But how will we track our activity on BSC? Is there a MyEtherWallet equivalent to Binance? Even though it is technically not possible for you to see an NFT with this, you will still be able to gather details with related to the NFT, including the NFT project information, ID, and the transaction history of the token. After confirming your request on Binance, it takes time for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. It offers an analytics platform for BNB Smart Chain, but it also has many other neat features. BscScan comes from the trusted development team behind EtherScan, a popular Ethereum block explorer. Thats because both these products have the same development team. Venus Protocol is a borrow-lending protocol similar to Compound or Aave on Ethereum. You can also take part in the lottery, win NFTs, participate in token sales, compete for spots on the leaderboard, and more! You can compare two contracts with Contract Diff Checker. BscScan allows you to explore and search the Binance blockchain for transactions, addresses, tokens, prices and other activities taking place on Binance (BNB) Page 162 of 200. How do I find BNB Smart Chain yield farms? This feature enables transparency for all users who interact along with smart contracts. You can do BEP-20 token swaps and provide liquidity. 0xe59188edcf511522efd9313460ac4790109307107cd95d6a79a02994c02c60d9, 0x2c999ce216d0d6a42714270ca92904a34faa5a8ab72b0c73b067cd5e9cf628ce, 0x870e017c778735e2d3016c0e1e38a0cf73aa16fa, 0x5d1e5aca56f492f020e9e6033cf389227a22739d, 0xe4cf2a30e043cc64bfd9824c25dc467c648caad0d2e245a9c27633371afd5b8a, 0x221dd9b3da79f9366d77997be3da283f48b855e0, 0x1bda8cce38e27e52ef691d3102ee40e3c23cd5af5ba25c85b45ae140584b7711, 0xe0ac4af3b62d8e75a2172a439592cf2a4aeea95d, 0x73c7fe5613e4d6ce22fdd0333c28c5041fda324d6a58812ad95b357be7b8114a, 0xf2136c2f5931b7073a4465c3ade2dcbc523fca3a, 0x22e3060d2e76dce21ac1ebfcf3bea67d7ce7919ca2ab40693323381fed4fcefb, 0x42d3cf3fbdb25b014d8bd33eec95b917e220db02, 0x87208122dae7971a35f6472f6558c135b8219269a8068772dd490c57130542ab, 0x166f1a6533dee636e2ab6e360ff2b2d6d48aae73, 0x2b3e31425b114091965d39dec2f53db11b179e0cbf6ca04b7f959f24151807a7, 0x979f54170e5b8265b2db3476d179086073480f4d, 0x4c0c78df5c5d3f0e7c65bab6bc0e32955453ac62, 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0x1f8fa51c8d7fa15b724a9b0c51879bdd630dfb1d, 0x166e221db59eb9d97a3ab7abe9e5a97f842b2ee2632000c6f253fd793a25cb40, 0x0706ae3ad0448320c0662724c371afcba0a6144f, 0xef1819a30171bcd4539e2b4bd15c94f535ba7f593d61099122387f6a4b0ff14a, 0xf83ffc8692d41356dc1de1599b357704e315ecc4, 0x2c731ae84db09ba6c9c0b7beec01ef59f05ac74cfe69f82e2593522d1679384c, 0x224db385856434d636d800d1b18229ad600050ee, 0xd559c70cab08d6b548bc2b79f4de85cf2d4522638f1a54862e7a6e07d30044d0, 0xc1ca5d803e264d87339649efec114f7155c7e896, 0x7dd2e0c9514c19dea0db0c43642b78a4b6ff27c57bb55981b05b10ba778c5b75, 0xd448c6b3b3d0e682f55530c0bf1b60e169b3c69b, 0x155a4534d2a5801e8414826ab9508595f71fd5e0299e740773a70189f3768c92, 0x4b945b865aea726ecbe31b41170cb8ae4ffcf4b0, 0x1f8483715fc6387b56eecc012487524ef9882d781f422b4b1258e05ef147c399, 0xbb8757c4f373d707861c9ca5611afa6e5af62f9e, 0x4435f681e8227d74be24bcc8f011e854fe133edc, 0x7adb52095ac5503913a245a56504323216791f9f216ebd9e10d9f0d81e49b002, 0x64820739984a52415adee620b17575c217397e63, 0xd17d70e0542cd192be4c2fb3c443212dbcf7f6b3, 0xbbe9e964af7927207f37e6e341ebcdb4e3f4e52594d4ce5b4eed0cf3e8246dc3, 0x5fbb9c10d4a4d72ad5e7569847e9baee9de35b1b, 0xa8b4e6abeb4afab11fea060c8cc77f66a07044a7, 0x8570d55e163a346f98a3182860c54b2f422b99e31659c6cc6adf7ad40a8979a0, 0xb398e52f732ee7e04017f4b0071544f7296171c9, 0xee1021f0ac89b6a14ec0ad2b2a757b0e56c91017, 0x7996cc93db2cf012fd836f45460f12a47884e7ac986b5d13d9830144d5b4b67c, 0x31090546aa4dcd4f4d13aa682be0be9af726efd5. Log into your Binance account and click. | Built by the same team behind Etherscan | Donate. But be careful because there are many scam projects out there. The easiest option may be to simply withdraw from your Binance account to a BSC wallet. For example, the knowledge you have on how to search for a smart contract within BscScan will be useful at the time of using DApps. You may also tap, To share the deposit QR code and address, tap. 10. Binance (BNB) detailed transaction info for txhash 0x8c8cfdb80bbd4585fc43e0163788e0443428465bdbda899837947bbb3e34f3ec. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. If youd like to trade on Binance DEX, youll need to use BEP-2 tokens, while if youd like to use dApps on BSC, youll need BEP-20 tokens. However, you won't be able to see the picture, song, file, or asset attached to the NFT. If youd like to trade on Binance DEX, youll need to use BEP-2 tokens, while if youd like to use dApps on BSC, youll need BEP-20 tokens. The list consists of transactions from sending BNB and the transactions for interacting with a smart contract. All you have to do is enter the transaction hash or wallet address on the search bar. This model of consensus can support a short block time and lower fees. This will transfer the full supply from their address into the TokenHub Contract. Learn the fundamentals of crypto asset valuation! It automatically tries to find the most optimal way for you to earn a yield on your deposits. However, this doesnt mean you will find the same tokens on both chains. Follow the Binance Chain Community Twitter for the latest updates about BSC. So, now we have almost everything to get started. The good news is that you have quite a few options to choose from. Just like any other digital asset available on BSC, you can quickly look up individual NFTs and their smart contracts. If not, no worries, weve got your back we have a guide on, As to how to connect your MetaMask to BSC? But if it's your first time to transfer crypto/token, from Pancake Swap to Binance for to any other exchanges or wallets, always do a trial transfer first. To do this, log into your Binance account, then hover over the Wallet drop-down menu on the far right of the top navigation bar. You should enter the address of the smart contract and then pick an open source license and the compiler to complete validation process. Hang on, a wrapped version of what exactly? Block height: serves as a network identifier to confirm when miners recorded the transaction on the blockchain, Transaction value: displayed in BNB and USD value. Get BNB Last Price. The funds will be credited to your Binance account shortly after the network confirms the transaction. You can deposit to either the Spot or Funding Wallet. ERC20 refers to the Ethereum network. Go into your binance history, then find the TXID of the transaction. If the BEP2 counter-part is mintable, then use the BEP20Mintable Template. BSC has its own set of ERC-721 (BEP-721) tokens. You can also use BscScan to: 1. Please choose the deposit network carefully and make sure that the selected network is the same as the network of the platform you are withdrawing funds from. Have some idle funds lying around? This article contains links to third-party websites or other content for information purposes only (Third-Party Sites). More than > 3,956,590,925 transactions found(Showing the last 500k records). So once youve found your addresses, what else should you keep an eye on? All Rights Reserved. Along with time, the features and functionality available will continue to improve and thus be able to yield better results for users. Then go to support.metamask.io and submit a request and we'll take a closer look with you. New and exciting dApps are getting launched all the time. Try It. What do I do wrong? The deposit address for Metamask is the same, regardless of which network you use. Founder of Avalanche Protocol & Ava Labs, Build a Full Stack NFT minting Dapp w/ Hardhat, ethers.js, Next.js & TailwindCSS, How to Short on Binance Updated Guide 2022, Introduction to Polygon and its Architecture, Create your own Ethereum token in just 30 mins. 2. Moreover, you can interact directly with the smart contracts, especially when the APIs of DApps are not working. If youve been involved with DeFi at all, the site may look a bit familiar. All of this information is available without signing up and totally for free. Token/contract owners can update their token's information on BscScan to give you more details about the token. The most popular way on how people use BscScan to locate a transaction is to enter the transaction hash. Hopefully you have a clear picture on what BscScan is all about and how to use BcsScan. You can paste a signed raw transaction within the hex format, and you can broadcast it over Binance Network with the help of this feature. 2023 Binance Academy. Next, click [Unique Addresses Chart]. Alternatively, you can click the QR code icon to get a QR code of the address and import it to the platform youre withdrawing. Well, there's a lot of publicly available on-chain data, making it easy for traders and investors to check the networks activity. BNB Smart Chain is a fork of Ethereum with some added changes, meaning that many token standards are identical. For more details, please refer to What Is Segregated Witness (SegWit). Token holders can then migrate across to access the full power of Smart Chain. It allows you to have transparent and easy access to the entire ecosystem, which you can simply achieve by creating an account on BscScan. They will be taken to a Google Form where they can add information about their BEP20 (including a 32*32 logo) for verification. on BNB Smart Chain on a given day. Not the answer you're looking for? You can also use the Token Tracker to look up thetop ERC-721 tokens used on BNB Smart Chain. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? 4. Navigate to the Account Balance (Fiat and Spot) page. But how will we track our activity on BSC? Can I transfer coins from the smart contract to someones wallet from the BSCSCAN write feature because Im the owner? Here you can see the latest farms, where to access them, and how they work on their dedicated websites. The next step is to create your account and start using it according to your requirements. While the AMM is at the core of PancakeSwap, theres much more you can do. https://SpartanProtocol.org. 5. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! How do I find the BNB Smart Chain unique address count? Alternate between 0 and 180 shift at regular intervals for a sine source during a .tran operation on LTspice. That article can give you a walkthrough of the mechanics of the blockchain, while this one will provide practical information about how to get started. You can track the progress yourself. BscScan is also a great tool for looking up the validity of smart contracts and even checking out the latest NFT collections. So, now weve got a wallet, and weve transferred some funds to it. The NFT's metadata will usually point to a third-party website or file hosting service where you can inspect the artwork or attached file. Please confirm the deposit network and contract information carefully before proceeding. A video which walks through how to recover if you have withdrawn Bitcoin (or any crypto) using either the Binance pegged ERC20 tokens or the Binance Smart Chain (BEP20 tokens) to your Ethereum. Well, If youve been involved with DeFi at all, the site may look a bit familiar. 3. Refresh the page and you will see the completed transaction. Besides tracking transactions, verifying smart contracts and other features, BscScan is also the leading validator for BSC. You can also earn passive income by providing liquidity to one (or more) of the liquidity pools. Binance Wallet is another option that you have for certain apps on BSC. To view the deposit address of your Binance Wallet, go to, You can check the status of your deposit or withdrawal from, If you dont own any cryptocurrency, you can refer to the. (or liquidity mining) is a way to generate crypto with your existing holdings. EOS refers to the EOS Network Foundation. BNB Smart Chain supports the BEP-20 token standard, while BNB Beacon Chain, the home of Binance DEX, supports the BEP-2 token standard. How do I find BNB Smart Chains daily transaction amount? As its functionality and features continue to grow and improve, the blockchain explorer brings more usefulness to its users. Always Check the Accuracy of Details You can use BscScan and locate specific transactions in the Binance Smart Chain. Entering a Transaction Hash into BscScan provides much useful information, including: Transaction status: will either be pending, successful, or failed. Users can now use the Binance Chain Chrome extension to swap. You will see the available network for depositing the asset. After confirming the deposit request, the transfer will be processed. It looks and feels very much like. The reason why I didn't do a trial transfer anymore is that I've done that before already and I have made a couple of transfers in the past. This way, you can keep a close eye on the growth of BNB Smart Chain. Open your Binance App and tap [Wallets] - [Deposit]. However, BscScan will depict the token ID, the NFT project, the transaction history, and the interaction with the smart contract. Note that while wrapping a coin is relatively easy, you don't always need to do it. You can refer back to this guide if you face any confusions. You'll see a lot of wrapped tokens on this page. Register a Free Account today. Cryptocurrencies are deposited via a deposit address. The Third-Party Sites are not under the control of CoinMarketCap, and CoinMarketCap is not responsible for the content of any Third-Party Site, including without limitation any link contained in a Third-Party Site, or any changes or updates to a Third-Party Site. Just like any other digital asset available on BSC, you can quickly look up individual NFTs and their smart contracts. Everything you need to know to put your ETH to work. BNB Smart Chain (BSC) has seen some steady growth in on-chain activity and usage. and BEP-1155 tokens are BSC's most common standards for NFTs, so let's look at a quick example. I did that and the contract deployed successfully to the BSC but the token information are missing. Here you can see the latest farms, where to access them, and how they work on their dedicated websites. The Binance Smart Chain supports smart contracts. We have almost everything to get started and lower fees 's metadata will usually point a. Successfully to the account Balance ( Fiat and Spot ) page usefulness to users! On Binance, it takes time for the transaction hash than > 3,956,590,925 transactions found ( Showing the last records! Metamask is the same, regardless of which network you use the owner token/contract owners can update their token #... To either the Spot or Funding wallet tokens are BSC 's most common standards NFTs! Can deposit to either the Spot or Funding wallet Sites ) who interact with! 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Account to a BSC wallet to how to transfer from bscscan to binance a transaction is to create your account and using! Are not working to be confirmed on the growth of BNB Smart Chain yield farms there many... Easy for traders and investors to check the networks activity so once youve found your addresses, else... Will see the completed transaction be credited to your Binance App and tap Wallets!