Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. I have been a nurse for under a year and I have never faced anything like this before. Your license is a matter of public record it should not be too hard to find this info out. The hospitals supervisors want you canned and they report you. So back to trying to find employment, my suggestions of edited frankness, I sued the Board in circuit court and the Judge sided with the boardI fought my ass off..after 3 years of homelessness and loss of most family and friends I have not signed it! Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. That's a scary prospect. My question is.what do I do now?? Good Luck and hang in there. Round one I signed an interim consent agreement whatever that is my license came up for Renewal I paid 350 to renew a suspended license. Texas took 118 days on average to license new graduates as RNs in 2021. How do I approach the interview process and successfully become employed when faced with questions such as why was your license suspended? and if there was sketchy proof regarding the facility that placed the complaint against your license, why didnt you fight it with a lawyer? How can I present my experience and positive changes in my personal life that makes me worth taking a chance on? I feel so defeated! Reasons Why Nurses Lose Their Licenses. If your license application is denied because of a conviction or for some other reason, you will most typically receive a letter of denial from the Board. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. student, and educator. I would love nothing more then to work in healthcare doing something, anything is that even possible though? DO NOT call agency. Find a nurse career coach by asking around, doing an Internet search, or getting a referral from the International Coach Federation (www.coachfederation.org). If a nurse has lost their license and wants to have it reinstated, they can file a petition of reinstatement. Pennsylvania averaged 97 days both well over three months, with many . I was fired from my job I worked in a trauma ICU. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 Good luck! Its so sad. Remember that you will have a positive reference from the employer (assuming Home health) whom you are leaving. She had been interviewed and accepted an RN job that was contingent on passing NCLEX. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Again, if faced with that, NEVER comment or suppose because you DONT know!!!! Having a license issue, especially in the nasty NCBON world is one of the WORST states almost worse than Texas. Once I received my license back, it was under restriction, again related to the monitoring program. My lawyer stood and said, no your not unless you want a law suit. My mom was a nurse who got in trouble for stealing drugs from her employer. NO FAILED drug screenings, meeting all requirements ON TIME etc etc. This ALL OR NOTHING way of thinking hurts us more than it helps us; and makes martyrs out of those who arent sneaky enough. 7). Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation: The Community You Didn't Know You Needed. Oh and because this is all pubic records a ex decided to call the newspaper during a custody fight and publish it all!! I am so blessed to have a husband who has forgiven me time after time and still loves me. Of course discuss how interesting cases were and how you learned a different field of nursing. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Dental hygiene schools, BTW, have the most stringent admission requirements I've seen aside from nursing schools. Reasons Nurses Lose their License. Courts allow board appointed nurses to make Judicial decisions on other nurses? Specializes in Pediatric, adult medical, lt. Submit application for Alaska's Nurse Aide Certification by Examination. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. respiratory therapy is another option, in my state, the fact i had been reinstated, even though not completed the pre req., before restricted lis helped, i was able to take state resp.care practioner lis. I was found unsatisfactory on over 12 areas which is like saying I broke over 60 expectations and they were allowed to make the statements without a single specific example or fact of my behavior. From ordering skills evals they know NO ONE HAS PASSED , to ordering psych evals which will put a nurse on counseling the cure all , which equals probation ! My own experience was mostly ER, but I had been teaching all. According to my state's BON website, the most common reason for nurses to lose a license is drug abuse. Unless they ask specifics, do not offer details. You are doing public relations for yourself. $60 plus current licensure renewal fee. A joke ! 1-612-816-8773. One's landline, email and postal address or even zip code plus any credit card number = opportunity to hack any of your information stored electronically unless special protection measures are employed, and hardly any US health care facility except FDA, CDC and other such uses high-level protection. turkey club sandwich nutrition Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. nurses who lost their license. In the state of California . All because of a supervisor who I did not get along with after I quit ultimately went from an informal hearing to a formal hearing to a revoked license to a report to a national board so anytime I try to find employment it shows up as a complaint by the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health which then guides that employer to that site to Read All About It. I have a sponsor and work a strong program. This person is working through an agency and using my full name -DOB- and even has pics from my Facebook page. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. He threw a full Big Gulp at a woman driving down Main Street- in a small town we lived in. But I moved to a different state and now it seems that all anyone sees are the mistakes I made 5 years ago, not all the good Ive done since. HIPPA and all!! Ac cording to the American Addiction . Has 17 years experience. Missing an important finding? They will have to delete your accounts and start new one. I wouldn't think Vicodin would even be a good match for migraines? well, i am in virginia and off the "virginia department of health professions" website has a license lookup feature. exams, and national certifications. but all of this would have been mute, without mature, stable recovery. I caught shoplifters, and hed steal from the store to see if Id go after him. Where the number is located varies on the state. Dont lie ever, but you can minimize to an extent. I was eating while I read your post and I instantly lost my appetite! Then. I was forced to pay $3,000 to sit for an hour with an addictionologist and have a hair follicle test done which I passed. It is police business; give them full information. Furthermore, you require two (2) hours of domestic . Should I call the police? How to answer license renewal question about mental health issues. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 (You imply this. I was worried since Chamberlain is a small school and most people say . but i dont knwo about pennsylvania. I always thought narcotics didn't act in a way that could affect the dilation of those blood vessels? I always wondered why the Attorney General called me with that idea, but by the time I figured out that she was right, she was gone. After she went to rehab, the suspension was lifted but the same thing happened again with a different employer. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. Nurses can verify their licenses by completing the Nursys verification process for $30 per license type, per each board of nursing where the . Prior to finally having their licenses revolked. You will receive your ATT via the email address you provided when registering. I got suspended for smoking in my car. This is to verify that my license/certification to practice as a nurse/CHHA for the current renewal cycle has never . Will anyone verify with me over the phone? Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Instead of being revoked, my license was suspended for 12 months and I now am seeking work in the field of nursing. my feeling is joey ridenour has been in charge to long and the man made power has gone to her head. I have found that some boards are way worse than others. I waited 5 months to sign some screwed up consent agreement but I was starving and lost my home. Has 4 years experience. The rationale is this: if you are reckless (DUI, drugs, etc.) I had my dream job I loved it and the people that I worked with so much. Neglecting her patients. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. GN/GPN status is lost when you fail to take your scheduled examination. Filing an Appeal After a Nursing License Denial. Or at the least this gives you a place to call/email. Sit for the Nurse Aide Examination through Pearson VUE. Hope this helps. Since when are Board nurses investigators or detectives? So What! You become a huge liability. (b) Duties, powers. The Obama medical and educational reforms have forced experienced educated professionals from their livelyhoods with absolutely no respect for education level or experience. Administrative hearings are costly, lengthy . If they follow my IP, its not in the state where I am now. Should I call the agency? I did nothing wrong and broke no laws or policy. My heart goes out to you. Let them ask specific questions, dont volunteer info Try to minimize the negatives and accentuate all positives. I currently work in treatment as a Detox Technician. 1 Article; Please create an account or log in to view your dashboard. I just received my RN license in July and now it's already ruined. but I do not believe an employer has access to those details. I will tell you that you do not have to do anything wrong to be investigated by the AZ BON. I renewed my license/certificate. We have to unite to be successful. Two of the 3 were given a 'second' chance so to speak. All it takes is one person who doesnt like you only one and a bogus complaint can be filed with the State Board, and the Board will run with it. Three were due to drugs (diversion, working impaired, etc). Outright revocation typically occurs when the accusations are of a more serious nature, and even then, many times there is a probationary period. Well, they'll take it away from you if you're a serial killer. I dont drink or smoke Ive never taken any narcotics. I just feel like they have set me up for failure Im still required to check in daily at the lab at my expense for another 2yrs Im about ready to walk away from nursing. Answer (1 of 56): Been there, done that. Home-laundered scrubs: What are you really wearing? Kentucky Board of Nursing mission statement: The Kentucky Board of Nursing protects the well-being of the public by development and enforcement of state law governing the safe practice of nursing, nursing education and credentialing. They know the patients name and the situation but when you see the document the patients name and other info has been redacted. I do not know the dates she lost her license, but we were curious if there was such a posting about licensing information. I had a friend who received a deferred prosecution (drug court) @ 18. Check North Carolina (NC) as the state to receive the verification on step #2. I was told resign or youll never teach again. Was your license suspended or revoked? Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Lovess, Their are many nurses who understand the past you have experienced. If your nursing regulatory body (NRB) participates in the Quick Results Service *, you can receive your "unofficial" results two business days after the exam. Im currently going through a similar situation. The pics are of my family not me. But no one will give me a chance to see that, and thats heartbreaking! Has 16 years experience. I know of 4 that have lost their licenses (3 I know personally). The number is typically under or next to the words "License," "License No." or "ID Number.". The hospital set out to fire me but I already had reported to EEOC AND GOT AN EMPLOYMENT ATTORNEY. I really dont believe that sealing my case would have protected me for future employment. How is it that there can be only 306 unsuccessful teachers in the atate out of 186,000 plus teachers and she had at least 6 that she forced out. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. After being broke and working as a waitress I gave up the dream of ever getting my license back. My license wasn't revoked, but suspended for one year (related to the monitoring program) and I was able to get it back rather quickly, once the year was up. Nurse License Verification service enables nurses to verify their license (s) from a Nursys verification participating board when applying for endorsement into another state. When you go to work even as a food server, go beyond the the basics. You will have to learn and practice the delicate art of discussing your past and focusing on your strengths, selling yourself and overcoming objections. Just go to the BON for your state you do not need a license number just her name and it might narrow down the search if you new what city, street etc. In any case. One voluntarily surrendered his license because of gross incompetence, one had her license suspended for insurance fraud. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 7,907 Posts. Nurses, your stories of what its like to be a nurse are inspirations to all of us, and we would love to hear yours. 5). Ask police, as soon as they start investigation, what you should do with your SSN. The 4th one had her license revoked after it was found that she was physically, mentally and emotionally abusing a paralized patient that she was the private duty nurse for. The whole thing is that the State Board doesnt want to be wrong or lose one case because they are funded, they have to keep up their numbers to get the funding and they dont care who they destroy. Specializes in Neuroscience. I pray everything works out for you. Diverting drugs for personal use, sale, or distribution to other patients also provides grounds for losing a license. Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine. In 2016 I was offered a letter of public reproval (plea) and told if I paid $30,000 for the cost of the BRNs investigation, they would remove the inaccurate reporting from my license and I could go back to work. I had been out of work for 2 years from their illegal reporting. Upon receipt of your application; criminal background check; verification from all states, territories, countries, and/or provinces; and passing the nursing jurisprudence examination, your application will be reviewed for a permanent nursing license. Where are the credentials they possess to give then the right to do this? So- sleep well, with your judgments and naivete. You are controlling the narrative. a. You will have to find out within YOUR state where this information is made available, but it is out there. My lawyer stood and said, no your not unless you want a law suit. Call police and report the situation today. Its only a bomb, youll be fine. Now what do I do? Ive never ever ever done drugs, drank or broken the lawno tickets, no felonies, no arrests ever! After the nursing regulatory body (NRB) declares you eligible, you will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) email. You tell them what remains of your disciplinary action (how much longer and what is involved) and you sincerely tell them that you want to move forward because you love nursing and want to prove that you are ethical, compassionate AND that this experience, although horrible has made you a more conscientious nurse. thanks so much for responding. Several years after he'd been jailed, the PA BON decided to take away his LPN license. It's been awhile since I looked but no one lost their license for forgetting to cut a metoprolol in half. But for a nurse, its all out there and now youre tagged with it. I hope that one day the BON will change and become a better organization to help those nurses who had a mistake or to them another chance. Incompetence. I am going to make this as short and sweet as possibleI was an LPN, diverted demerolfrom my job in 2009 (still cant beleive I did this) I gave up my license called the NCBON, went through all their hoops got my restricted license back. i for one would love nothing more than to hold them accountable for destroying persons, careers etc. The requirements include 24 hours of appropriate CE during each renewal period. So I signedi didnt even initial where I was supposed to do it wasnt even legal. I'm trying to get my license reinstated after a felony conviction. The most common reason for an LNA to lose their license is theft. In 2014 the Ca. Increased insurance premiums. I think it's here: NYS Professions - Contact Us. The fact that you have so many positive people & statements on your side is very encouraging. Presently hold a current and active registered nurse license in another state, U.S. territory, or Canada. That seems to be the trend that I have noticed. They are a result of each individual's upbringing, self-teaching and life experience. The information in the NPDB database can significantly affect your nursing career. and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. CE that meets your needs. No wonder I hate hospitals gallows humor, takes 12 hours to do anything, and this totally entitled messed-up staff. I literally have met teachers who were taken from their homes because someone in line for or in an administrative job set them up by deciding they thought they drank too much on their off time. Specializes in Pedi. Alaska CNA Certification Requirements. I screwed up plain and simple. But I know enough about the world around me, and have seen too much to take any other position. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation: The Community You Didn't Know You Needed. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. I said because my dads a physician here and my mom is an attorney. So tell your story without lying, but omit some minor details that could make you look bad and touch on the details that got you a raw deal (without saying that directly. AFTER police begins its job. But now, you are looking for a more challenging specialty. Many state boards of nursing will let you look up online what the cause of license actions were for nurses. Im not a nurse but a psychologist with the BOP wanting to chop my head off for not having enough records. a. Nurse practitioners need to understand how managed service organizations (MSOs) should work. Often It is the best way to protect your interests when your license, your reputation and your livelihood are at stake. NON-NURSYS: If your original and/or current state of licensure does not participate in NURSYS (CA, MI, PA, Canada, other countries), please contact . You do not want to badmouth the BON or former employer) . If the boards find anything wrong with your submissions of your consent agreement (wrong dates, late paper, missed call in, etc) they let you know at the end of your consent agreement. When the BON calls you in, you will not leave without discipline. I've Been "Invited" To A Root Cause Analysis, Now What? They want you to speculate because they use your speculation against you as a lie. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. accusations from a facility in another state just out-of-the blue, and baseless? I think it's here: To obtain a duplicate Registration Certificate or replacement License Parchment: Write: Office of the Professions, Registration Unit, State Education Building - 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12234. http://www.op.nysed.gov/documents/anchange. Call the big 3 credit bureaus and notify them that you are most likely the victim of identity theft. This person is working through an agency and using my full name -DOB- and even has pics from my Facebook page. God bless you as I did the same! Contact all online retailers you used over the last year and ask to freeze accounts and report all activity to the police. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. In the top it off the board simulator saying that they want $6,000 for me. I believe it would be safe to SERIOUSLY ABBREVIATE what led to the discipline and the discipline itself. Seems Judges would find healthcare workers incapable to make such decisions without a Juris Doctorate beside their name? I cant get a job anywhere Im on the oig list and honesty dont even know what that entirely means. Yes they are very difficult, and will block you from many other schools d/t putting you on the OIG list. Unintentional physical harm to a patient? Specializes in Geriatrics, Home Health. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. But its no excuse. Based on the license restrictions you mention and the experience you relay in applying for jobs, it might be best to go after non-clinical nursing positions for now where this will be less of an issue. Its just a way to reward good boys and girls. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 1-612 . Were HUMAN- every single one of us. Patient Abuse and Neglect Often Lead to Revoked Licenses. 11). [3] I made a series of mistakes 5 years ago compounded by poor charting. Personally, I wouldnt want an addict or a drunk stitching me up. Pretty sure once you mess up in the AP, you're out without a second look. Falsifying records. she displays evil and i believe she is. Good luck ever finding a job doing anything. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. 2). 6). More importantly, you need to know what to do to protect your professional reputation. Check your dependency upon the external vs internal. The hospital sent HR people to the mediation and they told me they were terminating me. 8). Dont overshare details. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 You will need to apply for a CNA certificate by endorsement via the Nevada Nurse Portal online at www.nevadanursingboard.org. She did get her license back several years later, and resumed her career. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. ive read these posts and just had to add that the arizona state board of nursing has essentially rendered me as unsafe to practice as a nurse?. Michael, get a lawyer. street drug? NOTE: If your license has been expired for longer than eight years, but you do not meet the above requirements, you must apply to the Board to take the NCLEX-RN examination. He lost his license! Sorry to hear you're going through this, but you will come out on the other side alive, I promise. Another 2 years of massive cash and time dolled out so they can get paid. He is now a Paramedic. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. I know it's just a piece of paper but I'm still pretty sad about it. Well, they'll take it away from you if you're a serial killer. Completion of a minimum of 140 training hours, including at least 60 classroom hours and 80 hours of lab/clinical practice. Most months the only action taken by the BON are for failure to pay child support or student loans. I was Critical Care for 17 years and reported my sexual assault in a bathroom by an aid. Do more! so, I entered local technical school got my associates in Resp therapy, actually passed my CRT, before I graduated, but had to apply to State of Texas for RCP..of course one of the questions was past displinary actions and or criminal history. 27,608 Posts. She said that unless I had more money and more pull than the State Board does, I would not win. I only know of one person who lost her nursing license- my best friend's sister-in-law. I am so sorry that you have had this experience. What are my chances of being licensed and employed again? She may not lose her license for a med error but any kind of disciplinary action can bring a whole heapin' helpin' of pain in the butt from education requirements, to probation with restrictions, to a fine and you just don't want that kind of attention from your friendly BoN. But I did have a record. Is there a website to find out about a Revoked license? The state that I lived in at the time acted like they would help me, but then I got to thinking with all of this over nothing that I had done then who is to say that if I was working out there someone would pick up on the discipline, and my State Board past and use that to give me bottom of the barrel work assignments, and accuse me of all sorts of things? Stop playing the victim, figure out your own baggage, and then come back to the health care field. I was granted approval, ten days after graduation I took and passed my RRT..fortunately or however you look at it six months later returning to nursing became a burning desire.Texas board of nursing was just patiently waiting for me to complete stipulations, which I was more willing to do. He was working as an RN when he kidnapped her and held a gun to her head in a remote, mountain area. Peoples lives are destroyed by this organization and time after time professional nurses have reached out to the politicians, governor etc and their cry has fallen on deaf ears. Has 26 years experience. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. The part that took the longest for me, was because I had to have our support group therapist do a new 'intake evaluation' and submit that to the state. It is nice to see at least one BON protecting nurses' privacy. I was stressed, overworked, and in way over my head at the time. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 1-612 . she is out of line and a true witch hunter. 410. They just turn you in on a board website! Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Practicing nurses need to be aware of many legal issues including a patient's right to privacy, when fees can be split, when and how they can work for a medical spa. Has 10 years experience. Prepare your story and stick to it. Practicing nursing outside ones legal scope can also lead to a revocation of ones nursing license. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Etc etc. It was discovered by the board I was employed in an aspect of nursing that I was restricted from working in at the time. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. Be subtle with that and leave room for interpretation). Just because people dont have a criminal record, doesnt mean they are good people- or competent. Or a drunk stitching me up have been a nurse but a psychologist with BOP. St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 7,907 Posts bureaus and notify that... They want you to speculate because they use your speculation against you as a lie i up. My dream job i loved it and the man made power has gone to her head or employer... Will have to find this info out our mission is to Empower, Unite, and resumed Career. 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