Colors that span outside of these may be cause for concern especially if paired with an unusual odor. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Then, the frequency will drop to 3-4 times a day after a few weeks. It could also indicate a more serious health issue such as Chron's disease or cystic fibrosis. The root causes are multiple, such as malabsorption, lactose intolerance, Crohns disease, teething, food allergies, and rotavirus. Lactose intolerance among babies usually depends on the milk they are being fed by using a baby formula which produces a vinegar-like smell. Frequency. However, there is no scientific evidence to back this up. Apple Cider Vinegar and Gastroparesis. Sour-smelling poop can also indicate a condition like Chrons disease, kidney disease, or Cystic fibrosis. it will stop ANY smell. ))) And depending on the babys diet, their poop will smell different. If youve recently made any changes to your babys dieteven small onesa new change in odor is probably related to those. They can also make infections more likely. In rare cases, foul smelling poop could signal a serious health concern in baby. If a newborns excrement smells like vinegar, your doctor may recommend a formula challenge under medical supervision in the hospital. Lactose intolerance can also cause gas, diarrhea, and bloating, so watch out for these symptoms. Food allergies If your baby has sour-smelling poop or poop that has some mucus or blood in it, he may have had an acute reaction to something he ate. To prevent this, always wash your babys neck folds, and try to bathe your baby regularly to keep strange smells emitting from the body at bay. Studies have demonstrated that BAM . Babies undeveloped digestive systems lack digestive microorganisms, or babies gulp air as they cry. Read on to better identify the reasons your babys diapers might be smelling like vinegar and what, if anything, you should do about it. Meanwhile, breastfed toddlers usually defecate after feedings. Why does my babys poop smell like vinegar? Some newborns intestines absorb so much milk as they develop that bowel movement decreases once a week, entailing the same defecation frequency. What Causes Poop to Smell Like Vinegar? Sometimes a viral infection can also cause poop to smell like vinegar. Depending on whether you breastfeed or formula-feed your baby, their bowel movements should typically smell pretty neutral. When blood is found in your stool, it may cause a metallic odor. Loose, watery stools typically resolve on their own within a few days, but babies are susceptible to dehydration as a side effect. And then monitor your babys poop; if it still smells like vinegar, talk to your doctor. If not treated, rotavirus infection can cause severe dehydration. This virus is most often spread through the fecal-oral route, so unhygienic practice while handling a baby can cause the spread of rotavirus. But if the smell persists, there could be the following reasons. Bacteria growing in the water heater can also produce a rotten eggs or sewage-like smell. Foods that can lead to a babys improper digestion and the production of vinegar baby poop smell are nuts and eggs. Baby Making Gasping Sounds But Breathing Fine: How To Deal, Waxing After C Section Donts And Dos You Should Know, Is It Fine To Feel Sore After Ultrasound? Since babies can not communicate, you may want to look for the following signs that they exhibit 30 minutes or 2 hours after breastfeeding or formula feeding, or solid food containing dairy. If your babys poop is loose and smells sour once or twice, there is nothing to worry about. Is Curdled Milk on a Babys Tongue a sign of Thrush? The causes of malabsorption can range from viruses, to parasites, to a genetic malabsorption syndrome. The most important thing to consider when your baby has a rotavirus infection is to hydrate them frequently. If your babys poop smells like vinegar and it also changes color by containing bits of blood in it, they are probably allergic to dairy products such as milk. In some cases, medical conditions may also be to blame. Celiac Disease refers to an immune response to gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. When a childs digestive system doesnt absorb food effectively, excrement might smell acidic. Babies and children with CF have problems digesting foods due to the pancreatic insufficiency. Learn how we can help 4.9k views Answered >2 years ago Thank 1 thank A 52-year-old female asked: or visit to the pediatrician is typically warranted if your baby has sudden changes in appetite or behavior, a persistent fever, vomiting for more than 8 hours, dehydration, constipation, or rashes. When babies' poop smell like vinegar, it usually indicates that certain nutrient from food did not absorb, the baby is lactose intolerant, or the baby has food sensitivity or allergies. However, it has even more causes, like lactose intolerance or carbohydrate intolerance. Diet is one of the most common reasons for stool to smell like vinegar. Baby poop varies almost on a daily basis based on the little ones state of health and the food theyve been eating. They can stop or slow urine flow, leading to a buildup of salt and ammonia. If they do, you will most likely switch to a new formula. If your babys poop suddenly starts smelling more intense and unpleasant, it could be a sign of something wrong. Gassy Smell. They can also irritate the digestive tract and cause baby to have poop that smells like vinegar and changes in how their poop looks. At the start of life, the good bacteria in the . If you consume a lot of acidic foods such as citrus fruits or tomatoes, this can give your stool a sour smell. Eating vegetables and herbs like asparagus, onion, and garlic can make a baby's urine to smell. Disclosure:This post may contain affiliate links. The one thing that isn't normal, is when a new baby has poop that smells sour or stinks up the whole house. Other symptoms associated with the disease are a phlegmy cough, lung infections, poor weight gain, fatty stool, and difficulty in bowel movement. When this happens, you need to observe your baby closely for other signs of illness or discomfort. Similarly, smelling dog poop in a real-life or in a dream means many doors of opportunities are opened for you to make a lot of money. The doctor may even do this in the hospital. Join our community to get answers to common parenting questions, guides, deals from our partners and much more! Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates. In other cases, diarrhea persists with an odor that may stem from dehydration. In addition, rotavirus can be found on surfaces like door knobs, changing tables, toys, and other hard objects for a long time. @OurMiracleNbr3, My first daughter had a yeasty smell that could also have been mistaken for vinegar. Changes in smell can be attributed to something as simple as a. . Cystic fibrosis is hereditary and can cause your babys poop to smell like vinegar or acidic. Urine has ammonia and can cause a distinct smell when mixed with poop. Baby poop can take on a variety of colors and scents, but green poop isnt normally something to worry about. If this only happens on occasion it's probably temporary. As aforementioned, various reasons/condition contribute to the vinegar like the smell in the urine. But when breastfed babies poop smells, something is wrong with their diet that you will need to investigate. Often C Diff is compared to the smell of meat that has gone off. However, there is a possibility of the babys poop smelling like vinegar due to the development of certain viruses that are accompanied by vomiting and an unusual dark color of the babys poop. There are also possible solutions for this problem, therefore preventing the parents from getting stressed and scared over their babys health. Cystic fibrosis is usually detected at birth, so you'll almost certainly find out if your child has it right away. When babies poop smell like vinegar, it usually indicates that certain nutrient from food did not absorb, the baby is lactose intolerant, or the baby has food sensitivity or allergies. The babys irregular process of digestion can also result in the poop being bigger than it usually is, accompanied by a vinegar-like smell. A vinegary or fishy smell paired with fat in the stool, blood in the stool, or unusual colors may be cause for concern, especially if it happens consistently. Not just the babys teeth coming in the wrong order make you get on your nerves, but you can get downbeat with other changes in the infants poop. Look out for other symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort. Because if they come in contact with other sick kids, they can get infected with rotavirus, a highly contagious virus. There are multiple reasons for vinegar-smelling poop that need to be eliminated. Here are a few reasons why baby poop may smell like vinegar. Your email address will not be published. Babies poop tells us about the health of the baby. Cystic Fibrosis. to keep your nose out for a super sweet smell like maple syrup or a rotten fish smell. This means giving antibiotics to treat infections in the bowel. Report any significant changes in your babys bowel movements to their pediatrician. It is a sign that you will get your lost money returned. Lactose intolerance is caused by the unavailability of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose into simple sugar, so it gets absorbed in the gut. Teething Theres no scientific data to back this up, but some parents say that theyve noticed vinegar smelling poop right before one of their little ones teeth popped out. Baby stools smell like that because most babies have an excess of acetic acid bacteria in their digestive systems when theyre born, which helps them digest breast milk and other fatty acids in human milk. 6. It is important that you speak with your pediatrician concerning which formula might work best for your baby to eliminate strong or vinegar-smelling feces. Diabetes mellitus may produce a sweet or "fruity" smell or, when a cat's condition has worsened, an odor similar to nail polish. Hey everyone !! Disclosure: Some of our articles contain links to recommended products or services in which we may receive a commission if you make a purchase. Vinegar-smelling poop can be a sign of a medical problem in your baby. My baby's poo smells like vinegar Usually a vinegar smelling poo is due to a tummy bug or if it continues longer than 1-2 weeks it may be related to digestion problems such as lactose intolerance or more commonly cows milk protein allergy. Factors like the foods you eat, hormones or medications can affect body odor. Yet by far, no scientific evidence has proven this. Should you wear a bra to bed when breastfeeding. Other symptoms include abdominal pain that gets worse when you eat or drink. While changes in the smell of the poop can be a sign of the bigger concerns identified above, those conditions all come with more objective and consequential symptoms, like extreme fussiness, failure to grow as expected, or trouble breathing. Your infant might not adapt to the milk youre giving him or, if breastfeeding, to the dairy you ingested and gave him via your breast milk. I surfed online for possible explanations, but there are so many options! Since diarrhea is moist and acidic, it may cause poop to smell acidic or like vinegar. As mentioned, however, the vinegar smell may be tied to an internal issue or may be linked to digestive problems, so if it continues and your baby seems to be in pain or is having other concerning symptoms, be sure to pay your babys doctor a visit. Rotavirusis a disease that can cause watery stools, dehydration, and vomiting, most commonly in children under the age of 5. These are potential signs of something being off . Chrons Disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that can impact either the small or large intestine. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. How to tell if the baby is lactose intolerant? Therefore, they inadvertently affect the baby. But when they have a Rotavirus infection, their poop smells like vinegar. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Some . After examining the different possibilities of the baby poop smelling like vinegar, it is time to go through all the different possible solutions in order to get rid of this problem. I this condition, the contents of the rectum like feces pass out of the vagina. This combination just doesn't smell very good. This method helps to eliminate the offending foods from the newborns diet. While they might cause diarrhea, they can also change the gas in your poop and create a smelly odor, he says. If your child is dehydrated, their urine is made up of more waste products than water which can make the urine have a stronger odor. 2. They are vulnerable and may have a diarrhea-causing illness. The vinegar-smelling poop may reveal whether the infants are intolerant to food or formula. Because breastmilk gets digested faster (thats why they poop as they feed), it does not stay in the gut for a longer time, hence does not accumulate bacteria which is usually responsible for smelly poop. Did you change formulas? Lactose Intolerance can cause your babys poop to smell sour or vinegary. If your baby poop smells like vinegar, its likely due to changes in his nutrition. Adult or child, your. How to make Breastmilk Popsicles for teething babies? You can also see mucus in the feces and sometimes even faint amounts of blood. I write on this blog as a hobby to help fellow mothers in their parental journey . Poop consists of undigested food, mucus, bacteria, dead cells and fiber. First, give it time to calm down (but not too long) and try making some diet changes, cutting out dairy products, changing his formula, or giving probiotics and see if it makes a difference. Baby Rotating Hands On Wrists When To Be Concerned? Adult or child, your fecal matter is the leftovers of anything you eat or drink. The symptoms of gastroparesis are: Nausea; Bloating; Heartburn; Vomiting If your babys poop smells like vinegar for a day or two and is not associated with other symptoms, you do not need to worry about it. Cystic Fibrosisis a disorder that causes damage to the lungs and organs as the body secretes mucus and digestive juices that are thick and sticky that thereby can cause a multitude of issues. That can be a sign of a severe digestive issue. Malabsorption can be the result of a virus, a parasite, an infection, or certain disorders. The prevailing theory is that recovery occurs when your damaged tissues repair themselves. A Mother's Feeding Habits. Malabsorption Malabsorption refers to the digestive tract's inability to absorb the nutrients the body needs. Manage Settings Baby poop can take on all sorts of unusual smells. Still, sometimes things are no longer normal with your babies. Gastrointestinal-bladder fistula (abnormal connection between the . Lets look into the possible reasons behind this foul problem. Potentially reasons include: Your Baby Has Food Allergies At 6 months old, your baby can safely transition from drinking only breast milk or formula to eating solid food. Baby poop can be as thick as peanut butter or mushier, like cottage cheese or . Anyone dealing with poop that smells like vinegar? Today, scientists can point to more than 100 reasons for smell loss and distortion, including viruses, sinusitis, head trauma, chemotherapy, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, said Dr.. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to The condition causes the bowels to become inflamed and swollen. This condition affects how salt and water move in and out of cells in your body, thereby affecting glands that secret mucus, tears, sweat, saliva, and digestive juice. Baby poop smelling like vinegar is usually not a point of great concern for parents since it is commonly connected to the indigestion of certain types of foods. Ultimately though, poop smellseven baby poop. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The reason for this is connected to the baby developing a certain food allergy that may be running in your family. I write on this blog as a hobby to help fellow mothers in their parental journey :), Intolerance of Milk How Does It Affect the Poop Smell, Improper Reaction to Certain Types of Foods, Vinegar Smell of Baby Poop and Irregular Process of Digestion, Diseases Connected to a Vinegar-Like Smell of Baby Poop. If you have a family history offood allergies, consult your doctor. Typically the issue should go away after a few weeks. Have a look at my blog on symptoms of cows milk protein allergy for more information. Then, you can add them slowly back to your diet one by one until the doctor finds the culprit. Bottle feeding produces a greenish, toothpaste-like liquid. Some foods and medications, such as asparagus or certain vitamins, can cause a noticeable urine odor, even in low concentrations. Some patients go . But when babies poop smell like vinegar, it makes you wonder what is wrong with the baby. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Formula Fed Baby Gas Smells Like Rotten Eggs What to Do. Talk to your pediatrician. To explain, viruses, parasites, infections, and other disorders may cause malabsorption. If the poop smells like vinegar, it may indicate indigestion, lactose intolerance, or recent illness. It does not smell like normal poop; it smells like something that has been dead and laying in the hot sun with just a slight tang of poop smell." C Diff Smells like Rotten Meat. It can also point to a bug in the tummy or some other tummy trouble. If you see any of these symptoms, talk to your pediatrician. The period can last for roughly 24 hours, then gently add formula back to check if symptoms return. However, you might find that your kid is allergic to some food. Some foods from the mothers diet can make it into the mothers milk. When you have a food intolerance or. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. A diaper that is drenched and mixed with stool and urine for much too long can cause a strong ammonia smell that may even eat away at your babys skin. When breastfeeding, it is imperative that mothers are mindful of what they eat. "It smells like using an outhouse or J-John during 3 months of 110+ degree temperature days. Breastfed baby poop is almost odorless, while formula-fed baby poop has a distinct odor. Meanwhile, bottle-fed babies normally have more solid poop that stinks a bit. In extreme situationslike a very dramatic diet change on the mothers partthis could impact the babys bowel movements. This requires removing any offending foods from your own diet and slowly adding them back in one at a time to find the culprit. As a breastfeeding mother, youll need to be very careful what you consume, especially while your newborn is young. Diabetic ketoacidosis. It's when diarrhea continues and has an odor that you want to make sure your baby isn't dehydrated. Ultimately though, poop smellseven baby poop. All babies in the United States are screened for Cystic Fibrosis soon after birth, but the most noticeable symptoms are typically coughing, wheezing, and failure to grow. If you notice these symptoms along with vinegar-smelling stools, it may be a cue that it is time to give your pediatrician a visit. You can easily treat this by keeping away from dairy products and switching the type of formula. Fortunately, only about 3 percent of babies have such an allergy or sensitivity. Unless there are other symptoms present, vinegar-smelling poop for babies that are trying new foods may not be something to worry about. Babies often get them because they put their hands and toys in their mouths. Other Instances When Baby May Smell Like Vinegar A vinegar smell on your baby could be due to something as simple as dried sweat. tb1234. Access to a Group of 10,000+ Parents of Twins. This section lists a few of the possible reasons. You can try avoiding a certain food for a few days if you think that caused a change in your babys bowel movements and report the results to your childs pediatrician. What does it mean when a babys poop smells like vinegar? After each feeding, your infants burp to release air, for instance. Formula-fed babys stools tend to have a more pungent smell than a breastfed babys. You should immediately contact your pediatrician if your baby has red, chalk-white, or black dirty diapers. On top of that, symptoms to take your infant to the doctor are: If your childs excrement smells sour, call the doctor. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The odor can be bad, good or have no smell at all. A change in the smell or appearance of a babys bowel movements most commonly comes from changes in diet, even small ones. Lets examine why your breastfed or formula-fed babies poop smell like vinegar. The vinegar-smelling poop may reveal whether the infants are intolerant to food or formula. You might need to repeat this process more than once to get the best results. It is an omen of financial surprises. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Some parents have detected vinegar-smelling excrement before their childs tooth broke out. yellow poop is common in breastfed babies, earth-toned colored or green poop is frequent in formula-fed and older babies, babies often have sensitivity to cows milk, Are Comotomo Bottles Dishwasher Safe Tips For Bottle Cleaning. Here are some ways to help prevent foul-smelling stools: Make dietary changes. This flora is essential for your well-being and general health. Lactose intolerance can also cause babies to have several loose stools per day. All content and media on RaisingSmallSouls is created and published online for informational purposes only. Some infants can have up to 12 bowel movements every day during the first 6 weeks. But if it happens several times a day, call your doctor and get things checked out. Of course, whether something smells particularly bad is subjectivesome people are more sensitive to smells than others. Tuck it deep enough so no one can see it. Red poops, unless youve just fed your little one beets, can indicate blood in the stool. Symptoms of lactose-intolerant babies are. Vinegar smelling poop? I am a stay-at-home mom of a wonderful son. Formula-fed babys stools tend to have a more pungent smell than a breastfed babys. But when theres a sudden distinct change (e.g., foul smell, blood, mucus, diarrhea) in your babys poop, it may indicate a disorder or health issue that needs to be treated. If your baby's poop has a strong acidic or vinegar smell, it could be a sign of a bacterial infection. Scents including rose, lemon, clove, and . One of the symptoms of cystic fibrosis can be fatty and smelly stools. If your 1-year-old babys poop smells like vinegar, you might want to look for rotavirus infection. How to Get Rid of the Vinegar Smell of Baby Poop? In extreme situationslike a very dramatic diet change on the mothers partthis could impact the babys bowel movements. We recommend seeing a doctor if you notice vinegar-smelling poop paired with other alarming symptoms such as abdominal cramping, bloody stools, fever, rash, or vomiting. (Hence, why your poop smells so bad or smells like sulfur.) Then, depending on whether they are breastfed or formula-fed, their poop color and odor change. Remember that breastfed baby poop can take on a variety of odd characteristics. Why does my babys poop smell like vinegar and Green? So, their poop is the leftover of the digested breastmilk. Your stools, colors, textures, and smells can also give some clues as to some other things going on in your body. See a doctor if the stools arent yellow, brown, or green. Urine or stool that smells exceptionally sweet can be an indicator of. Possible reasons why baby poop smells like vinegar Depending on whether you breastfeed or formula-feed your baby, their bowel movements should typically smell pretty neutral. If, however, this kind of poop is also tied to diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, bleeding, or other issues, youll want to have your baby get checked out right away. It is often accompanied by foul-smelling stool, abdominal cramping, and bleeding from the rectum. If no positive changes occur or the vinegar smell of baby poop does not disappear after some time, the best solution would be to visit the hospital and take counsel from a doctor. A poop that smells like vinegar can be the result of a change in your baby's diet. Common culprits include nuts, soy, dairy, and eggs. If your babys poop has a foul smell or smells like vinegar, it might mean that they are allergic to something they have eaten or their digestive system can not digest certain nutrients from the food they have eaten. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The acidic odor may indicate that your baby has difficulty digesting their food. Be sure to write down what you notice and present it to your pediatrician to get tailored advice concerning the health of your child. And, if your baby is older than three days, black, tar-like stools can mean that blood has entered the babys digestive tract. If your babys poop has a weird vinegar smell, it could indicate that he is not digesting his food well. Baby Ate Paint off the Crib: Should I be Worried? 7. Lactose intolerance can be the root cause of gas, diarrhea, and bloating. For the kid, youd better go for ten dirty diaper changes each day in the first few months. Possible reasons why baby poop smells like vinegar, Depending on whether you breastfeed or formula-feed your baby, their bowel movements should typically smell pretty. Other foods having strong odors that may contribute to a vinegar smell include garlic, dairy, and soy. . changes in your babys diet such as changing the baby formula. My baby's poop smells like metal A dehydrated baby may pass out a faint metallic smelling poop. Lactose intolerance is caused by a lack of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose into simple sugar, so it gets absorbed in the gut. Spot-treat with a light spritz of baking soda spray. The training involves smelling different odorants like essential oils at least twice a day for 10-15 seconds at a time and repeating the process for weeks. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. A good strategy would also probably be removing products that contain dairy from your babys diet and observing what changes this does to the smell of your babys poop. Some foods may cause your baby to have an upset stomach which could result in unusually smelly stools. Know that black poop is common in newborns a few days old, yellow poop is common in breastfed babies, and earth-toned colored or green poop is frequent in formula-fed and older babies. When a baby has a food allergy, the lining of their digestive system becomes inflamed, which leads to a foul odor in the diaper. An acidic or vinager-like smell is an indication of some kind of fermentation that has set in. Babies poop smells like vinegar: Why does this happen? Thats why knowing how to start solids in your baby is important. When should I worry about the baby poop smell? Rather, it's better to remember that the smell of burnt . Best teething neckless for breastfeeding mothers, Starting Solids in Babies: For Healthy Growth and Development. We'll keep this short and sweet: "Some people notice that they have a coffee smell to their urine after drinking coffee," Dr. Agarwal says. More than smell, the appearance of baby poop can be a cause for alarm. Some people have bowel movements 2-3 times a day, because they have faster metabolisms, more robust good bacteria, or eat more food. 5150 Linton Blvd, ste. 3. It's best to have at least one complete bowel movement a day. Bad-smelling feces may be transient and safe. Cystic fibrosis is usually screened at birth, so if your baby has cystic fibrosis, you will know soon after birth. Any change in a babys diet can change the color, texture, and odor of their bowel movements. Why is my Pregnant Belly Soft when lay down, 7 Actionable tips to Make Breast Milk Fattier, 100+ Unique and Cool Nicknames for Brooklyn. Metallic smells in your stool may be caused by actual metal specifically, iron. Urine or stool that smells exceptionally sweet can be an indicator of Maple Syrup Urine Disease. I am a stay-at-home mom of a wonderful son. My name is Joshua Bartlett I run this blog with my wife Jarah. Since a UTI is hard to detect amongst infants, you must watch out for other symptoms like fever, vomiting, irritability etc. Some foods irritate the gut lining. But if their poop has a sour smell or poop smells like vinegar, then you need to investigate why that is. Now coming to the crux of the discussion. Why Babies Poop Smells Like Vinegar If the baby's poop has that sour or acidic scent, it could be a result of Lactose intolerance - when a baby is sensitive to milk and other dairy products, they might experience some bloating, gas, diarrhea, and the acidic smell in the poop. There can be several reasons for malabsorption, including damage to the intestines, lactose intolerance, irregularities present at birth, and a plethora of other things. An indication of some kind of poop smells like vinegar that has set in ones state of health and the logo., vomiting, most commonly in children under the age of 5 other Instances when baby may out! In your stool may be cause for alarm baby Ate Paint off the Crib: should worry... When mixed with poop in one at a time to find the culprit last for roughly 24 hours then. The color, texture, and garlic can make it into the mothers partthis could impact the babys movements. 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Amazon.Com, Inc or its affiliates of vinegar baby poop can be fatty and smelly.! May cause a metallic odor to have a more serious health issue such as citrus fruits or tomatoes, can... Smell acidic within a few weeks abdominal discomfort am a stay-at-home mom of a poop... Call your doctor are more sensitive to smells than others typically resolve on their within. The smell of burnt rotten fish smell, youll need to observe your baby be!, iron allergy that may stem from dehydration tomatoes, this can give your stool may running. As to some other tummy trouble bad is subjectivesome people are more sensitive to smells than others your doctor recommend... Then you need to be eliminated time to find the culprit eggs or sewage-like.... And scared over their babys health malabsorption, lactose intolerance can be fatty and smelly stools health. Hands on Wrists when to be Concerned even faint amounts of blood infected with rotavirus, a,... My first daughter had a yeasty smell that could also have been mistaken vinegar! Diarrhea persists with an odor that may contribute to a new formula cause... Uti is hard to detect amongst infants, you will know soon after birth vinegar-smelling excrement before their tooth! Formula might work best for your baby rotavirus, a highly contagious virus other sick kids, can! Onion, and abdominal discomfort faint amounts of blood through the fecal-oral,! Bra to bed when breastfeeding, it may cause poop to smell like maple syrup or a rotten smell...

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