I. I definitely dont want to follow the path of my family around me. The procedure to use the ratio calculator is as follows: Step 1: Enter the x and y value in the respective input field. And I thought my husband could benefit, as well. The course taught me why my husband is the way he is. I actually got some BG readings below 100! We first came across your work in your audio book Any Way You Can in using a Keto diet with your mum's cancer fight so successfully. She explains her Keto Continuum and why she has it set up the way she does. After weeks of producing ketones, nearly every cell in your body will be trained to use it for energy. I had previously been able to lower my DBR in the past with fasting, but during this class, I lowered my DBR from 9-67 for 13 days straight! She passed away in 2016 right before my birthday and I had a renewed sense of urgency to really get serious about my own health. I've learned so much. Its very scary stuff and thats why as many people as possible need to see it! I said, "sure". I just ordered the paper copy workbook, and am excited to get. Maintained there2 yrs lost my job went to college gained up to 275 by the end of nursing school. The process can seem intrusive at first glance. I discovered Dr. Boz's videos and quickly developed a trust in what I was hearing. I thought I knew a little (or more!) After you first cross the ketosis threshold, your blood ketone numbers can soar into the high 3.0-6.0 mmol/L range. Now I have to clean up the continuums so I am in a good metabolic state that can fit to my none fasting lifestyle. I have already offered my husband access to the workshop and I am eager to discuss such wonderful discoveries that was. The book totally turned us around- we began to test glucose, urine ketones, and are awaiting our ketone monitor to calculate the Dr. Boz ratio. He stayed patient and informative throughout the sessions. Her second book is proving excellent as it details even more which is a great progression for those of us further on in the keto way of eating (WOE). A friend had loaned me their login info so I could watch it and during the second module I had an overwhelming desire to start my own group, to get the information to my husband, to my kids and to as many people as I could! Not a fuel. These teenagers are engaged, active and they do hear the message of HOPE, I am so Thrilled to have access to such a Wealth of information from DR Bosworth !! 40% of under equals immune boosting zone. For example: TG = 120 mg/dL and HDL=40 mg/dL. His words not mine. How come? I feel fabulous. The thing I didn't hear was how much I would learn! I have thoroughly enjoyed the Brains Course. (Thank you! How I wish I had known about Dr. Boz before I had first embarked on my keto journey! Thank you so much to Dr Boz her dedication to heal us through her knowledge, her spiritual heart and her grace! Tracking your ketone levels lets you know how far you are into ketosis, and the GKI gives you a picture of the relationship between your ketone levels and your glucose levels. I have been living a ketogenic lifestyle for over three years and. Dr Boz selflessly shared with us her knowledge day after day, and as a result we got better and better. If I relaxed my weight would balloon up and I was hungry. Maybe that's my mission field. Have you tried the NUMEROUS versions of "keto" out there? I've learned so much. I thought I understood a lot , but, yet still found it difficult to really get rid of my old habits to do something different. Since I have been following Dr Boz for 3 years, I did not think I needed to take this course. As I recently began. official statement The immediate feedback works wonders when changing behavior. A born ability to teach. Listening to the stories of my students & working together through our struggles, in a small intimate setting, was the difference maker. I refer to it often As you progress out of beginner-ketone production, this gets much more fun. It's freeing! I have personally learned I must reduce my protein to get into ketosis, and Id love to see videos on why that is! It doesnt matter if youre young or old this online course has something for everyone to improve their health. The 21 day Metabolic Kick course was invaluable to me. She provides much reference material in Bibliographies with convenient links to them. This course has been pivotal to both personal and professional development. I retake the course whenever I stumble along the keto road and I learn something new each time. Dr. Boz has explained methods to help my brain to slow down to get better healing sleep. The GKI gives you a better overall view on your metabolic . Then come back and jump off that fence. I can't thank Dr. Boz enough for sharing her knowledge and insights, she has certainly given me the gift of a much better and I'm sure a longer life! ", I have tried many versions of keto/carnivore/low carb/fasting, and Dr. Boz was the first one to explain WHY keto works, and the process which helped me get really fat adapted. After reading this book, we decided to stress our metabolism weekly with a 36-hour fast. I highly recommend this course and her books! So I am excited to get be back on keto and have this Keto Continuuem. !I fell off my keto journey over the past 18months and gained lots of weight in the process. I have already offered my husband access to the workshop and I am eager to discuss such wonderful discoveries that was so clearly demonstrated in the video segments. Each week when I learned about how and what can be repaired neurologically, another person, I knew, went on my help list. I have learned so much from this program and I understand why I was never successful before. Over the years I tried all kinds of stuff low fat, Atkins, etc all with moderate success - at one point even lost 110 lbs on weight watchers. The kit comes with 100 strips: 50 for measuring your glucose and 50 for measuring your ketones all for just over $100. I have purchased and read her two books, Anyway You Can and Consistently Keto, in addition to her two online courses. This 21-day Metabolic Kick has been the best investment I have ever made in myself. Is there any hope for me? One of the most interesting courses that I have taken. I thought I understood a lot , but, yet still found it difficult to really get rid of my old habits to do something different. It is very amazing and she is a blessing! I love my bulletproof coffee with butter and MTC peptides chocolate. Appreciate you so much! Im so glad I decided to form a group and purchase Brains From Trauma to Repair! To know that ketones were just as important as keeping carb. Write down the number you got. As I progressed through each module, I was immediately reminded of so many members of my family, work family as well as neighbors in my community that I love. I have been over weight my entire life. This hit hard and was a tough pill to swallow and I had nowhere to look but in the mirror. Being a nurse it helped me too. Thanks Dr.Boz. My personal story includes a lifetime of intractable migraines, carbohydrate addiction, obesity and the awareness that I was not living my best life. Questions for my daughter who has had her gallbladder removed. Her style of presentation on YouTube brought more clarity to the science behind its benefits. I am working hard on the process myself and hope in time to start a support group. Keto is the password that people keep throwing around and you have terms such as, dirty keto good keto, carnivorous keto all describing meal plan. I learned a lot from the videos especially the ones that explained mitochondria. Dr. Boz's strength and enduring commitment to help the masses understand what we've been taught for the past several decades on nutrition is absolutely false and harmful. I had low-energy, was on medications I did not want to continue and did not fit into most of my clothes. Then I experienced a stall that lasted for the next year so I had some cheat days, a couple of cheat vacations, but nothing too terrible. It is measurable. Dr. Boz's mom inspired me but Annette was the most generous, genuine, authentic teacher/doctor I have ever met. I was fascinated and decided I had to try. How I wish I had known about Dr. Boz before I had first embarked on my keto journey! God Bless you Dr Boz. Right now his health isnt worth fixing. My goal is an A1C of 4.6 and improved brain health. I found that many persons who should take this course are those who think that it doesn't apply to them. I started the Ketogenic diet in the summer of 2018, and thats when I started following Dr. Boz. Carol Ann I actually just finished the workshop in time for the recent Q&A. Very convenient, even if someone is not very computer literate Great website easy to use Thank you Dr. Boz. You've done an excellent job of this! 59 350 lbs choking down a fistful of pills every day. Thank you Dr. Boz! Thank you Dr. Boz, This is a awesome course on Ketos. Just enough info in each video to stir thoughts, change beliefs and inspire action for newbies and veterans alike. Since then, I have had a lot of 'start overs' and was struggling. I prayed and contemplated about 2 months before officially committing to taking the Brain's course. Glucose Reading divided by Ketone Reading equals a Ratio . AMEN!!! The pain was terrible the last time and I just want to "love" it again without pain. Also the case studies of actual students, all with different situations (I was one of them) taking the course helped to answer a lot of questions I had. Dr Boz holds the key to unlocking the door for so many, showing them the way to better health! Dr. Boz explains things in such a way that non medical people can really understand. Starting 184, now in July I am 172.2. (Docs order). With two serious, even potentially debilitating autoimmune diseases, I want to improve my health to extend my life and avoid wheelchairs and frailty. Basically it's like the Keto Continuum on steroids.The course allows you the opportunity. They are quite reliable when first transitioning from glucose to ketones. We all had so much fun working together every week to figure out the "wrong" answers and often times were very surprised at what. What a well build course with tests and different sections it really helps focussing and dealing with it more intensely I signed up just one day before the registration closed! I will also share this material with my children and my church. Things to do if I platue,the power of the group when doing a long fast is so helpful!! Dr Boz, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Little did I know that I would find a path that was do able, and that I would learn more about myself and how my body works than I have ever known before. Some autophagy may be happening. September 21, 2016 Dr. Richard Maurer Blood Tests & Calipers, Health Conditions. Dr. Bosworths (Dr. Boz for short!) Dr. Boz is fantastic at teaching, and she gives so much of her time to us. My cholesterol numbers would probably make conventional docs have a heart attack, but my hdl and triglycerides are in a great range, and I suspect If I had my LDL particles measured they would also be good. He refuted the idea that mediation was beneficial. This course has given this 59 year old hope for a healthier retirement, Dr. Boz is so great at explaining the science, step by step the keto continuum is brilliant, with flexibility to meet you where you are and take you slowly and safely into ketosis and stay there to heal your body. I never thought I would be able to do a fast. Each case study either reminded me of myself or one of my family members. His health is improving one sleep at a time. Had gastric bypass 11/1982 at 315#. 11 months ago, I purchased the course as a Christmas gift to myself. I check my numbers each morning just as she recommends and look forward to autophagy! I am 58 yo, 51.5 122lbs (from 156lbs) and my numbers are generally in the BS 80s, often times in the 70s, ketones 2.3-4+. Thank you, Dr. Boz, for teaching me about BDNF. Dr Boz put sugar in a context that I hadn't gotten before. I have used many ways to slim down in the past. I've been living the keto lifestyle for a solid 2 months and have stayed the course. I purchased Any Way You Can Books for family, friends, and local libraries. From 1995 to 2012 I lost and gained 40 then 50 then70 pounds. We know why each of us is in the group and become invested in their success. Her ability to teach, use real-life examples and share the science are her super powers. Plug in your numbers in our GKI calculator below to see your results. Otherwise the calculator finds an equivalent ratio by multiplying each of A and B by 2 to . I never thought I would be able to do a fast. Following this course, learning the tools, taking part in the group and the group exercises changed my bodys chemistry so drastically that I was able to get a Dr. Boz Ratio of 9 within a couple of weeks!!! 4.5 ketoCONTINUUM #7 128. Take this Course the next time it is offered! I learned I am hurting my brain by not getting enough sleep. Thank you so much for providing all of this instruction. I have been a Dr Boz follower for a couple of years. After 1 month of consistently Keto, I've lost 20 pounds, reduced my inflammation and regained my hope and confident that I will definitely changed my life one ketone at a time. I went into ketosis in August 2018 and have never been out for a significant time. I was doing pretty strict keto for months, but it was maddening to try so hard and at the end of the month maybe lose a pound. 3 yrs later gained to 298. Ive been watching your youtube videos and love them and have just bought a blood monitor and started monitoring my ketones and glucose. December, 2017 I started my keto journey. sportcoaches, my keto meet-up group, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the age of 45, (63 now) I always felt I could control it with diet but year after year my struggle became almost impossible. Carol Ann Florida. I'm really surprised as I had already been eating a very clean, gluten free life style but my nemesis has been sugar. https://www.loom.com/share/344e09266da2448abcecbb9713a4d10f, Dr. Annette Bosworth MD - Im grateful for your course - BRAINS From Trauma to Repair, I took the brains course last year, and I reviewed it again this year, and I will review it again and again. I saw that I needed to stay connected with my support group to maintain the progress made and move forward with support,to achieve my goals. Keep the carbs under 20. To have Dr Boz lay out the path to healing is greatly encouraging. My blood sugars are down, my ketones are higher, and I have lost weight finally. I just finished the course and I was inspired to start a support group. My Mom and sister had both knees replaced and my Mom had many surgeries for degenerative disk disease as well as arthritis. When I joined Dr. Boz's 21 Day Metabolic Challenge Feb 2023, I was beyond frustrated and disappointed with my bad habits of over-eating and over-drinking, which was fueled by the Pandemic and job loss. I was in Ronda Bishop's small group. I had successes and failures. Personally, I used this approach for over six months before I splurged on a blood ketone testing kit. Prior to that I have done Weight Watchers multiple times, Whole30, Vegetarian, Dr McDougall's Starch Solution, Vegan and NONE of them helped me to get truly healthy. I just knew I had to take it. I finished the Brains course six months ago. Sure you can read her book, the Keto Continuum, (and I would recommend that you still do), but this course provides personal guidance, group support, and coaching - yielding a deeper understanding of the program through your own experiences with it. But I found from the very first Module to the last one that both groups have "brains" that need help. Thank you again, Dr Boz and your beautiful family for this service and sacrifice. But at 76, was it too late? I was not a star pupil due to a variety of reasons however I stayed tuned in and learning as much as I could the entire time. 3D WALKTHROUGH. Most accurate, scientific keto teaching available! This course walked me and my students hand by hand through the halls of Keto schoolDr. Boz style. I am only eating meat, like on the carnivores diet. Dr. Boz is the real deal. This ketone is one of the two ketones found in the blood. The slides are beautiful and capture your attention well. Dr. Boz's Brain's Course delivered!!! Everything is based on science and chemistry but explained in every day language. I will continue on this path thank you Dr. Boz for your passion of sharing your knowledge. In just 3 weeks I have more energy than I have had in 3 years. Warm regards! Since experiencing the benefits of ketogenic adaptation, the hardest/saddest thing for me to do, at work, is presenting the mainstream teaching programs recommending the low salt, low fat diets toward optimal health. I thought I knew a lot before, but no I really didn't. I have been a family nurse practitioner for 26 years, and I highly recommend this class for everyone. Ive been on strict keto for 50 days now. The actual amount you would need to take in order to raise your Omega-3 Index into the target range (>8%) depends in part on the starting . That if I gave my body a chance it could heal itself, which would get rid of acnes and pain, and other ailments. I took her course and read, Dear Dr Boz, How to Calculate Ratios. There is so much information and I often felt the need to go back and watch complex sections multiple times. We try to stay at her ketocontinuum level 5, eating in a 16:8 window. The author/doctor then culminates a case study that requires collaboration. I am a 72 year old VA patient participating in a VA / Virta Health program to eliminate diabetes in 400 vets across the country. Then I was stuck. In 2008 I did the "alternate day dieting". I ate my very first sardine when we had to do a 3-day fast eating only sardines. That along with Dr Boz's input to my situation was icing on the cake. Starting at 61 yo, 63 and 285 lbs I was able to monitor many 2-3 day fasts at first and then a couple 4-5 days fasts resulting in hitting 190 lbs six months later. This course was just what I needed to get going on the right path to blood sugar control. Her style of presentation on YouTube brought more clarity to the science behind its benefits. Everyone in our group. Once in the furnaces, BHB is converted into energy. Each morning, getting to see Dr. Boz on Zoom and hearing her heart for us was amazing. Spreadsheet I use to track all my patients. Convert a ratio to 1:n form (like you often see in maps). I feel more self-empowered to fix the damage I\'ve done to my brain than ever before. The 21 day Metabolic Kick course was invaluable to me. This course and lifestyle can be done through anything. Through this course I realized that testing everyday and having to see these numbers, blood sugar and ketones and your DBR, in your small group keeps you consistent and accountable. I had low-energy, was on medications I did not want to continue and did not fit into most of my clothes. I'm glad to have this knowledge to help myself and others. After reading this book, we decided to stress our metabolism weekly with a 36-hour fast. I have arthritis in both my hips, neck and cannot close one of my hands properly. For example, 12:4 simplified would be 3:1 - both sides of the ratio divided by 4. I highly recommend this class to anyone seeking the holy grail to their health and wellness. That along with the daily group discussions and review of our numbers (Glucose,ketones and DBR) and the encouragement, empathy and knowledge of our group leader really helped me to focus and understand what I needed to be doing to control my blood sugar. I plan to take the class again when offered in September. You did great with her and offered us such a heart warming story, you both remain in our prayers peace and love. Dropped to 200 #. THANK YOU! I have enough knowledge to know what my issues were but just let it all go. I am so glad we did. F. Last List Price. Thanks Dr. I care for my daughters two young children full-time, and they with the rest of my family are my why. Join me in this journey to discover your true and best self. I know I'm addicted to sugar and I feel so great being off of it. I'd had enough of a mediocre life!!! We laughed, we learned and we made connections. So many questions were answered that could be applied to my heath issues. I discovered Dr Boz the first of Nov and started my journey into Keto. So I just wanted to say how thankful I am. I am determined to get the next 65 pounds off and not waste the precious few years I have left. The powders of SrCO 3 (10 g, 67.70 mmol) and TiO 2 (5.40 g, 67.70 mmol) were stirred in 50 mL of 2-propanol for 30 min. Finally I found Dr. Boz and her easy way to, If a year ago you would have told me that I would eat 20 cabs a day, stay fasted for 16-20 hours a day and lead a support group, I would have laughed out loud at you. I hope to avoid things my family members have gone through. We try to stay at her ketocontinuum level 5, eating in a 16:8 window. So, I joined the course on January 15, 2021. This was so good! I think everyone gets a lot out of the program. I believe we are never too old to change our brains! Dr. Boz took us way beyond the. I went from 171.1 to 172.2 over nite. For many, like me, their ketogenic journey is lonely, and they feel isolated living out this program when no one in their circle of family or friends is on board. I told my, Both my intuition and trust in Dr. Bozworth, played a big part in my taking this course, at this time. Finally, fill in your target weight to see your results. Thank you Dr. Boz, Dr. Boz is a wonderful educator. Linda (Lancy) Chandler December 2021 Class, I initially signed up for this course for myself alone. It has given me a knowledge base toward healing, that I can ethically Breath-acetone does validate this urban myth-minus all the drama. Also because I did not have the knowledge, I have fallen victim to mistakes that undoubtedly harmed my brain but NOW after going through all of these modules, I realize that this is very serious for the development and HEALING of brains from cradle to grave. Now I just started my 8th week in a row doing a 72 hr fast! Last week I had a new patient ask me, Isnt this the diet where your body gets so whacked out that you start producing fingernail polish remover?. Both the new FORA 6 Connect blood total cholesterol test strips and uric acid test strips can work with the FORA 6 Connect meter. This story will save yours, Annette Bosworth, MDRead More, Ketosis refers to a state of chemistry inside our blood where ketones are present. Get a list of your blood sugars and blood ketones. It's very fulfilling & rewarding. I believe I now know enough to continue being successful and I have members of my group I can continue to reach out to should I struggle.. Dr Boz, this course has taught Val and me so much, thank you! Understandable information, well done videos, you have a gift for teaching. This is worth it, and worth sharing, watching over again. upgrade cognitive performance toward achieving goals/dreams. I look forward to watching the modules again, and reading from wealth of resources that Dr. Bosworth has shared within this course. Work through the Keto Continuum workbook and you will get more out of the class when it's offered again. Prick your finger and assess your ketone level in that blood drop. We laughed, we learned and we made connections. Dr. Bosworths (Dr. Boz for short!) Once you get behind HOW KETO WORKS and understand the way your body is designed to function and heal, you will see the difference your lifestyle change is making "one ketone at a time". I am great at fasting 36, 48, and 72 hours. For the first several weeks, this is all I recommend. Now that Ive almost reached my weight goal and have seen a dramatic improvement in my blood sugar, I was wondering, What Next? Dr. Bosworths online course offers a community of caring and intelligent people on their own ketogenic paths. course content relevant, from family member groups, senior care- I knew nothing much about it but I knew things were not right with my body. The zoom meetings were certainly an added bonus, such individualized attention and getting to know our group members. Thanks Dr Boz, coaches and community! I had successes and failures. The net result was a gain of 30 pounds on top of my already overweight body.I had already given up on the so called diet physicians in. I look forward to facilitating my own Zoom Classes to get this crucial information out! Blood ketone levels have different ranges for different goals. ), a plan to follow, excellent leadership, accountability, and most importantly, support from peers with similar goals and challenges. Acetone escapes from the body through our breath. ", I knew all along that some of my life choices and habits were negatively impacting my life. Hi Dr. Boz I bought your book on audible and loved it! Dr. Boz is truly an expert on what helps or hurts the brain, and importantly, what HEALS the brain. Hmmmmwhat do I say here? I wondered if you could shed some light on this gor me? Anyway Im on my way and making great progress Ive already done some extended fasting and have greatly improved BG numbers. Their passion to help others is astonishing and to the recipients on the other side..it felt nothing short of the miracle I have been looking for. Im listening for the second time. Divide your blood glucose number by 18. Learn why fat-fuel outperforms carbohydrate-fuel. It pays to do Keto the RIGHT WAY!!! Dr. Boz's 21-Day Metabolic Kick was a great course to take and I'd recommend it to anyone concerned about their health, whether they are in so-called good shape or not! You can trust Dr Boz! . To learn there is hope to heal our brains from all of the trauma we all have endured at one time or another.. from life traumas as a child, witnessing horrible abuse, being held up with a gun as a child to having prescription narcotics and numerous toxins from chemo. to KNOW steps I can take to repair this damage is just amazing! Dr. Boz packs years of study and experience with broken brains into lessons I can understand. Stop wasting time searching for partial plans with theoretical answers. Thank you Dr. Boz for being part of my journey! It focused me on what I needed to do to lower my blood sugar ( being a 15 year diabetic and 78 years old). This course was everything I needed to finally push through that glass ceiling and see the results so many on keto rave about. In this short time of 21 days, I have witnessed strangers come together to form a tribe that cares for each other and become friends. I was initially on the fence about enrolling in this class, but decided my health is worth the time investment. Boy, was I wrong! I would go between the refrigerator and the pantry and I would never feel full. Then WHAM!, the focus in the 21DMK was what I needed to get my metabolic health moved to the next level. Even though I was eating under 20 carbs and following a 16:8 eating plan, the scale was not moving. Cindy. If you don't know what the Dr. Boz Ratio is please watch this video: https://youtu.be/FBovEjbiAOE. Then one day after 20 hours and it was time to eat, I decided that I wasn't hungry and figured let's go for the 36 right now why not. Thanks Dr. Boz for the great teaching! I feel confident I will beat diabetes once and for all. I was surprised at some of the simple brain hacks that were powerful yet simple. In March of 2020 I got very sick with colitis and had to go to the ER with severe pain. The first time that I started the Keto diet I was interested in the weight loss. Wow I did it, not just once but twice. I havent reached all my goals yet, but I know what I need to do to get there. I just finished the course and I was inspired to start a support group. When I didnt feel good my co-class mates got me through it, under the watchful eye of Dr. Boz. Their average A1C will be above 5.7 or even 6.0. Thank you for filling in all the missing pieces. Thank you for making sense of all the science so that all I have to do is the simple stuffwork the continuum. I have yo-yoed for more than 50 years and my metabolism is serioiusly damaged. It is not the same as her book. Just follow Dr. Boz's Course Curriculum, just as she tells you to do. The keys to unlock the door and enter a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life! During this time I was caregiving my mom who was going through a ton of health problems, T2D, CHF, multiple joint replacement surgeries, depression and anxiety. Words cannot come close to explaining how brilliant this course was. Let's do this! I love listening to her voice, enthousiasm, stories, conversations with her kids, jokes, What a well build course with tests and different sections it really helps focussing and dealing with it more intensely Im very gratefull for the assessment and the evaluation dr Boz did with specific advice for me personally. Lots of facts, lessons learned, tips, and plent of explanations on the science behind the scenes of the changes within. It's been tremendously helpful to have the lectures available to re, In this three weeks I learned new tools that will assist me in my health journey. I discovered the Dr Boz's Keto Continuum just under a year ago and made great improvements in my health. During the first course I learned so much and was challenged physically, emotionally and mentally to push myself beyond what I thought I could do. Presently, I'm doing a 72 hour fast each week which is only possible having gone through the steps (continuum) outlined in the course. If you are riding. 3 Beds. These relationships usually extend beyond the end of the course in the form of support groups. Eat your fat ! That is how we will ROCK our Brains and stay Consistently Keto. Ive listened to podcasts, read lots of books, and heard a ton of conflicting information about Keto in the past 3 months.

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