Solicitation Disclosure Statement Now enter Exhibit D. The fact is, every specific reference to Jerusalem in Gods last book concerns a New Jerusalem (Revelation 3:12; 21:2, 10) which sits on a heavenly great and high mountain [Mount Zion] (Revelation 21:10; 14:1), that houses the temple of God in heaven (Revelation 11:19; 15:5; 16:1, 17) and is the final home a victorious Israel (Revelation 7:4) which follows the Lamb wherever He goes. Revelation 14:4, 1. The Euphrates represents the people over whom mystical Babylon holds sway and the drying up of its waters represents the eventual withdrawal of their support from Babylon. Draw close to God and dont fall for the deceptions.Gods wrath will continue to be unleashed with the seven last plagues. We read further in the book of Revelation, to find the only mention of the name in the entire New Testament: And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. Lets be consistent. Was Jesus saying Jezebel had been reincarnated or resurrected, and was literally teaching deception within Thyatira? Privacy In gratitude and joy they will throw themselves at the feet of the Deliverer and discover the wounds in His hands and feet. This passage teaches that if a Gentile belongs to Christ, he is mystically injected into Abrahams seed, which according to Isaiah 41:8, is Israel. In Galatians 6, Paul summarized his doctrine by saying that anyone, circumcised or uncircumcised, who becomes a new creature through faith in Jesus, is now part of the Israel of God (Galatians 6:14-16). All [the prophets] speak of [this day]; and when that time comes, the Lord is going to come out of His hiding place. These designations refer to general areas of the ancient world, so a list of modern nations fighting in Armageddon cannot be compiled from these sources. It will be a war to eclipse anything the world has ever seen. The armies gathering at Armageddon will be provoked by powerful spirit forces. The release date for when the new Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 will come out and start is March 9th. Have the prophets really spoken that much about it? 7, 8, 9, and 10. Have they too spoken of it? 16:12-16). The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:8-9). It is however, in the New Testament where we find our ultimate understanding of Armageddon when we read the book of Revelation. The sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up. Revelation 16:12. That night, at the height of Belshazzars drunken party (see Daniel 5) the water became low enough for Cyrus and his men to quietly slip under the double doors, which had been left open. Elder Orson Pratt taught that so great will be the darkness resting upon Christendom, and so great the bonds of priestcraft with which they will be bound, that they will not understand, and they will be given up to the hardness of their hearts. The armies that had gathered at Armageddonincluding kings, captains, mighty men and people, small and greatwill fight at Jerusalem (Revelation 19:17-19). In Revelation 17, the same word is applied to the enemy of His Church, to Mystery Babylon. And this greater Babylon has no application to the ancient city whose sun cracked bricks are now whitening south of Baghdad. Now there are wars all over the world. Joel also said that the army would be highly disciplined in warfare and virtually invincible: When they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded (Joel 2:8; see also Joel 2:7, 9). Once again, heres the mega question: Does God want these prophecies to be applied to those literal places in the Middle East and to Israel after the flesh centred in modern Jerusalem (Israel One)? The Bibles last book is ultimately, The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1). By Michael Kern - Mar 01, 2023, 1:00 PM CST. All the nations of earth will be involved (v. 12). Gather them up to battle unto the great day of God Almighty. The name Jehoshaphat here means the Lord judges, and while the location of this valley is unknown, the language in the verse may be indicating that it is being used symbolically to describe the future battle that will take place. This battle is known as Armageddon, and it is said to be the final battle in the history of the world. You will find it a remarkable storyline and an easy read. Revelations focus is the temple of heaven (Revelation 16:17), not a supposedly soon to be rebuilt Jewish temple on earth. It is at the end of the 6 th bowl of wrath that the events leading to the Battle of Armageddon start to unfold. We are told that the waters of the Euphrates River will be dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. The dry riverbed will permit unhindered passage of the great armies of the East to the scene of the battle. It will embrace most of the nations of the world; and its focal point will be in the Middle East, where the armies of the world will some day deploy themselves, centering at Mount Megiddo. To keep it simple, we will call the first group, Israel One, and the second group, Israel Two. Why does the Bible say count it all joy when you fall into trials? Used by permission. The prevailing truth is that as we live, we are to watch, wait, and to expect. In the midst of such a Red Alert environment, millions of Americas politically active Christians believe God Himself is not only behind modern Israel, but that He will finally annihilate the enemies of the Jewish State at Armageddon. Kings from the east with vast armies (Revelation 16:12). The Battle of Armageddon is going to be the execution of Gods wrath on the people of The preparations for the battle take place under the sixth plague, but the battle itself is fought under the seventh plague (v. 12). In Revelation, we also find a struggle between Israel and Babylon. Revelation 7:4; 14:1, 8. Armageddon is about a nine-hour drive (835 kilometers, or 518 miles) from the Euphrates at Ramadi, Iraq. The Battle of Armageddon will culminate at the end of the Great Tribulation. Isaiah described the fires effect on the land itself (see Isaiah 34:910). Jeremiah stated that the Lord will give them that are wicked to the sword, and the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other (Jeremiah 25:31, 33). And do not miss this, he came from the east. Isaiah 46:11. Some would say yes, but the evidence suggests otherwise. In its north-central Palestinian location, Megiddo overlooks the great Plain of Esdraelon, an area of some 20 by 14 miles in which many great battles took place anciently. All of them speak of it; and when that time comes, the Lord is going to come out of His hiding place. (The Signs of the Times, p. The army was numbered two hundred thousand thousand (Revelation 9:16), having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone and with fire and smoke and brimstone issuing out of their mouths (Revelation 9:17). For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 33.). Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain shall be made low; the rugged terrain of today shall level out into a millennial garden. The beast and false prophet will be captured and thrown into the lake of fire burning with brimstone, where they will be burned up (Revelation 19:20). Not only did Jesus again use Jewish imagery, the temple, and apply it symbolically to His Church, but He also identified another city, the New Jerusalem, as Gods real city. It is apparently derived from the Hebrew word for mountain and the word Megiddo, an ancient city near Mount Carmel and was the site of many battles in the history of Israel. Absolutely not. For people to really understand that the evil Babylonian system does not work, mankind must come to the brink of extinction. When Gods final prophetic masterpiece of the Apocalypse talks about Israel (Revelation 7:4), mount Zion (Revelation 14:1), Jerusalem, (Revelation 21:10), the temple (Revelation 11:19), Sodom and Egypt (Revelation 11:8), Babylon (Revelation 17:5), Euphrates (Revelation 16:12), and Armageddon (Revelation 16:16), do these refer to literal, war torn, earthly, fleshly places not too far from Iraq, north of Yasser Arafats headquarters, south of Baghdad and west of Jordan? Then Cyrus issued his famous decree to let Israel go. This group is called the Israel of God because it is God centred, being made up of people who have a genuine experience with the Lord. It is not surprising, considering its great importance in the winding-up scenes of the earths telestial existence, to find that the prophets, ancient and modern, have spoken at great lengths and in much detail about this final war that will usher in the Millennium. By Bob . Revelation 16:16-17And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. I want the time to come when every man can live in peace and in the spirit of faith, humility and prayer. (Signs of the Times, pp. WebAt the onset, the Battle of Armageddon will seem to be just one more war. It was a place where the armies of Israel often met foreign enemies in bloody battles. Once the battle for Jerusalem is won, Jesus will make His way north to the valley that is located at Mount Megiddo. The last year of the Tribulation, the final war is coming. Print subscriptions available in U.S., Canada and Europe. A battle of Armageddon will not occur until the end of the Tribulation, at which time the Battle of Armageddon will begin. Cp. However, the Bible does not indicate where the Euphrates crossing will take place. Behold, I come as a thief. They use Rift-based powers. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur (Revelation 19:19-20). They belong to Israel Two. When it comes to the Battle of Armageddon, which is a phrase depicting the grand finale in the greatest apocalyptic book ever written, does it make sense for Gods last book to suddenly shift gears away from its thematic focus by pinpointing a literal, local, high tech, Middle East based conflagration involving Russians, Chinese, Syrians, and literal Jews? Armageddon! Those of Israel refer to people belonging to the literal Jewish nation. ), Bible Dictionary, s.v. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201 Final contestants: The Powers of Earth versus the Jews. We know the general outcome, but not all of the particulars. ) (Mormon Doctrine, p. Armageddon comes from Hebrew words that mean hill or mountain of Megiddo, the scene of many battles about 80 miles (about 130 kilometers) north of Jerusalem by road. There will not be merely the separation of the Mount of Olives, to form a valley that the Jews may escape, but the whole earth is going to be shaken. What insight led to a clearer understanding of Jesus prophecy about the last days? So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy having a golden cup in her hand. Revelation 17:3-4. A careful study of the Revelation of Jesus Christ proves that Christianitys massive God Is Behind Modern Israel theology is just simply not true. Sign up to receive the week's latest articles, blog posts andupdates. So great will be the devastation that for seven years Israel will be able to live off the spoils of war left behind (see Ezekiel 39:810). Judah will become powerful in politics and warfare (see Isaiah 19:1617; Zechariah 10:3, 56). The purpose of this document is not to condemn U.S. support for Israel or to try and solve a seemingly unsolvable Middle East mess; rather it is to take a second look at what the New Testament, and especially the book of Revelation really says about Israel, Jerusalem and the battle of Armageddon. In popular speech, Armageddon has become a term for the final military battle of world history.It also has an extended meaning and can refer to any devastating conflict, whether or not it would be the final one. He informs us that after the city and temple are rebuilt by the Jews, the Gentiles will tread it under foot forty and two months, during which time there will be two prophets continually prophesying and working mighty miracles. WebThis great war has been called the battle of Armageddon. Lets surrender our lives to Him, so we can be part of His Israel of God. There will be one nation in the land of Israel again (see Ezekiel 37:22). Though the armies will gather at Armageddon, the climactic battle will actually be at Jerusalem. The beasts forces will primarily come from Europe. The river gradually went down as it ran through Babylon and no one noticed. The strategic objective of this great and evil alliance is clearly the nation of Israel (see Ezekiel 38:8, 1516; Joel 2:1; 3:12; Zechariah 14:2). Ministries, a distinctly Cross-centered outreach. All rights reserved. Like the 1000 year reign, Armageddon is mentioned in only one chapter of the Bible (Rev. An earthquake will strike the earth, affecting the whole worldthe greatest earthquake the world has ever known (see Revelation 11:13; 16:18; Ezekiel 38:1920; Haggai 2:67). 74.). The Battle of Armageddon will take place in Israel, in the prophesied Valley of Megiddo. Ingeniously, the Revelation of Jesus Christ makes use of the dusty history of this ancient event and then applies it with stunning, apocalyptic force to another Babylon, another Israel, another Euphrates, and another deliverance from the east.. The Lords fury upon the army of Gog will consist of other judgments in addition to the great earthquake: The armies of Gog will turn upon each other, perhaps in the panic and confusion of the great earthquake (see Ezekiel 38:21; Zechariah 14:13). The city was Megiddo, which name means in Hebrew the place of troops (see Samuel Fallows, ed., The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia and Scriptural Dictionary, s.v. As we shall see, this is the key interpretive principle to understanding the entire book. 19:17-21 1. The living saints witness the battle, but not as direct participants. Zechariah says that only one-third of the nation of Israel will survive this final extremity when the city [Jerusalem] shall be taken, and the houses rifled [looted], and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity (Zechariah 14:2; see also Zechariah 13:89; 14:1). Without Gods revelation and guidance, people will be influenced to fight God. It has created a host of speculations and much embellishment that is not scriptural. Thus, during the Cold War, people feared that World War III would bring about a nuclear Armageddon, even if the human race Their bodies shall lie unburied like dung upon the earth. By Michael Kern - Mar 01, 2023, 1:00 PM CST. For example, Daniel 11 describes the long-running conflict between the king of the North and the king of the South over hundreds of years and through different human leaders. The Seven Days Battles, also known as Seven Days Campaign was a sequence of 6 battles, that took place from June 25 to July 1, 1862, along Virginia Peninsula in the American Civil War. Here, the army of Northern Virginia under the leadership of General Robert E. Lee, took to the offensive against the Union Army of the Potomac under the leadership of Major General George B. McClellan. That is why I am reading them. This belief that God will ultimately defend Middle East Jews at the battle of Armageddon is so strongly embedded within the twenty first century evangelical psyche that it has even crept into politics and influences United States foreign policy toward the Jewish State [1]. Weapons of Mass Destruction and Bible Prophecy, Return of Christ: As the Days of Noah Were, What Is Eschatology? Hence Cyrus was a type of Jesus Christ. Throughout Revelation weve seen Middle East terms like the seven golden candlesticks, (Revelation 1:20), Jezebel (Revelation 2:20), Mount Zion, (Revelation 14:1), Jerusalem, (Revelation 3:12), the temple (Revelation 11:19), Sodom and Egypt (Revelation 11:8), Euphrates (Revelation 16:12) and Babylon (Revelation 17:5) used in a heavenly, Christ centred, spiritual sense. In Old Testament days, Cyrus came from the east to conquer literal Babylon. Armageddon represents the last battle of the great controversy between Christ and Satan fought out on the battlefield of this earth. Is it not our duty to read these things and understand them? As you would well know, the majority of prophecy teachers apply this, at least the Israel part of it, to literal Jews on the west bank. While it is outside the scope of this document to discuss the fascinating details, here are the main points: The battle involves the kings of the earth and of the whole world (Revelation 16:14), which could not possibly fit inside the valley of Megiddo. In fact, throughout Revelation he was in the Spirit seeing different things (Revelation 4:2; 17:3; 21:10). Where and when will the final battle be fought? It is critical that we understand that this truth has seismic implications. John showed that eventually the two prophets will be captured and killed by the opposing army, and their bodies will be left in the streets of Jerusalem for three days and an half as the forces of evil engage in a great celebration over their death (Revelation 11:9; see also Revelation 11:78, 10). Applied to the literal Jewish nation the battle, but not all of the Tribulation the. Israel and Babylon a war to eclipse anything the world has ever seen that as live! 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