Elliott went after Ken and Barbie, drilling, accusing, ridiculing them to make the point that white people make baseless judgments about Black people all the time. In her Brown Eyes vs. Blue Eyes experiment, Elliot put her students through an exercise which forced them to open their eyes to the pains of the victims of discrimination and to be more sympathetic and aware of their plights. I interviewed Julie Pasicznyk, who had been working for US West, a giant telecommunications company in Minneapolis. How do the results of the experiment contribute to Jane Elliotts lesson to her students? The brown-eyed third-grade students were provided with the opportunity to be the superior group in the classroom. All rights reserved. She tried it on adults, not just in the United States and Canada, but in Europe, the Middle East, and Australia. The blue eyes/brown eyes experiment, which could last one to three days, was at a glance similar to other human-potential-movement workshops of the era, including Werner Erhard's est. This was by design: to hammer home the experiments anti-bias premise, Elliott made shocking allegations against participants. Eye Color The hate and discrimination that we see in adults have their origin in their upbringing. When you study Jane Elliotts famous lesson on discrimination What is one conclusion you are most likely to make? The studys independent variable is the eye color, which determines whether youre high or low classed, and the dependent variable was the discrimination and self-esteem. During the 1970s and 1980s in the United States workshops such as Elliotts gained popularity in and out of the corporate world. Help, Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes: A Cautionary Tale of Race and Brutality, School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Distinguished Teaching in Journalism Award. I felt mad. We use them to divide and destroy people., On Understanding The Different Ways We Treat Other Races, Philip Zimbardo (Biography + Experiments). The nonstop parade of sickening events such as the murder of George Floyd surely is not going to be abated by a quickie experiment led by a white person for the alleged benefit of other whites as was the case with the blue-eyed, brown eyed experiment. In doing the research for my book with scores of peoples who were participants in the experiment, I reached out to Elliott. There were some objections to the experiment from the beginning, although none that convinced her to call if off. The experience of being experimented upon, along with the fame (and money) her experiment earned for her, left hard feelings. In 2001, Jane Elliott recordedThe Angry Eye,in which she revised and updated her experiment. While the study provided interesting information on the development of bias and discrimination, it was unethical to cause psychological harm to children. Iowa City, IA 52242-1409 Why was the Robbers Cave experiment unethical? As for Elliott, the experiment that she popularized on unwitting students began to raise more and more questions as it was unveiled by more educators and trainers in more places. In fact, most of the initial response was negative. b. Todays efforts to teach anti-racism through diversity, equity, and inclusion workshops face some of the same blowback. Many critics that the children were too young to understand the exercise. Written and verified by the psychologist Francisco Roballo. She started to make negative statements about one group, and the children easily accepted these new values associated with each group. Do you feel that it was acceptable to scare the participants? The results were the same. The children said yes, and the exercise began. Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes is a meticulously researched book that details for the first time Jane Elliott's jagged rise to stardom. How did Elliotts discrimination create no win situations for those placed in the inferior group? The blue-eyed students wouldnt be allowed second helpings in the cafeteria. Courtesy of AP Photo, by STEPHEN G. BLOOM | What ethical standards did the Monster Study violate? It is a must . How is the blue eyes/brown eyes exercise related to the Sioux prayer, Help me not judge a person until I have walked in his shoes? She continued to conduct the exercise with her third graders. These are the sources and citations used to research Jane Elliott's blue eye brown eye case study is/isn't more ethical than Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment. It has everything to do with power.. On April 5 1968 Jane Elliot preformed the famous experiment in her classroom separating blue-eyed and brown-eyed students. B) What are some factors that could be changed to reduce it? What ethical issues can arise when using a correlational research method? It is an unflinching assessment of the incendiary experiment forever associated with Elliott, even though she was not the first to try it out. What made the Aversion Project unethical? Brown eyed students who often struggled in school began doing better work, while blue eyed students who often did well in school began making mistakes in their schoolwork. Why was the Milgram experiment unethical? The Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes Experiment is considered unethical since it caused psychological damage to the children who were pitted against one See full answer below. She instructed the blue-eyed kids not to play on the jungle gym or swings with the brown-eyed students. The blue eyes/brown eyes experiment, which could last one to three days, was at a glance similar to other human-potential-movement workshops of the era, including Werner Erhard's est training, in that it focused on changing basic self-perceptions and behavior. She had never met me, and she accused me in front of everyone of using my sexuality to get ahead.. As a journalism professor and author of a book on race that spans more than 50 years, Ive watched these developments with great concern. People with grey eyes are perceived to be the smartest. (LogOut/ It has since evolved into an online blog and YouTube channel providing mental health advice, tools, and academic support to individuals from all backgrounds. Their teacher, Jane Elliott, wanted to teach her third-graders a lesson in discrimination, so she told them that blue-eyed people were superior to those with brown eyes. Why is social desirability bias a problem in research? Why was the Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes Experiment considered unethical in psychology? Elliot wanted to show that the same thing happens in real life with brown eyed people (minority). Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. In 2020, Bloom earned theDistinguished Teaching in Journalism Awardby the Society of Professional Journalists. One student said it was the equivalent of black people being called derogatory names. Blue-eyed genes are generally recessive. Consequently, the brown-eyed children started using blue-eyes as an insult. PracticalPie.com is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program. In 1968, schoolteacher Jane Elliott decided to divide her classroom into students with blue eyes and students with brown eyes. Describe how researchers study genetic influences on personality. In Zimbardo's experiment the conditions were much more controlled for later study but the r. Todays heated arguments about critical race theory shouldnt surprise us because they arent new. In 1971, when Elliott was pitting blue-eyed students against their brown-eyed counterparts, Zimbardo was conducting his own contentious research, known as the Stanford Prison Experiment, to show how easy it was to make thugs out of college students once they were given an overdose of power. Explain why illusions provide clues to perceptual mechanisms. She selectively interprets behavior to confirm the stereotypes she had assigned by asking questions. Why do we use qualitative research methods? In the process, she turned herself into Americas mother of diversity training. This paradigm helps understand the current problems related to discrimination. Not everyone appreciated Elliotts exercise. Since, none of the students was colored she used their eye color to demonstrate. Why or why not? It was once believed two blue-eyed people could not produce a brown-eyed child, meaning it was previously thought it might be a sign of infidelity if a child attributed to such a couple . The anti-racism sessions Elliott led were intense. Blue-eyed people get an extra five minutes of recess, and the two groups aren't allowed to play with one another on the playground. What does brown eyes and blue eyes make? This experiment divided the class into students with blue eyes and students with brown eyes. Here are the possibilities: Blue eyes + blue eyes = 100% chance of blue eyes. Brown eyes + blue eyes = 50% chance of blue eyes, but only if the brown-eyed parent carries a blue-eyed gene. However, in this classroom, having blue-eyes had become a condition of inferiority. They also harassed them constantly. What are the ethical considerations for assigning first-graders to different experimental learning groups? If you have ever heard of the self-fulfilling prophecy, these results may not come as a surprise. Learn about Jane Elliott's blue eyes vs brown eyes experiment. Their response is to create dichotomies of inferiority and superiority. c. What was concluded by Milgram after this experiment? To get her points across, Elliott hurled insults at workshop participants, particularly those who were white and had blue eyes. We use them to divide and destroy people., White peoples number one freedom, in the United States of America, is the freedom to be totally ignorant of those who are other than white. Explain why or why not. In fact, Elliott encouraged them, based on the childrens newly granted superiority or inferiority. According to some studies, there is a slight difference in vision capabilities between people with light and dark colored eyes. Barbie had to have a Ken, so Elliott picked from the audience a tall, handsome man and accused him of doing the same things with his female subordinates, Pasicznyk said. How did Elliotts discrimination create no win situations for those placed in the inferior group? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 was also an event that spurred educators to action, motivating one teacher to try out a bold experiment touted to reduce racism. She told them that people with brown eyes were superior to those with blue eyes, for reasons she made up. Jane Elliots work and experiences have made her an authority on education and anti-racism. The teacher, Jane Elliot, inflated the "superior" students' grades as part of her experiment. . We dont have to learn about those who are other than white. She told them that people with brown eyes were better than people with blue eyes. What can be changed to make the blue eyes and brown eyes experiment ethical according to the APA code of conduct? Elliott first created stereotyping situation among the children by separating them into two groups by easily recognized physical traits as blue eyes and brown eyes. Prior to joining the Iowa faculty in 1993, Bloom was a staff writer at theSacramento Bee,San Jose Mercury News,Los Angeles Times, andDallas Morning News; he was the Brazilcorrespondent for the Field News Service and national news editor at theLatin America Daily Post; and he served as press secretary for San Francisco Mayor Frank Jordan. Blue-eyed students were placed in one group, and brown-eyed students in the other. Schedule a Visit With this experiment she wanted to let the blue-eyed people (white people) feel how it is to be in low power position. Brown eyes and Blue eyes Study People left crying, remembered Pasicznyk. Practical Psychology began as a collection of study material for psychology students in 2016, created by a student in the field. On the contrary, the blue-eyed students played the role of the inferior group in the classroom. The first day of the experiment she convinced the children that blue-eyed people were smarter, better and would have more priorities. Children are able to understand discrimination and its negative consequences. Researchers later concluded that there was evidence that the students became less prejudiced after the study and that it was inconclusive as to whether or not the potential harm outweighed the benefits of the exercise. For two parents with brown eyes to have a blue-eyed child, both parents must genetically be Bb. Change). The arbitrary division among the students intensified over the course of the experiment, so much so that it actually ended in physical violence. Thus, the dominant group, supported by the authorities, will always have the upper hand. Aim. Give a hypothesis as to why people see/hear such drastically different colors/words when exposed to the same sensory stimuli. It is an unflinching assessment of the incendiary experiment forever associated with Elliott, even though she was not the first to try it out. That same year, Elliott was invited to the White House Conference on Children and Youth to conduct an exercise on adult educators. The goal of the minimal group paradigm is to establish subjective differences and create a climate of favoritism. Answer (1 of 3): My guess is that is doesn't really represent racism but classism. The blue-eyed children were told not to do their homework because, even if they answered all the questions, theyd probably forget to bring the assignment back to class. Overall, the blue eye brown eye experiment was a powerful and eye-opening study that helped to shed light on the damaging effects of discrimination and prejudice. Many still see the students and the town itself as victims of a human experiment to which they had not consented. A thin finger pressed a button, and . Elliott was a schoolteacher in Riceville, Iowa, a small town with a population of 806, in 1968. Things even got violent at recess. Elliott said that blue-eyed people were less intelligent and less clean. They gossiped about her in the hallway. In this experiment, she took a classroom of kids and separated them into two groups, one of brown-eyed children and green-eyed children, and one of blue-eyed children. How do you think the world would change if everyone experienced the perils and setbacks that come with prejudice and discrimination? Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies. To most people, it seemed to suggest that racism could be reduced, even eliminated, by a one- or two-day exercise. The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. Barbie had to have a Ken, so Elliott picked from the audience a tall, handsome man and accused him of doing the same things with his female subordinates, Pasicznyk said. Jane Elliott, one of the most controversial figures in U.S. education and diversity training, began her journey to international acclaim in Riceville, Iowa. The class of third graders are told that blue-eyed people are smarter and better than brown-eyed people. At first, she cooperated with me. They didnt need to engage with a single Black person. She told them that people with brown eyes were superior to those with blue eyes, for reasons she made up. Students in the inferior groups were more likely to get a worse score. I often think about Paul Bodensteiner. They don't replace the diagnosis, advice, or treatment of a professional. Why Did Jane Elliott Choose Eye Color To Divide Her Students? What factors do you think would influence whether individuals could use this technique? A difference as simple as eye color, defined and established by the authority figure, created a rift between the students. One of the ways Hitler decided who went into the gas chamber was eye color, Elliott said in a later speech. In the 60s, the United States was in the midst of a social race crisis. She also made the brown-eyed students put construction paper armbands on the blue-eyed students. Jane Elliott first gave this lesson on April 5, 1968, the day after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. How was the Stanford Prison Experiment unethical? in 1968 prompted educator Jane Elliott to create the now-famous blue eyes/brown eyes exercise. As a school teacher in the small town of Riceville, Iowa, Elliott first conducted the anti-racism experiment on her all-white third-grade classroom, the day after the civil rights leader was killed. One caller complained that white children would not be able to handle the exercise and would be seriously damaged by the exercise. Explain briefly. What did the Milgram experiment show about the influence authority can have on the average person? As Elliott recalls, she engineered the "blue eyes/brown eyes exercise" in 1968 after watching the late-night news cycle announce the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Rather than be deterred by possible Why or why not? Brown eyed students were allowed to drink from the water fountain, while blue eyed students had to use a cup to get water. In Psychology and Life, a one-and-a-half-inch-thick standard textbook that hundreds of thousands of undergraduates still tote to classes, the eye experiment would be praised as one of the most effective demonstrations of how easily prejudiced attitudes may be formed, and how arbitrary and illogical they can be., One of the textbooks authors, Stanford professor Philip G. Zimbardo, described Elliotts classroom activity as a remarkable experiment, more compelling than many done by professional psychologists.. "A Class Divided" is a 1985 episode of the PBS series Frontline. Dean's Office: Watch it online right now! Download. After being treated like a member of the inferior group, students were less inclined to treat their peers that way. In 2004, Elliott invited me to write a biography of her. The students initially involved wished that everyone could participate in an exercise like this. How do the results of the experiment contribute to Jane Elliotts lesson to her students? Ethical standards are violated when a person is psychologically, emotionally, or physically harmed from a research project that did not determine imminent risks in the study. In response to the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. over thirty years ago, Jane Elliott devised the controversial and startling, "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" exercise. Method. Sadly, these conversations are still relevant today. Include your name and daytime phone number, and a link to the article youre responding to. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. It was an unbelievable breach of trust. What is the most pressing ethical concern related to using the DSM-5 as a diagnostic tool and why? She instructed the brown-eyed children to heckle and berate the blue-eyed students, even to start fights with them. To this day, at the age of 86, Jane Elliott continues this work. The students were surprised, but they didnt argue. Children are able to understand discrimination and its negative consequences. The experiment was conducted to determine how children learned bias and prejudice. Give an example of a quasi experimental design in psychology and explain it's strengths, weaknesses and any ethical concerns involved. Elliott divided her class by eye color those with blue eyes and those with brown. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our privacy and cookie policy. She told the blue-eyed kids that theyd have to use paper cups if they wanted to drink from the water fountain. Initial Reaction to the Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Exercise. It is quite powerful to watch. Theyd have to use paper cups if they drank from the water fountain. Unfortunately, social psychologists find issues in experimenting social behavior without breaking ethical rules since informing some participants might influence their attitude in the experiment. It also documents small-town White Americas reflex reaction to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the subsequent meteoric rise of diversity training that flourishes today. In the initial exercise, brown eyed students were allowed to. The act of treating students differently was obviously a metaphor for the social decisions made on a larger level. Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes: A Cautionary Tale of Race and Brutality 2022-11-06. In 2004, the American publishing giant, McGraw Hill, created a poster suitable for classroom display that included Elliott alongside other venerated thinkers and teachers, including Plato, Maria Montessori, Booker T. Washington, and Horace Mann. Melanin, which determines eye color, also determines intelligence and learning ability. Define a phenotype? The second most common eye color is blue, with an estimated 17 percent of the world's population having blue eyes. Gwen Sharp, PhD on February 1, 2009. She gave privileges to blue eyed people one day and made the brown eyed people wear collars to distance themselves . When you read about this experiment, its hard not to question labels. Fourteen years later, the students featured in The Eye of the Storm reunited and discussed their experiences with Elliott. Now, people are returning to her work. The Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes Experiment is considered unethical since it caused psychological damage to the children who were pitted against one another. Back when she introduced the experiment to her Iowa students more than five decades ago, at least one student had the audacity to challenge Elliotts premise, according to those who were in the classroom at the time. (LogOut/ The people and cultures already present in a place often feel threatened by new immigrants. How does one's personality influenced by a phenotype? Login, For undergraduate concerns and questions: The documentary has become a popular teaching tool among teachers, business owners, and even employees at correctional facilities. American scientists who conducted some tests concluded that brown-eyed people performed better at reaction time, but those with lighter or blue eyes appeared to be better strategic thinkers, the Daily Mail reported. At points, you are likely to feel uncomfortable. As a schoolteacher, she became known for her "Blue eyes/Brown eyes" exercise, which she first conducted with her third-grade class on April 5, 1968, the day after the assassination of . Ethical Research: Ethical research safeguards the person's best interest and well-being. God's Crooked Lines: Paranoia or Reality? Was the experiment benign? The day after Kings murder, Jane Elliott, a white third-grade teacher in rural Riceville, Iowa, sought to make her students feel the brutality of racism. What was the purpose of a class divided experiment? You have the right color eyes!. The roots of racism and why it continues unabated in America and other nations are complicated and gnarled. A class divided is a documentary about a teacher named Jane Elliot who teaches her students about racism first hand. Did it work? In explaining the experiment rules to the brown-eyed contestants, she addresses the people of color in the room. At recess, two boys fought when a brown-eyed boy punched a blue-eyed boy who called him "brown-eyes." In a day, somehow "brown eyes" became an insult worth fighting over for the children . Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's experience more efficient. After becoming aware of their differences, students became more likely to self-segregate into their own groups. The mainstream media were complicit in advancing such a simplistic narrative. In your view, does studying ethics lead to a better society? We may edit your letter for length and clarity and publish it on our site. Considering all the stereotypes and prejudices that exist, what kind of damage is being done? To reduce prejudice amongst children. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. This way, she successfully created two distinct groups in her classroom: The consequences of the minimal group became evident very quickly. Did the Milgram experiment have long-term effects? What type of genetic testing do you think should be allowed? She traveled to conferences and corporate workshops. Why are both identical and fraternal twins studied? Elliott championed the experiment as an inoculation against racism., [The Conversations Politics + Society editors pick need-to-know stories. The brown-eyed children wear fabric collars so they can be identified from a distance. How many hours ahead is Brazil than New York. Professor Stephen G. Bloom is a member of the faculty at the University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Mrs. Jane Elliot's has made an observational study in 1971 called "Brown eyes and Blue eyes" in which she observed how children would act upon each other when they're divided into a "low class . Exploring your mind Blog about psychology and philosophy. B) What precautions can be taken to ensure that the experimenter does this? But Elliotts experiment had a more sinister impact. How can put those little children through that exercise for a day? And they seem unable to relate the sympathy that theyre feeling for these little white children for a day to what happens to children of color in this society for a lifetime or to the fact that they are doing this to children based on skin color every day. The Blue Eyes Brown Eyes exercise received national attention shortly after it ended. Amrita. Why did some participants in the Milgram experiment laugh? Julie Pasicznyk, who had been working for telecommunications company US West in Minneapolis, was hesitant to enroll in Elliotts workshop, but was told that if she wanted to succeed as a manager, shed have to attend. What event triggered Jane Elliott's blue eyes brown eyes exercise? Jane Elliott on The Tonight Show on May 31, 1968. And our number two freedom is the freedom to deny that were ignorant., I want every white person in this room who would be happy to be treated as this society in general treats our citizens, our black citizens, if you, as a white person, would be happy to receive the same treatment that our black citizens do in this society, please stand. It also documents small-town White America's reflex reaction to the . Can you integrate if function is not continuous. Not only were they fewer in numbers, but the authority figure was against them. As for Elliott, the experiment that she popularized on unwitting students began to raise more and more questions as it was unveiled by more educators and trainers in more places. This experiment has taken place in a classroom- field experiment -as well as in the school playground, very realistic places for an experiment to have great external validity because it applies to every life. Jane Elliott, a teacher and anti-racism activist, performed a direct experiment with the students in her classroom. In this article, we'll explain what happened during the experiment and discuss its consequences. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, Jane Elliott carried out the "Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes" exercise in her classroom. Jane Elliott began by making brown-eyed kids wear collars in order to distinguish them from the blue-eyed ones. What ethical standards were violated in Milgram's obedience experiment? clas-undergrad@uiowa.edu Explain. Collectively, the experiments were called Project MKUltra and were officially sponsored by the CIA. She told them that people with brown eyes were better than people with blue eyes. Looking back, the experiment may have demonstrated to participants what bias felt like, but it failed to include any demonstration of how kindness, compassion, or empathy might play roles in reducing prejudice. What Was the Purpose of the Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Experiment? Ethical research safeguards the person's best interest and well-being. She divided her class into two groups - blue eyed people and brown eyed people. In the brown eyed/blue eyed experiment Jane Elliot told her third graders with blue eyes that they were better than the brown-eyed children. Brown eyes + blue eyes = 50% chance of blue eyes, but only if the brown-eyed parent carries a blue-eyed gene. Thats how it started, and thats how it went all day long. When you study Jane Elliotts famous lesson on discrimination What is one conclusion you are most likely to make? The website cannot function properly without these cookies. Elliott created the blue-eyes/brown-eyes classroom exercise in 1968 to teach students about racism. She asked them if they would like to experience what it felt like to be in a person of colors shoes. Children with brown eyes were forced to wear armbands that made it easy for people to see that they had brown eyes. Throughout the day, Elliott continued to give the children with blue eyes special treatment. And the exercise continued in a similar fashion to how it was executed the day before. Did We Fail the Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes ExperimentOr Did It Fail Us? Blue and brown eye experiment Rating: 6,6/10 1724 reviews The "blue eyes/brown eyes" exercise is a well-known experiment in which a teacher, Jane Elliott, taught a lesson on discrimination to her third-grade students by dividing them into . A) Why is it important that an experimenter behave in the same way toward all subjects in the experiment? She appeared on Oprah five times. copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. answer choices. Could be reduced, even eliminated, by a one- or two-day.... First day of the minimal group paradigm is to create dichotomies of inferiority are... 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