dealers cannot operate if there is no market for their wares. Robberies of individuals are also down 2 percent. Drug Decriminalization works. ''She wrote lists of things they had to buy to set up housekeeping in their apartment in Florida.''. Along with being notified when someone is killed in the city period, Id like to know when something happens at random (which does tend to be released quickly) or is unusual. I think Jake was actually referring to gun violence, but not like that anymore had about!, alleys, outside of my capability to self-fund drugs coming through the carnage of the early 90s dems... His crimes, plus various terms of imprisonment because the information was pulled from news,! The first 6 months of February 2010 and June 2010 murders in richmond va 1993 were both dead 1985.. Accused the gang members of 11 murders during a 45-day span in January February... 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