Get the latest science news in your RSS reader with ScienceDaily's hourly updated newsfeeds, covering hundreds of topics: Keep up to date with the latest news from ScienceDaily via social networks: Tell us what you think of ScienceDaily -- we welcome both positive and negative comments. Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? When you measure the heart harmonics of people with O RH-neg blood, they are usually lower if they are smokers and heavy red meat eaters. Love of Space & Science In this area, over 30% of the population have Rh-negative blood. Obviously, that is not the case. O Rh negative Pure blue blood of the Gods, very rare. O Rh positive Mixed, God and human. The most common blood of modern humans. This is most likely the first humans created by the God/Human mix. A Rh negative Mixed, God and human type 1. Very rare. A Rh positive Human type 1. Very common. B Rh negative Mixed, God and human type 2. All in all, 0 blood type is healthier, and people with this blood type have more chances to reach an old age compared to the other blood types, so is the strongest one. August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse : Stay indoors! Materials provided by Lund University. Moreover, a study concluded that this percentage is likely to fall even more because of low population growth in Europe, where it is more prevalent. This reasoning would suggest that the original humans on our planet where not directly related to the apes, but at some point were MADE or genetically engineered to give such impression. Enjoy this beautiful view , HOLIDAY HUMOR: Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb Trap (Video), May Kwan Yin Bestow Her Healing Grace and Blessings Upon All Who Are Ailing in the Truth Movement, Red Kimono by Akiane (Afternoon Art Series), Great Women Philosophers from Ancient India, China, Korea and the Middle East, TOTAPURI: The Story of Ramakrishnas Guru, Ten Great Daily Rituals for Radiant Living, Our Preliminary Recommendation for Lugols Iodine, Don Rickles on Carson with Burt Reynolds and Buddy Hacket. As a direct result, Hemophilia became known as the Royal Disease. To be more geographically accurate, most people with the highest concentration of RH negative antigen, meaning 40% have RH negative blood type, is found in one small isolated part of the world somewhere between Spain and France on the Iberian peninsula, in the Basque region. This is a very new science and there are but a handful of people who are involved in this research. The Chidakasha Gita of Bhagawan Nityananda (Video), BHAGAVAN NITYANANDA: The Greatest Healer and Supreme Sadguru of the Kali Yuga, RIDING THE ELEPHANT OF DIFFERENT VIEWPOINTS, The Interpersonal Life Theme of Refinement (Sun in Gate 33), The Glass of Water Technique of The Silva Method (Video), SILVA METHOD: The Glass of Water Technique, Russian champion Svetlana Soluyanova sings her own songs during quarantine (Video), The Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Delivers a Potent and Timely Message, Guy Catches Adorable Groundhog Eating His Veggie Garden (Video), A Great Light And Gifted Ayurvedic Physician Passes Away, Bel Patra Offerings & Why the Wood Apple Tree is so Sacred to Lord Shiva, Why the Bilva Leaf is so sacred to Lord Shiva, A SPECIAL PRAYER to GUAN YIN for HEALING and PROTECTION of the CHINESE PEOPLE, A Special Prayer for our Chinese Brothers and Sisters, Heres How Everyone Can Avoid Getting The Coronavirus, The Best Cat & Mouse Game Ever Recorded (Video), Happy Birthday to My Dear Wife and Lifetime Partner, Incredible moment thirsty Koala stops South Australian cyclist to drink water. Is this by chance? BLOOD TYPES CONSPIRACY & RH FACTOR All other earthly primates have this RH factor. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Do you see people getting exhausted, burned out, and quick to anger? The Samaritans and the Black Cochin Jew also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood, although again the Rh negative blood is rare among most black people. 15 In ALL blood groups there exists a common microbe that in essence is THE LIFE FORCE ITSELF. Interestingly, popular sciences endeavor to attribute Rh-neg blood groups to mutations. A solid alternative case may be extended to the conclusion that Rh-neg is NOT a mutation, but possibly the original human blood group. He applied cauterization procedure to as many as 50 different operations. BE VIGILANT because KNOWLEDGE is POWER. The unofficial motto of theHapsburgfamily was Bella gerunt alii, tu, felix Austria, nubes! (Where others must fight wars, you, fortunate Austria, marry!). See the best of Sydney New Years Eve Fireworks, HUGE news for anti-vaccine and parental rights supporters, How Expressing Gratitude Rewires Your Brain for the Better, Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi, JUST NATURAL Hair Care: High Quality Shampoos for Hair Loss and Greying, Debbie Reynolds And Carrie Fishers Mother-Daughter Relationship, Finding the Blessed Isle: A Fairy Tale of the North, THE MORNING AFTER THE ZOOS Christmas PARTY. You want that battery to be cool, and to burn out slowly. However, what is the difference between Rh-positive and Rh-negative blood types and does this play a role in blood donations? For all practical purposes the cultural group with the highest rates of Rh-negative blood are the Berbers of Morocco. If both parents are Rh-negative, the child will definitely also be Rh-negative. WebThe four major blood types are: Type A: These people have the A antigen. Physic Dreams and/or Ability, See more at link to People with blood type A have more cortisol, a hormone related to stress, and have hard times when it comes to stressful situations. Very common. This study involved five million people, and 49 different types of diseases were analyzed. Lund University. Is hyper-creativity a symptom of Rh-Negative Blood? The Basque people are also known for having the oldest language in Europe, and the origins of the Basque language are unknown. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". There are about 5000 known blood factors, and all of these must contribute to the complete picture. There are many theories out there regarding the reasons behind this deficiency, and some even suggest that Rh negative people are literally from another world. He introduced such new procedures as cauterization of wounds, crushing stones inside the bladder, the vivisection and dissection. This makes it very rare for use in emergencies and blood transfusions in hospitals. 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AB Rh negative Mixed, God, Human types 1 and 2. This research proves that the Celtic people came from the Basque regions of France and Spain and a group must have migrated over to the islands of Great Britain. So, while the blood from an A-negative donor can be used with 40% of people, the platelets can help anyone in an emergency.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'factsking_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-factsking_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Only c. 2% of blood donors have B-negative blood type. Type B: These people have the B antigen. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Lund University. ESP Ability Thus if all humans evolved from that line, all would have the RH factor. Right with Left handed, astigmatisms in both eyes, and striptobismus think thats how is spelt, + Hazel green&brown eyes, height 5ft 7in, artistically creative, and curly brown hair, intuitive, needing to trust myself more sometimes. 1 in 6 Million people in this world are RHnull Rh negative blood is copper-based "Now we are in the process of introducing it in the clinic and aim to find out what this exciting protein does and the consequences of the fact that so many of us don't have it," concludes Martin L Olsson. WebO Rh negative - Pure blue blood of the Gods, very rare. As previously mentioned, Rh negative blood indicates no protein connections exist to the Rhesus monkey, whereas RH positive blood does carry protein linked to the Rhesus monkey hence the RH designation, ie. No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. This contributes to the short supply, since it will be the one most frequently used. To prevent this risk, there is an injection which pregnant women with Rh-negative blood types carrying an Rh-positive baby are given, to prevent the antibodies being developed. Worldwide, over 120,000 men, women and boysa true genetic holocaustare now infected with HIV world widedue to tainted blood transfusions At least 25,000 have died. This is most likely the first humans created by the God/Human mix. Otherwise, combinations may lead to either negative or positive blood types. People with this blood type have a complete absence of any of the Rh antigens. So did John Lennon, while Mick Jagger is known to be AB-negative. In some areas, the Rh-Negative blood factor is referred to as Blood Royale or Royal Blood. ! It would appear that Victoria is actually a direct descendant of Ferdinand of Castille, who retook he city of Castille in 1236, where the surgeon Abulcasis had counseled King Hakam II about a family whos sons died easily. Geneticists generally claim the RH-negative factor is a mutation of unknown origin which apparently happened only a few thousand years ago. Furthermore, the vast majority of these latter individuals happen to reside in northern Europe. Basque peoples contain the largest concentration of known O negative blooded people today because, they for the most part, have confined themselves to one area, whereas the Celtic people have branched out among all of the new world. Most do not know that as RHO-Neg individuals, they are tracked throughout their whole lives by world-wide governmental agencies interested in understanding the genesis of this group, and for other more complex societal purposes. How to Restore Your Wooden Garden Furniture? Therefore, there must have been some manner of intervention giving rise to Rh-negative blood groups. Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi, Welcome to 2017! Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Lets not get ahead of ourselves. When they discovered the Rhesus blood type, or Rh factor, in 1937, Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener named it after the Rhesus monkey because it also carries this gene. If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is hot and fast. That is why it is up to each of us to readto watchto think for ourselvesand hopefully to one day findTheTruthBehind.. 2022 - Then you begin to wonder just where a supposed blue blood like Victoria got her Arab Royalty Disease??? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Mattias Mller, Yan Quan Lee, Karina Vidovic, Sven Kjellstrm, Linda Bjrkman, Jill R. Storry, Martin L. Olsson. What is more, this language doesnt belong to the Indo European group of languages, which makes him really isolated. (2018, July 16). Perhaps, many of the cave paintings may be attributed to strangers of great artistic ability that migrated into the area. "Researchers crack the code of the final blood group system." (1). It appears that the Basque Rh-neg factors come from ancient Berber sea farers as early as 8,000 BC! To answer the questions that I am sure will come up, The book Eat Right For Your Blood Type is correct only in the foods, but he does not take into consideration the GALACTIC history of the blood in relationship to the person. Our world-wide team, over a 10-year time period have gathered hundreds of thousands of blood samples. Alkaline pH on the other hand, biochemically speaking, is slow and cool. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. Truth seekers Its around 6 percent. In other words, the Rh positive baby is perceived by the mothers negative immune-system as something hostile, something not quite as it should be. Researchers crack the code of the final blood group system. For while the protein in positive blood can be cloned, that of negative blood cannot which is quite interesting, and may be indicative of an alien origin, or more probable, from early genetic experimentation during previous advanced human civilization(s). Experience unexplained phenomenon WebThe Rhesus factor, or Rh factor, is a certain type of protein found on the outside of red blood cells. Rh-Negative Blood Type FactsRh-negative blood is in short supply. Each blood type has Rh-positive and Rh-negative types, but the Rh-negative blood type is the least available for transfusions.People with Rh-negative blood types are ideal for donating platelets. Platelets are small, disc-shaped cells that help with blood clotting. Type O-negative is the rarest blood. More items That is what I have been working on. This cannot be filtered out. Which Software Providers Have Made the Best Live Dealer Games? Our body pH is very important because pH controls the speed of our bodys biochemical reactions. So, you begin to wonder if the good doctor was treating an Arab family in Moorish Spain for the disease. It is presumed to be the result of a random mutation. Here is something for all of you to think about: There is a race of people in a remote region of China that are only 3 4 feet tall and speak a language spoken only within that remote area. Only 1% of blood donors have AB-negative type, a fun fact about Rh-negative blood type. On cold days you want it to be hot and ready, and you want your car to start fast. For example if you get a heart of a man who died in a car accident, all the cells of that organ have the memory of the accident and every emotion that was felt while dying. ScienceDaily, 16 July 2018. Donkeygate! It may be a method of DEPOPULATION beginning with infecting those GRADUALLY who are RH NEGATIVE. Empathy & Compassion for Mankind The finding makes it possible finally to determine also the Xga blood type using genetic typing/methods. So, where do they come from? "We used a bioinformatic strategy to find the underlying genetic cause," says doctoral student Mattias Mller, who used to work in the tech industry before making a switch to become a physician and blood researcher. If the blood of the fetus somehow mixes with the mothers, the body will know its not her own blood and will fight against as its a foreign entity. We have no doubt that we are being lied to and fed propaganda on a daily basis. Here are a few tidbits about this blood thing. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. We can conclude that many conducted studies suggest and demonstrate different findings, and although most of the diseases are induced by genetics or the environment, some diseases are most common in some blood types, while less likely to develop in others. There are many theories out there regarding the reasons behind this deficiency, and some even suggest that Rh negative people are literally from another world. The Rh antibodies which are subsequently created can cross the placenta and attack the fetus blood, leading to health problems and the risk of even death of the fetus or the newborn baby. In reality, the number may be far higher. Their body temperature is generally lower than average, they have red hair and green or blue eyes, and they are more sensitive to high temperatures. A, B, AB, and O are the four common blood types present among humans and are usually inherited from the parents and are determined by pair of genes. If you are interested, visit the Health Facts Page! Basque people also differ from other people in Europe in many physical and cultural features. The Draco (Reptilian) with the O RH-blood has unique properties because of the polarity of the blood cells. In case of a blood transfusion, it is important to know the blood type of both the donor and the patient. This microbe which is visible only with a highly modified dark field microscope that was custom built for us was STILL ALIVE. B Rh positive Human type 2. Im Angela, known my blood group since 2004, blood type A Rhesus Negative. Have any problems using the site? Her topics of interest and expertise range from health, nutrition and psychology. Galactic Explosion: New Insight Into the Cosmos, New Superacid Discovered: Special Catalyst, See Hidden Objects With Augmented Reality, Tiny New Climbing Robot Inspired by Inchworms, Dinosaur Claws Used for Digging and Display, Support from Others in Stressful Times Can Ease Impact of Genetic Depression Risk, Study Suggests, Gut Microbes Can Boost the Motivation to Exercise, This Groundbreaking Biomaterial Heals Tissues from the Inside out, Holding Information in Mind May Mean Storing It Among Synapses, Supplementation With Amino Acid Serine Eases Neuropathy in Diabetic Mice, Humans and Nature: The Distance Is Growing, Why Chocolate Feels So Good -- It Is All Down to Lubrication, Coffee With Milk May Have an Anti-Inflammatory Effect, Reducing Total Calories May Be More Effective for Weight Loss Than Intermittent Fasting, Tiny New Climbing Robot Was Inspired by Geckos and Inchworms, Custom, 3D-Printed Heart Replicas Look and Pump Just Like the Real Thing, First Transient Electronic Bandage Speeds Healing by 30%. What do Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio and Paul McCartney have in common? Modern medicine has developed interventions that can prevent this kind of miscarriage. Their eyes are very small almost like slits. How to properly offer BILVA leaves to Lord Shiva, How PEMFs Can Help Remediate Gallbladder Disorders, Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri (Video), Rare Photos of Bhagawan Nityananda (Video), Bhagwan Nityananda: A Photo Documentary as a Young Sadhu (Video), Stop Acting Out of Neediness & Desperation (Video), The Great Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of 21st December 2020 (Video). Nevertheless, some studies found that people with 0 blood type have lower chances of getting diabetes, but additional research is needed. Rh blood bunch was found something like Originally, Gnostics simply called themselves, Knowledge seekers as Gnosis means Knowledge, the idea being, if Truth is ONE, then all Knowledge Seekers who GENUINELY seek the truth, should eventually end up at the same view, but by their own paths. A study conducted in the US in 2015 found that men in particular often reported mental health disorders including panic, antisocial personality, and attention deficits. 1 in 13 donors is A-negative, but whats most important is that everyone can receive platelets from an A-negative donor. The most common blood type group worldwide is 0+, while the rarest one is the AB negative. Strange Facts About RH Negative BloodPregnancy. Rh positive genes are more dominant than Rh negative ones. Race. About 15 percent of caucasians Rh negative while 5 to 10 percent of African Americans don't have the protein on the red blood cells. Highest Rh negative Rate. Here is an example of how pH can control. People with RH negative blood type have similar physical traits that might differ from people with other blood groups. With B-negative blood, the following groups can benefit from a transfusion:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'factsking_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-factsking_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); It is tough to find new donors, so if you are a B-negative blood type, its essential to give blood to support others. But whats most important is that everyone can receive platelets from an A-negative donor over 30 % the... Of these must contribute to the Indo European group of languages, which him... Finally to determine also the Xga blood type FactsRh-negative blood is in short supply over %! Jagger is known to be cool, and 49 different types of diseases were analyzed the RH-blood., nutrition and psychology exhausted, burned out, and all of these latter individuals to... 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