not authorized to access on type query appsync

curl as follows: You can implement your own API authorization logic using an AWS Lambda function. With the above configuration, we can use the following Node.js Lambda function sample code to be executed when authorizing GraphQL API calls in AppSync: The function checks the authorization token and, if the value is custom-authorized, the request is allowed. When the clientId is present in @PrimaryKey Click Create API. :/ console, directly under the name of your API. Now, you should be able to visit the console and view the new service. The appropriate principal policy will be added automatically, allowing If you want to use the OIDC token as the Lambda authorization token when the schema, and only users that created a post are allowed to edit it. When I attempted @sundersc's workaround with a lambda generated by Amplify, it did not work. If you have to compile troposphere files to cloudformation add the step to do so in the buildspec. schema object type definitions/fields. to your account. Well occasionally send you account related emails. We recommend that you use the RSA algorithms. For example, suppose you dont have an appropriate index on your blog post DynamoDB table ) Let me know in case of any issues. API Keys are best used for public APIs (or parts of your schema which you wish to be public) or prototyping, and you must specify the expiration time before deploying. this action, using context passed through for user identity validation. Already on GitHub? Though well be doing this in the context of a React application, the techniques we are going over will work with most JavaScript frameworks including Vue, React, React Native, Ionic, & Angular. In this example: others cant read, update, or delete. With the new GraphQL Transformer, given the new deny-by-default paradigm, the owner-based authorizations operation now specifies what owners are allowed to do. will use the credentials for that entity to access AWS. however, API_KEY requests wouldnt be able to access it. execute in the shortest amount of time as possible to scale the performance of your Alternatively you can retrieve it with the Update the listCities request mapping template to the following: Now, the API is complete and we can begin testing it out. @danrivett - How are you signing the GraphQL request from Lambda outside amplify project? If you've got a moment, please tell us how we can make the documentation better. My schema.graphql looks like this (with other types and fields, but shouldn't impact our case): I tried a bunch of workarounds but nothing worked. privacy statement. 4 example, if your OIDC application has four clients with client IDs such as 0A1S2D, 1F4G9H, 1J6L4B, 6GS5MG, to Choose Create data source, enter a friendly Data source name (for example, Lambda ), and then for Data source type, choose AWS Lambda function. [] authorized. Next, well download the AWS AppSync configuration from our AWS AppSync Dashboard under the Integrate with your app section in the getting started screen, saving it as AppSync.js in our root folder. concept applies on the condition statement block. type and restrict access to it by using the @aws_iam directive. First, we want to make sure that when we create a new city, the users username gets stored in the author field. Perhaps that's why it worked for you. authorization, Using Attach the following policy to the Lambda function being used: If you want the policy of the function to be locked to a single specific grant-or-deny strategy on access. policies with this authorization type. I am also experiencing the same thing. the API ID and the authentication token. This section describes options for configuring security and data protection for your Click here to return to Amazon Web Services homepage, a backend system powered by an AWS Lambda function. Second, your editPost mutation needs to perform "Public S3 buckets" - but rather it means Authorization is using an entirely different mechanism (IAM or API key) which does not and cannot have an owner, nor a group associated with the identity performing the query. mode and any of the additional authorization modes. Looking for a help forum? I did try the solution from user patwords. Note: I do not have the build or resolvers folder tracked in my git repo. AWS AppSync to call your Lambda function. Drift correction for sensor readings using a high-pass filter. we have the same issue on our production environment after upgrading to 7.6.22, type BroadcastLiveData When using multiple authorization modes you can use AppSync directives in your GraphQL schema to restrict access to data types and fields based on the mode used to authorize the request. Finally, the issue where Amplfiy does not use the checked out environment when building the GraphQL API vtl resolvers should be investigated or at least my solution should be put on the Amplify Docs Troubleshooting page. How are we doing? However, the action requires the service to have permissions that are granted by a service role. templates will be "very green". mobile: AWSPhone! To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. These Lambda functions are managed via the Serverless Framework, and so they aren't defined as part of the Amplify project. which only updates the content of the blog post if the request comes from the user that @aws_lambda - To specify that the field is AWS_LAMBDA In this case, Mary's policies must be updated to allow her to perform the iam:PassRole action. For example, thats the case for the would be for the user to gain credentials in their application, using Amazon Cognito User Thanks again for your help @rrrix ! Javascript is disabled or is unavailable in your browser. So I think this issue comes from me not quite understanding the relationship between AWS cognito user pools and the auth rules in a graphql schema. If this value is true, execution of the GraphQL API continues. Note that the OIDC token can be a Bearer scheme. Then, use the original SigV4 signature for authentication. If you are already familiar with AWS AppSync & want to dive deeper on more complex user authorization examples, check out this recent post by Richard Threlkeld. To learn how to provide access through identity federation, see Providing access to externally authenticated users (identity federation) in the IAM User Guide. This section shows how to set access controls on your data using a DynamoDB resolver GraphqlApi object) and it acts as the default on the schema. In the GraphQL schema type definition below, both AWS_IAM and AWS_LAMBDA authorize access to the Event type, but only the AWS_LAMBDA mode can access the description field. We need the resolution urgently for this as our system is already in production environment. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. For public users, it is recommended you use IAM to authenticated unauthenticated users to run queries. First create an AppSync API using the Event App sample project in the AppSync Console after clicking the Create API button. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. console the permissions will not be automatically scoped down on a resource and you should authorized. Which is why you should never take tenant ID as a request argument. The code example shows to use { allow: private, provider: iam } as mentioned here, and how to sign the request. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? Are the 60+ lambda functions and the GraphQL api in the same amplify project? AWS AppSync's API, do the following: To create a new Lambda authorization token, add random suffixes and/or prefixes (typename.fieldname) By doing The function overrides the default TTL for the response, and sets it to 10 seconds. object, which came from the application. An output will be returned in the CLI. The For example, if your API_KEY is 'ABC123', you can send a GraphQL query via Go to AWS AppSync in the console. I ask since it's not a change we'd like to consume given we already secure AppSync access through IaC IAM policies as mentioned above, even though the rest of the v2 changes look great. If this is 0, the response is not cached. For An official website of the United States government. The Lambda authorization token should not contain a Bearer The public authorization specifies that everyone will be allowed to access the API, behind the scenes the API will be protected with an API Key. Not ideal but it fixes the issue for us with no code rewrite required. GraphQL API, you can run this command: Update your AWS AppSync API to use the given Lambda function ARN as the The problem is that the auth mode for the model does not match the configuration. modes. id: ID! relationship will look like below: Its important to scope down the access policy on the role to only have permissions to API (GraphQL) Setup authorization rules @auth Authorization is required for applications to interact with your GraphQL API. example, for API_KEY authorization you would use @aws_api_key on { allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"], operations: [read] } But this is not an all or nothing decision. Lambda functions used for authorization require a principal policy for As an application data service, AppSync makes it easy to connect applications to multiple data sources using a single API. If you haven't already done so, configure your access to the AWS CLI. Since this is an edit operation, it corresponds to an authorization setting at the AWS AppSync GraphQL API level (that is, the modes, Fine-grained To learn the difference between using roles and resource-based policies for cross-account access, see How IAM roles differ from resource-based policies in the The same example above now means: Owners can read, update, and delete. directives against individual fields in the Post type as shown Sign in Your This will use the "AuthRole" IAM Role. Navigate to amplify/backend/api//custom-roles.json. country: String! By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. { allow: owner, operations: [create, update, read] }, version Your application can leverage this association by using an access key Then scroll to the bottom and click Create. Authorization metadata is usually an attribute (column) in a DynamoDB table, such as an owner or list of users/groups. How do I apply a consistent wave pattern along a spiral curve in Geo-Nodes 3.3? For For more advanced use cases, you For example there could be Readers and Writers attributes. additional authorization modes, AWS AppSync provides an authorization type that takes the my-example-widget These users will require assistance to gain access . UpdateItem in DynamoDB. IAM User Guide. he does not have the Nested keys are not supported. templates. profileImg: String Finally, customers may have private system hosted in their VPC that they can only access from a Lambda function configured with VPC access. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. You can perform a conditional check before performing For more information on attaching policies You can create additional user accounts to perform. of this section) needs to perform a logical check against your data store to allow only the In my case, I wanted a single Lambda to be able to use the GraphQL API to update data in my Amplify project, while not being a part of the Amplify setup. control, AWSsignature email: String authorization modes or the AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorization mode the schema. At the schema level, you can specify additional authorization modes using directives on At this point you just need to add to the codebuild config the ENVIRONMENT env variable to configure the current deployment env target and use the main cloudformation file in the build folder as codebuild output (build/cloudformation-template.json). The @auth directive allows the override of the default provider for a given authorization mode. I would still strongly suggest that you have on your roadmap support for resource-based IAM permissions as a first-class option, because I think it's a good pattern for AWS access from resources managed outside of Amplify, but if your suggestion works, I think a lower P3 priority makes sense. The resolverContext When I try to perform GraphQL query which returns empty result, now I have error: There is code in resolver which leads to this behavior: Thats right code, but somehow previously when $ctx.result was empty I did not get this error. resolver: The value of $ in resolver If there are other issues with the deny-by-default authorization change, we should create a separate ticket. to this: Some AWS services allow you to pass an existing role to that service instead of creating a new service role or service-linked role. GraphQL fields. AWS AppSync is a fully managed service which allows developers to deploy and interact with serverless scalable GraphQL backends on AWS. Javascript is disabled or is unavailable in your browser. I hope this helps someone else save a bit of time. You can do this { applications. Create a GraphQL API object by running the update-graphql-api command. However, you can use the @aws_cognito_user_pools directive in place of The resolverContext field is a JSON object passed as $ctx.identity.resolverContext to the AppSync resolver. If you have a model which is not "public" (available to anyone with the API key) then you need to use the correct mode to authorize the requests. Using the CLI It also means our IaC Serverless definitions can't provide individually tailored IAM policies per lambda, like we currently can. AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS and AWS_LAMBDA authorization Here is an example of what I'm referring to but this is for lambdas within the same amplify project. group in the IAM User Guide. In the items tab, you should now be able to see the fields along with the new Author field. authorized. In this screen, choose City as the type, and create an additional index with an Index name of author-index and a primary key of author. Looking for a help forum? to expose a public API. However, nothing I did on the schema was effective (including adding @aws_cognito_user_pools as indicated). Marking this as feature request. Now lets take a closer look at what happens when using the AWS_LAMBDA authorization mode in AppSync. The operation is either executed or rejected as unauthorized depending on the logic declared in our resolver. This is actually where the mysterious "AuthRole" and "UnAuthRole" IAM roles are used , Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with AWS or the Amplify team in any way, and while I try my best to give well-informed assistance, I recommend you perform your own research (read the docs over and over and over) and do not take this as official advice , Thank you so much for your detailed answer @rrrix . For anyone experiencing this issue with Amplify generated functions, try to delete the build and resolvers folders located in your GraphQL API folder (may be hidden by VSCode) and run amplfiy env checkout {your-environment-here} to regenerate the vtl resolvers. Now that the API has been created, click Settings and update the Authorization type to be Amazon Cognito User Pool. My Name is Nader Dabit . In the resolver field under Mutation Data Types in the dashboard click on the resolver for createCity: Update the createCity request mapping template to the following: Now, when we create a new city, the users identity will automatically be stored as another field in the DynamoDB table. Well occasionally send you account related emails. From the schema editor in the AWS AppSync console, on the right side choose Attach Resolver for Query.getPicturesByOwner (id: ID! authorization random prefixes and/or suffixes from the Lambda authorization token. (clientId) that is used to authorize by client ID. to use more than one authorization mode. The total size of this JSON object must not exceed 5MB. Just ran into this issue as well and it basically broke production for me. However I understand that it is not an ideal solution for your setup. @danrivett - Thanks for the details. AppSync receives the Lambda authorization response and allows or denies access based on the isAuthorized field value. The preceding information demonstrates how to restrict or grant access to certain { allow: groups, groupsField: "editors", operations: [update] } access AWS AppSync, I want to allow people outside of my AWS authentication time (authTTL) in your OpenID Connect configuration for additional validation. Your clients attach an Authorization header to AppSync requests that a Lambda function evaluates to enforce authorization according your specific business rules. Not the answer you're looking for? What does a search warrant actually look like? By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Next, create the following schema and click Save: Note that author is the only field not required. Just to be clear though, this ticket I raised isn't related to the deny-by-default authorization change, it is not impacted by what operations are specified in the @auth directive. Your administrator is the person that provided you with your user name and password. api, What AWS Services are you utilizing? The full ARN form should be used when two APIs share a lambda function authorizer I'm not sure if it's currently used when iam is set as the AuthProvider, but if not, potentially we could specify something like: Specifying that would mean this particular iamCheck() function would not be invoked by mutation resolver generators. to the OIDC token. maximum of two access keys. If you want to set access controls on the data based on certain conditions To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. template template. @aws_oidc - To specify that the field is OPENID_CONNECT Was any update made to this recently? For example, in React you can use the following code: The AWS_LAMBDA authorization mode adds a new way for developers to enforce security requirements for their AppSync APIs. The secret access key We could of course brute force it by just replacing all auth VTL resolvers to remove that if-block, but that isn't something we are considering because of the maintenance overhead as auto-generated VTL resolvers evolve over time. Hi @sundersc and everyone else experiencing this issue. "Private" implies that there is Cognito / Federated Identity User or Group Authorization, either dynamic or static groups, and/or User (Owner) authorization. Aws Amplify Using Multiple Cognito User Pools in One GraphQL Api, Appsync authentification with public / private access without AWS Incognito, Appsync Query Returning Null with Cognito Auth. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. For example, suppose you have the following schema and you want to restrict access to (such as an index on Author). Well also show how to properly identify the currently authenticated user in a secure way in AWS AppSync, storing their username in the database as their unique identifier when they create resources. How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? You should be able to run the app by running react-native run-ios or react-native run-android. Choose the AWS Region and Lambda ARN to authorize API calls It's important to ensure that, at no point, can a tenant user dictate which tenant's data it's able to access. authorization token. If you are not already familiar with how to use AWS Amplify with Cognito to authenticate a user and would like to learn more, check out either React Authentication in Depth or React Native Authentication in Depth. It doesn't match $ctx.stash.authRole which was arn:aws:sts::XXX:assumed-role/amplify-abelmkr-dan-xxx-authRole/CognitoIdentityCredentials. Seems like an issue with pipeline resolvers for the update action. If you enjoyed this article, please clap n number of times and share it! To get started right away, see Creating your first IAM delegated user and one Lambda authorization function per API. The problem is that Apollo don't cache query because error occurred. We recommend joining the Amplify Community Discord server *-help channels for those types of questions. I'll keep subscribed to this ticket and if this issue gets prioritized and implemented, I'd be very happy to test it out and continue our v2 transformer migration as we'd love to move over to the new transformer version if so. For Manage your access keys as securely as you do your user name and password. mapping template will then substitute a value from the credentials (like the username)in a template getPost field on the Query type. tries to use the console to view details about a fictional removing the random prefixes and/or suffixes from the Lambda authorization token. Reverting to 4.24.2 didn't work for us. 3. @DanieleMoschiniMac Do you see the issue even after adding the IAM role to adminRoleNames on custom-roles.json file as mentioned here? privacy statement. review the Resolver But I remember with the transformer v1 this didn't always worked so I had to create a new table with a new name to replace the bugged table. to the SigV4 signature. Lambda expands the flexibility in AppSync APIs allowing to meet any authorization customization business requirements. You signed in with another tab or window. To learn how to provide access to your resources to third-party AWS accounts, see Providing access to AWS accounts owned by third parties in the Have a question about this project? and the Resolver Since you didn't have the read operation defined, no one was allowed to query anything, only perform mutations! Other relevant code would be my index.js: And the schema definition for the User object: Ultimately, I'm trying to make something similar to this example. This was really helpful. If this value is Expected behavior The correct way to solve this would be to update the default authorization mode in Amplify Studio (more details in my alternative answer) I also agree that aws documentation is really unclear, 'Unauthorized' error when using AWS amplify with grahql to create a new user, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. ', // important to make sure we get up-to-date results, // Helps log out errors returned from the AppSync GraphQL server. The flow that we will be working with looks like this: The data flow for a mutation could look something like this: In this example we can now query based on the author index. In v1's Mutation.updateUser.req.vtl, we only see: However in v2's Mutation.updateUser.auth.1.res.vtl, I'm now seeing a separate block for when IAM is being used: It's this block in particular that is interesting to me: This is doesn't evaluate to true and so isAuthorized isn't set to true and so the error above is returned. Can you please also tell how is owner different from private ? Please let us know if you hit into this issue and we can re-open. Although when I push to my environment it works fine, trying to mock it on my local machine isn't working at all. This issue has been automatically locked since there hasn't been any recent activity after it was closed. This URL must be addressable over HTTPS. Sign in // ignore unauthorized errors with null values, // fix for amplify error: So I recently started using @auth directive in my schema.graphql, which made me change to AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS as the default auth type for my AppSync API (I also kept AWS_IAM) as an additional way. another 365 days from that day. In the following example using DynamoDB, suppose youre using the preceding blog post follows: The resolver mapping template for editPost (shown in an example at the end You can specify authorization modes on individual fields in the schema. the AWS AppSync GraphQL API. logic, which we describe in Filtering In addition to my frontend, I have some lambdas (managed with serverless framework) that query my API. First, install the AWS Amplify CLI if you do not already have it installed: Next, configure the cli with your correct credentials: If this is your first time using AWS, check out this video to see how to get these credentials and set up the CLI. type Query { getMagicNumber: Int } together to authenticate your requests. your provider authorizes multiple applications, you can also provide a regular expression You can use GraphQL directives on the Reverting to 4.24.1 and pushing fixed the issue. expression. Error: GraphQL error: Not Authorized to access listVideos on type Query. returned from a resolver. If you manually add a new entry to the database with another author name, or you update an existing field changing the author name to one that is not your own & refresh your app, these cities with the updated fields should not show up in your app as the resolver will return only the fields that you have written! @aws_auth Cognito 1 (Default authorization mode) @aws_api_key @aws_api_key querytype Default authorization mode @aws_cognito_user_pools Cognito 1 @ aws _auth the following mapping template: This returns all the values responses, even if the caller isnt the author who created Thanks again, and I'll update this ticket in a few weeks once we've validated it. This also fixed the subscriptions for me. Present in @ PrimaryKey click create API for help, clarification, or responding to other answers Attach for! 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