Full Hunter Moon In Aries, October 5, 2017 Powerful Shift Will Bring Intensity And Passion, 7 Differences Between A Twin Flame and A False Twin Relationship, 8 Things To Know About The Full Worm Moon, Human Energy Field How To Read The Human Aura. XVIII: An alchemist conversing with his chemicals and equipment. There needs to be a great shift in this awareness to accelerate your quantum timing of greatness. XXIV: A woman being interviewed for a position as priestess. You all have unique light codes within your DNA that serve as a transmitter to greater knowledge and your wealth creation. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. This is your navigation point to trust your own Higher Self/I AM Presence. I: In the desert a way station to comfort travelers. This symbol reminds us all that dualities and opposites are often interconnected and dependent on each other to exist. XVII: Light and mirrors dancing with each other. IX: A sylph reaches into a pool to caress a fish. Due to higher works, messages are not being monitored or accepted at this time. Each DNA Templates Custom Blend nourishes and supports your individual needs. You are receiving, whether you are conscious of it or not, ancient knowledge direct to your cells and the memories held within. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. XV: An old magician forming golems out of clay. VI: A bridge of swaying vines across a canyon. How often have you said you need more money, I dont have enough or I cant afford that? We are closely aligned with seven main star systems. VI: A sinkhole opens up into the earth. IV: An old wise man riding out of the forest on a stag. & Dragons A Channeled Message from the Pleiadians About COVID-19 and Love . I: The king of an unknown land sends a letter to the known world. XXIII: A gentle woman carrying an immense soap bubble using the frequency of Light Language Harmonic Healing, I am releasing the fear and grief from my Atlantian aspect now. V: Tears falling into a seemingly bottomless chasm. XXIV: A blue butterfly gently knocking at a door. You are in the process of change this is rapid and at times chaotic it has engulfed government sectors and big business where greed has been the distortion for many years, this is not of service and therefore it is in transformation. travel on the astral plane while your physical body, Draconian Starseed Traits and Mission On Earth, Hyadian/Aldebaran Starseeds And Their Traits, Vega Starseed: Their Traits And Mission On Earth, Cassiopeia Starseed: The Signs And Traits, Hypersthene Spiritual Meaning: Unleashing the Power of Third Eye Activation, Rooster Spiritual Meaning: More Than Just a Farm Animal, Flamingo Spiritual Meaning: Discover the Powerful Significance. Their home constellation comprises of seven stars, at least according to the naked eye. Yin Yang teaches us how important it is to find the middle ground. Always receive money as being a pure energy, very clean and clear, this is the key. I have been working alongside the Pleiadian and Sirian High Councils to oversee the Ascension Codes of Light - Harmonic Frequency for each of the seven major portal openings in Ecuador, France . XXVIII: Walking on a rainbow people cross a dark ocean. Each of you from this lifetime holds codes within your DNA that can shift a major illusion in humanity and Earth. However, for most it is a deeper knowing it is assisting them and they have found the codes for a higher reason defying logic. XVI: The volcano goddess laughing. XXIX: The shifting and modulating of light frequencies creating messages in color. There is a pulsing light coming into your crown chakra, as these light codes are received, you may see a very bright yellow light entering the crown and going into your palms and heart chakra (Pleiadean Codes of Light Harmonic Healing). Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I now have a clearer vision of my soul purpose. In simple truth, these symbols are high frequency codes or keys of light connecting and activating your entire being and all that is. Saren, an Ancient Pleiadian Light Language Saren is older than most Earth languages and is sort of related to a form of what became Russian and Hibernian (so they say), but there are traces of it in several languages. XIV: A conversation interrupted by the writhings of a snake. The destination is rarely reached. The holders of these codes already are speaking and releasing wealth and knowledge onto the planet assisting humanity in the changes. It ensures the proper health of both body and soul. These Light Language codes connect across the dimensions and within each individual cells memory where the particular coded frequency holds resonance for transformation or transmutation. VI: On crags by the sea a mythical golden bird is building its nest. The information you are receiving is being released now to bring in balance, and stronger communication between you and your DNA Light Bodies Angelic Codes of Light. XXVIII: A botanist reading the rings in a cross section of an extremely old tree. Its a mass consciousness shift that will bring you over the bridge to the other side. XVIII: Bells on horses feet sounding through falling leaves. Nicknamed "the Galactic Linguist" she channels multiple Extraterrestrial Languages such as Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian. XIX: A stream gurgling through a recently burned forest. The Golden Light Symbol DNA, seen here, is the key to shift this vibration that has kept your truth from being seen. Dolphin Dreams: Unlocking the Secrets of the Unconscious, Draconian Starseed - Traits and Mission On Earth, White Owl Flying In Front of Car -Dream And Spiritual. XXVI: At night the fires of wanderers dot the planes. XII: A flag made of feathers comes loose and floats away. IX: A woman leading her children up a dark tower. XI: Fairies enshrouding a garden in mist. XXX: A seer, on his back and gazing into the sky, becomes a channel for cosmic messages. Heptagram is the star form of Heptagon and symbolizes the star system and the connection among the seven chakras. VI: Revellers dancing around a maypole. XI: All sorts of emotions flicering over a mans face. XXVIII: Statues and fountains at night in a summer garden. The entire symbolism of the heart resonates here because it marries the physical and the ethereal, the outer world with the inner world by stressing the importance of the health of the body and the health of the soul. The two golden balls of light in your hands have grown and got very big this energy is now around you like a golden orb and is a pure light of abundance and wealth now. In order to spin up the Merkaba to expand your aura and activate your Light Body, you need to get these two tetrahedrons to spin at the same frequency. Redeem Now Pause Podcast: Pleiadian Light Language The Soul Matrix Ltd. 4 years ago Alternative Wisdom 3,065 84 4 The Soul Matrix Ltd. 9,187 558 Report It shows how important it is to connect with others and form an energy force within you. Sit comfortably or lay down on your back. IX: Sharp, tiny darts whose tips have been dipped in flower elixirs. With this cleansing there is an opportunity to align more deeply with your Higher Self/I AM Presence so as to guide you forward with ease and grace. XIV: Tiny balls of multicolored lights flickering through a forest. Pleiadian light language was shared and spoken with many beings. The heart symbol is love and emotions. XXIII: A faint pink flame flickering at the top of an ancient oak tree. Trust your hearts and look inwards for guidance not outwards. The more love you infuse within your body the better this will be. Apart from feeling separation, you may also feel that you are not entirely here, or maybe there is confusion as to what steps you need to take to clear something held within your heart and higher heart. XX: Through a wall of ice a crystal city sparkles in sunlight. XIV: A medicine woman wearing the talismans of her totem animals. X: At the touch of a magicians hand a text in a forgotten tongue is spontaneously translated. In this heart of self you are capable of so many things. VIII: A man learning Tai Chi. XIX: A book that only allows itself to be opened by certain people. IX: A man wandering through a wondrous landscape inside a crystal sphere. XV: A bear emerges from hibernation. Insights > XVII: Sunlight flooding an altar covered with flowers. XVIII: A sampler embroidered with letters and numbers subtly reveals the personality of its maker. The spreading of Love and Light in order to raise the vibrations of humanity is the mission of the Starseeds from the Pleiades. Some may catch your eye more than others. Depending on your heritage, it can be Pleiadian, Sirian, or Arcturian a collective of multidimensional spirit beings from the Pleiades, Sirius, or Arcturus star systems. Novels > Cherokee legends teach that Native Americans originated long ago in the Pleiades, and assert that indigenous people are on Earth as "star seeds," with a mission of bringing light and knowledge. This reading has been one of the most precious gifts I have ever received. These symbols bypass the traditional language centres of the brain. XXV: The tinkling of camel bells as a caravan crosses the desert. XXI: Newly hatched birds joyously running and hopping through a meadow. Your values are the principles that guide your behavior and decision-making, and they should align with your long-term vision for your life. As the energies of light of higher consciousness move through your light bodies there will be a deep cleansing of emotions. Finally, we have a heart symbol. This striking design also features the numbers 11:11, beautiful sacred geometry & Light codes to help shift your energy to a higher octave. I have been working alongside the Pleiadian and Sirian High Councils to oversee the Ascension Codes of Light Harmonic Frequency for each of the seven major portal openings in Ecuador, France, Peru, Mexico, the Sphinx, North Pole and South Pole. VII: Fragments of an antique colossus lying on a beach. V: Gently a feather falls from the sky, settling on a gigantic pyramid. XIX: An island where birds thought to be extinct have secretly taken refuge. XII: An escalator carrying people far into the sky. 11 beautiful transmissions, each one and a half to two hours long. The Tarot > What is a Pleiadian Starseed? Sacred symbols bring light of awareness,-- language of loving, supportive . The truth is you can have whatever you really want you are now entering the new realms of monetary exchange. With your permission and the guidance of your higher self you start receiving the golden codes, your wealth creation. The Lemurian High Council at Mt Shasta are also opening up portals to support the seven major portals. Sit in a chair, hands on your lap palms up, imagine two very nice looking gold balls in the palms of your hands these will tingle and there will be some heat emanating from the gold balls. II: In a sacred cave a lingam of ice. Earth shifts are occurring for a reason. There are many symbols that resonate with the Pleiades, and all of them can help you attune to its energies. It allows you to travel on the astral plane while your physical body remains tethered to the Earth. All rights reserved. XVIII: A man puts his ear to a daisy. XI: A poet sleeping in the midst of his poems which are scattered everywhere around him. XXIII: A sinuous woman in black who is an adept in cat magic. VI: A labyrinth which appears to have to entrance. VI: Logs of sacred trees being finished to become columns in a temple. Source of abundance comes from a new reality that is not clouded in negative beliefs. XXVI: A worshiper lighting sandalwood incense in a temple dedicated to Ganesh. They're both beacons of light and knowledge, here to help humanity move towards the Golden Age of Transformation. I: A mermaid and an octopus lovingly embracing. XV: A spiral path that never seems to come to an end. It might feel like its stuck, rigid or very deep grief. The Heart chakra is fundamental to connection and Universal Consciousness. XXII: A scientist discovering new equations that more completely explain the nature of the universe. XXII: Butterflies and dragonflies around a fountain splashing in sunlight. II: A crystal shatters releasing a cloud of dreams and memories. Using the Language of Light Golden Codes not only awakens your soul but aligns many deeper parts giving you a real sense of freedom and birthing ideas, creations and gifts from this higher aspect of self. II: As one climbs steps they turn into water which flows upward. Transition is a process, a journey that leads you to the higher calling of self. IV: Deep in a cave gnomes sitting around a flickering fire. XVII: People dressed in a vivid array of colors come together to celebrate spring. VII: A glowing fairy flies into the room of a sleeping maiden. The vibration that we are talking about is one that resonates with the greater picture for all, within the universe. VI: On a ball court children chasing a large soap bubble. XXIV: Out of a cocoon more and more butterflies emerging. This is the old aspect, the part of self that is no longer here and yet you are seeking this familiar vibration. XVI: A researcher looking through secret archives. XXI: A mysterious piece of unusual color and shape appearing on a chess board. Yes, it is laughing. II: Trolls seeding a meadow with gold nuggets. XVII: Elaborate polyphonic music which seems to come from many different places at once. IV: People lined up to receive hugs from a holy woman. V: Putting his ear to a coffin a man hears the whispering of poems. There is more to this and more will be revealed in later channellings. It shows the cosmic nature that governs our body and chakras. There are many of you doing this right now and we thank you and send light, but we still need more of you to attend this call to spread the light around the Earth. XVIII: Removing a mask reveals a faceless man. Seven Sister is another name for Pleiades as it represents the Seven Daughters of Pleione and Atlas. You just have to tune in your energies with it. XIV: Deep in a cave on the moon a dreamer dreams of prehistoric jungles. II: Winds racing across the sea. Let your hearts be the guide, not your minds the heart has shown you the way for many years and yet you doubt this unlimited aspect of self. XXIV: A little girl hugging a puppy. It is filled with vast stores of knowledge. IX: Molten glass being wrought into fantastic forms. VII: In oceans greenish depths a searcher for pearls. If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!. XIV: The full moon, low in the sky, shines on the Great Pyramid, which casts a long shadow over the desert. Salla reports that the Pleiadians are motivated to connect with humanity out of concern for Earth's future. Dual realities, the energies of your Higher Self/I Am Presence are aligning and forming a new matrix of light within your beings. This universal light language in it's many forms is known throughout all of God's creation by all living beings, both physical and non-physical. As humans we naturally associate meanings and connotations with our every day native language- which imprints energy and limiting understanding into the words. Your children have this awareness already and want you to get with the program. See more ideas about starseed, spirituality, book of shadows. I would like to express my deepest joy and gratitude to you for your incredible service to all beings of light at this amazing time!!! Custom Blend DNA Templates Dimensional Navigation Attunement Individual Blends, for your Individual Needs, Aligns you to your Ascension Codes of Light Cleanses the DNA Template of all interference that stops full communication with your Ascension Codes of Light. XXV: A messenger has forgotten the message he was to deliver. Copyright 2022 John Sandbach, All Rights Reserved. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. XIII: Sacred artifacts being secretly vacated from a city. XIII: A crowd of people sensing a sudden shift in group karma. I: Deep in the sea a mirror watches the sky. XXVIII: Moonlight reflecting off the shiny head of an old man. XXIX: A flock of goats grazing on a vast lawn. This is a follow-along page of " Pleiadian Symbol Code Activation " class. New to Light Language Activation Symbols? As the higher vibrations merge with your light body there is a transition as the energies of the old meet with the new. XXII: The giving up of a famous magical sword. Light Language: Expands your Heart Releases energetic blockages Increases your intuition Inspires creativity Cleanses your Mind Bypasses your mental limitations Clarifies higher self communication Accesses your innate wisdom Heals your Body Activates your pineal gland Repairs DNA Accelerates Ascension Without the Anahata, the purpose of Starseeds is lost. I: A mans portrait peering with great intensity into a quiet room. XXIII: Authors come together to read their works to each other. Pleiadians are highly creative, loving souls who originate from the beautiful star cluster, Pleiades. VII: A man secretly writing down his visions. We are the Highest Potential of Humanity, the Wayshowers and Guides in this Golden Age of Light. XIX: Revelers on a river raft floating to the ocean. XV: An invisible man shrouded in clothing. - The Language of Light was channeled April 26th, 2011 by Lilli Bendriss and recorded by Camillo Loken. When we talk of this, we mean to raise your vibrations to sustain life on Earth and Love for all. By giving of yourself in such an uplifting way you benefit yourself and others. XII: Wandering a lawn people watch the stars appearing. XVI: A diva singing a passionate aria as the stage burns. This may cause some discomfort in your lives or physical bodies and is a symptom of the ascension and transformation upon the earth plane. The Bull or Taurus can be spotted in the seven sisters. IV: For a journey down river people turn into eels. IX: A dentist performing a difficult root canal. There are many uses for this vehicle of consciousness, and regardless of heritage, we all have some access to it. XXVI: Ice devas decorating a forest. Your Galactic DNA Light Body is transmitting lines of energy, in codes for the earth. A lot of Indian and Polynesian names sound just like Pleiadian names. These changes have been occurring for a while, but there is a peaking of light and light frequency that is having a major impact on you and earth. From Reuters, "El Salvador vows gang crackdown will go on as citizens cheer safer streets":. XIX: A rug grows larger and larger, sprouting grass, trees, and flowers as it turns into a landscape. It is a bridge present between the upper and lower chakra. XXVI: A harpist singing an ancient song in moonlight. They are powerful extensions of self on multidimensional levels linking in aspects of self and past life times. VIII: Birds of man different colors flying out of a window. V: Waking, a an remembers attending a fairy celebration deep in the woods. And the memories held within messages are not being monitored or accepted at this time extensions of you. Humanity is the old aspect, the part of self with great intensity into a to., becomes a channel for cosmic messages here to help humanity move towards the Golden Age of light was April... 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