Command & Control 2. That's a good one. I think great strategic thinkers have always understood the importance of the human element. New York: The New Press. Indeed, one could make the argument that in todays uber-professional and regimented American military, the only levels in which critical and creative thinking routinely happen are at the tactical level.[xxvi]. That globalization is adding echelons of wealth concentration doesn't necessarily mean something "new" is happening. One note on the mission scenario your notional SOF team is not so much a mission as a policy statement. 1. They will have experience high, low, strong, light and variable: snowfall , wind, rain, fog, temperature & humidity - in spring, summer, autumn and winter. What we in the military seem to forget is that the enemy always has a voice and especially in Iraq where the education levels are high they were a quick adapting organism whose ecosystem was built on the Darwinian principle of survival which has always been the top rule for a guerrilla force. Upon promulgation of Marine Corps Read More But- point taken- and agree. [xl] Although I think it is terrible to see war in terms of three levels: tactical, operational, and strategic, I use these terms for communication purposes. The bureaucracy loves its metrics. Operational art for SOF should touch on the key components of the sublime and not on a methodology for approaching operational design. A. The difference is that equipment is easy to count, education is not. Regardless, they are a formulaic-like approach linked linearly to the Armys concept of how it intends to fight and/or influence and win the nations wars or keep wars from happening. Additional sources of lethal and less lethal, kinetic and non-kinetic joint fires and effects that may be employed and coordinated the Fires WFF include Offensive Air Support, Aviation, Naval Gunfire Support, and Electronic Warfare. One example is moving forces to execute a large-scale air or airborne assault. The difference is that in the past we only applied it to the opposing Army, now we must apply it to the general population. Knowing one's enemy in and out is a cornerstone of guerrilla warfare or as the Iranians call it microwarfare. .kind of like a pattern of life targeting process just in reverse and just how much times does the HiG or the Taliban spend watching our every move in AFG-----hours, days, weeks. The HN Staff will have witnessed the effects of direct sunlight, direct moonlight, mountain shadow, heat haze, cold inversion layers, dust, running water, still water, ice, drought, monsoon, crop types, stubble, fallow wild animals, domestic animals, birds-song and insects. Herein, would I be wrong to suggest that: The goal re: the human domain generally and LTC Martin's participatory observation specifically is to first achieve and then maintain excellent relationships with the local people; this, so that we might be able to establish and field indigenous forces to: a. Even our own COIN doctrine- which implies that that type of activity is counterproductive, cannot rescue us from the technically rational system, of which it is, ultimately, also a part of. It is beyond time that SOF headquarters be as special as the teams underneath them and offer those teams something more than what the conventional forces have developed for the physical domains. Destroy the enemys physical ability to fight and they must surrender. Interesting take on the situation inside SOF community. [xxv] The Village Stability Program incorporated into Afghanistan, starting out a very promising concept, was quickly seized upon by the bureaucracy and forced into a one-size-fits-all construct that ignored the need for local nuance. Great points, as always Bill. [xxvii] What should concern the American people and those within SOF, however, is how much capability we have lost to act within complex environments (i.e., the human domain) as Special Operations becomes more and more consumed by the exact same bureaucratic pressures that the conventional forces have long suffered from. Today it is the Islamists and the authoritarian rulers (and the leaders of the major criminal enterprises?) Because the underlying social rules and mechanisms are created by humans, they are constantly evolving over time and geography. It borders on a religion and has been rejected by most disciplines ( CF brigades, however, DO fight and maneuver, and their battalions also fight and maneuver, therefore the comparison and job experience of the two are not the same. The seven warfighting functions are command and control, fires, force protection, information, intelligence, logistics, and maneuver. Final questions: Does the "enemy" have a better understanding than we do as to our offensive strategy and our goals and objectives? He abhors the scientific chokehold our technologically-advanced society has on our intellectual environment (Im assuming hed have a field day with our Joint Operations Centers with their pred feeds, blue force tracker maps, and the illusion of situational awareness). These same characteristics can be strengthened through our doctrine and education systems, if not our personnel system, and they match up perfectly with Curtis Whites concept of the sublime. That is, unconventional tactics (e.g. The goal is that countries and groups who we are aligned with will become stronger and thus able to handle problems on their own without the need for large numbers of U.S. troops, which arguably get in the way of long-term progress anyway. We largely did that with Stability Operations turning it over to other agencies and NGO's who claim that they understand this stuff better. The warfighting functions are the physical means that tactical commanders use to execute operations and accomplish missions assigned by superior tactical- and operational-level commanders. Youve got to start it early, and thats one of the things Special Operations forces do very well build a small footprint. That style of warfighting was inspired by the 19th- and 20th-century German army's delegation of decision-making ever downwardand stands in sharp contrast to the rigid top-down style that . In plain English, the 7th WfF is all of the tasks and systems that military units would need to do or have to influence people, taking into account the socio-economic, cognitive, and physical aspects of human activity". In this book Dr. Paparone explains how the military thinks institutionally and links it to the technically rational mindset. Standardization serves a purpose in a large organization but it is stifling in small groups. I think on a certain level that is true. 7 . The Fires WFF includes the indirect fire capabilities organic to the force, such as mortars and artillery. HERE is the issue that was recently discussed with a Robert Bunker over on the SWJ El Centro site. Understanding the human domain, as well as how to apply its precepts, is an important mission for the military. In this manner, it is believed, we can continue to work to "transform" others, even in these times of austerity and achieve "staying power" through the training up and use of surrogates. They all belong. This has resulted in curious phenomena like tactical-level units ignoring orders from operational level headquarters to send up metrics of how many Afghan security force members wear their first-aid pouches on the upper left side of their kit as a measure of Afghan military capability (Anonymous RC-South staff officer communication with author in the Fall of 2013). It is comparative to threat elements therefore includes actions to reduce the enemys freedom of manoeuvre. To add to those types of missions I would include any military operation in which either the objectives are very unclear and abstract or the operation is structured in such a way as to have a high likelihood of being unbounded in scope and time. Additionally, it was expected that the handbook would be continuously updated and that, indeed, the first draft might only serve as a strawman. I sat in so many cultural training sessions for BCT commanders and their staffs at the NTC prior to their training scenarios, but not a single class on the above mentioned insurgent topics---BUT guess what the 11ACR "insurgents" inhaled whatever they could get their hands on in order to replicate the Iraqi insurgency---and they did beat up the BCTs repeatedly much like they would in the old Soviet days. The DOD Command and Control Research has identified and developed a model with three distinct but closely interconnected domains What do you think about the Army Warfighting Functions? As not all sources and agencies will be owned by the force element, the Int WFF by necessity includes the requirement for integration of intelligence architecture and liaison with allied intelligence agencies. Our adversaries are using . It seems that SOCOM doesn't have a sense of itself. What could be more logical, I think, than looking at human emotion and motivations, as tricky as it is to understand such things, perhaps even impossible and too mysterious? Risk cannot be taken in education and training if one is to prioritize SW. Of course it is very difficult to measure the impact of education and training on national objectives and it is near impossible to articulate the requirements for doing so, but I would argue this is more the result of our bureaucracys requirements than it is our ability to articulate. The stereotype that comes to mind is: an infantry E6 is damn good at the workings and mechanics of infantry skills, but that does not mean he can judge when to apply those skills or why, just how. With this understanding of (1) our national goal and objective and (2) the problems and responsibilites related thereto, and with an acknowledgement that the resources we have to accomplish these missions and to deal with these problems and responsibilities have been greatly diminished, now let us consider thoughts on the "human domain" generally and the ideas presented by LTC Martin specifically (re: participatory observation, critical realism, less rather than more troops, etc.) Ultimately to achieve long term goals, a professional host nation military must exist and until it does the conventional force alone with Joint and SF assistance is required to provide combined arms maneuver and wide area securityto include influence of and assistance to people over wide areas. [xxii] Probably not so much the higher-than-tactical areas: attempting to codify how we communicate (and thus think and operate) about the tacit at operational and strategic levels stifles us into the same problems that codifying the tacit in the human domain creates. | Disclaimer | Copyright Notice | Privacy Policy. IMHO in UW unless we champion the critically of the M1E and recognize the limitations of digitization in our planning process we dont have a prayer. IE SF was successful along with African Union forces in chasing down M23 but did they anticipate the creation of militant warlords replacing M23? I also agree with your thoughts on how we misunderstand our enemy. If our Colonel is a balls out dude he might have a Recon Team with M1E on the target for ten days perhaps a km from the HN FOB. The latter way, while possibly being less expensive, emphasizes small-footprint Special Warfare more than it does Surgical Strike. It is juxtaposed with Surgical Strike- the other main component for how Special Operations currently differentiate themselves. Despite vicious religious practices, the Aztec demonstrated ingenuity by inventing an innovative farming technique to grow crops among the 30 canals of Tenochtitlan. For example, on the one hand the methodology implores professionals to critically think, but it then defines the specific ways in which one must think about war, a wholly uncritical approach. The first is the more political aspects of military operations. Mission command should cascade down the ranks through the NCOs to the formations at large. Any Medical Service Corps (MSC) officer worth his or her salt can quickly recite the 10 medical functions: medical mission command, medical treatment, hospitalization, medical evacuation, dental. (take it, figure out what to do with it, apply it). The Chief of Staff of the Army, General Odierno, allegedly said recently, That is what I was missing in Iraq! [ix] Sacolick, Bennet S. & Grigsby, Wayne W, Jr., Special Operations/Conventional Forces Interdependence: A Critical Role in Prevent, Shape, Win, Army Magazine, JUN 2012, 39-40. Instead we should inculcate in all our personnel (focusing on improving battalion and higher HQs) some of the same things they use naturally at the team level: a healthy disdain for micromanagement, a skepticism about higher HQs understanding of things, a resistance to the conventional wisdom and any institutionally-preferred way of thinking, and an innovative passion that helps team members strive to come up with creative ways of approaching situations. He was around twenty, Latino and born and bred in the Bronx. [xxxi] The reflective practitioner is one who reflects critically on all that is done and is never too intellectually lazy to rely on institutional paradigms unconsciously- the professional within refuses such shortcuts. Im not sure what the correct answers are, but I think its been something that has been neglected and to great detriment to us unfortunately. Is human domain the same concept that we used when we sent human terrain teams into both Iraq and AFG on six digit salaries---what did they miss or fail to accomplish. Grant-----maybe Ben Z might agree with the following ---I would venture that currently in the Force the use of MDMP in it's standard form does in fact kill critical thinking as one simply goes through the rote of doing the steps not the thinking behind the why one is doing each of the steps. So where are the pilots? These commanders and their staff integrate various processes within headquarters and across the force. Maneuver is the employment of forces in the operational area through movement in combination with fires to achieve a position of advantage in respect to the enemy in order to accomplish the mission. This giving the enemy both a head-start and a distinct advantage over our leaders and troops; who may not be as savvy, knowledgeable or well-informed as our enemy. The so-what of all this is that the military has now developed a system that is largely run by bureaucracy and ruled by process. [vi] In almost every meeting the author has attended on the 7th WfF, this anecdote is repeated, so even if GEN Odierno never said it, it has become part of the institutional narrative that he did. I would hazard a guess that in a zone 50 km west of the Durrand Line there is not a single BCT HQ, FOB or COP that has not been under a guerrilla Mark One Eyeball (M1E) for less than 30 years. movement of forces for the purpose of gaining an advantage over the enemy in order to accomplish our objectives. This was true for the SF of the 60/70s---the ability to "understand the mission, understand your enemy and understand yourself" before one is dropped in with no support from the outside world. To many, Operational Design has come to represent what is fundamentally wrong with recent U.S. Army concepts. And, thereby. The Inca Empire shared a fate similar to that of the Aztec, but at the hands of a conquistador more sinister than Cortez. These tasks are interactive and often occur simultaneously. [viii] My pick would be The Sublime, but, since that might not have enough of a military sound to it, would offer social action instead in order to emphasize the social aspect as well as the requirement for action. This is due in no small part to two incompatible philosophies that our institution is attempting to force together. As LTG Sacolick and BG Grisgsby wrote in the June 2012 issue of Army Magazine: The concept of the human domain is the cognitive foundation of the 7th warfighting functions lethal and nonlethal capabilities to assess, shape, deter and influence foreign security environments.[ix]. The NZ Army utilises US Army warfighting as described in ADP 3-0 Operations, July 2019. Those soldiers who operate in this domain must grasp very complex subjects and thus relying on linear methodologies, rote regurgitation of training objectives and using doctrine to understand (vice communicate) will not get us there. Until we can break away from our own institutionally-encouraged paradigms and consciously understand where our concepts come from and the weaknesses inherent within them, we should not expect to operate any better at attempting change in others than we have as of late. Though weathered or overgrown, the relics stand as permanent markers of the ingenuity and art of the pre-Columbian civilizations. through seven or eight functions, the two things are ultimately quite different. For example, even if say an AQ affiliate is killing some of the local population in their attacks on the government why is it they still find resonance/support in portions of the same attacked population---we never did attempt o understand that in Iraq. Right now it has yet to be named, although some of the early candidates have included Influence, Engagement, and Shape. Bill C---is not human domain really a substitute term for Kilcullens' "conflict ecosystem". You build that trustyou cant surge trust. These kinds of things defy logical analysis.. It amazes me that all of them can regurgitate the planning process perfectly with enough power point to make Bill Gates proud, but never once have they been asked to think of the implicit forces that their higher is being pressured by, the hidden agenda of the ambassador in the neighboring country, the current environment in Washington, D.C., the private life of the SOCNORTH commander--- all of those things and more can have an affect on one's mission. Meanwhile, are we flailing about without a coherent way to attack and destroy the terrorists power base because weve neglected to correctly identify what their power base is and how best to go about attacking it? This giving them (the enemy) both a head-start and a distinct advantage over our young leaders, who may not be as savvy, knowledgeable or well-informed? -- as produced by the enemy -- seems to be a step ahead of our own? Basically the argument was that this new technology was serving as a distraction because the problems at home instantly became the problems for the soldier and thus it was easy for people to become absorbed and distracted by things that could not only put the individual in danger when outside the wire but it could endanger those around him or her (a no brainer). for an hour or two almost like you were back in a hotel in the states. CF was so wrapped up in getting the cultural thing correct they knew nothing about swarming, AQI/IAI strategy which was coupled to their fighting tactics and the interrelationships between the various insurgent groups. [xvi] See Donald A. Schon, The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think in action. [viii] It is linked closely to the concept of the human domain, thus General Odiernos alleged comment within the context of the function. This system of systems relies tremendously on a systematic theory of operations. Next attempt the IED detonated between the vehicles. That's funny. SW forces would be engaged in social influence and, if savvy enough, they would be engaged in internalization efforts through participatory observation (encompassing action, observation, learning, and influencing- influencing both the observed and the observers). It is noteworthy that within the ARSOF 2022 vision and related efforts, LTG Charles T. Cleveland, the commander of USASOC, calls for testing and experimentation of new and different operational planning constructs specifically with respect to Special Warfare. Similarly, the personnel and acquisition systems of SW forces would be more flexible and geared towards SWs mission as opposed to being largely beholden to red-tape and bureaucracy (SOCOMs acquisition system for SW forces is arguably just as cumbersome and ineffective as the Conventional Forces). - See more at: Aztecs, Inca, and Maya who escaped the iron swords and gunpowder of the Europeans instead suffered the old world diseases that accompanied the explorers. Although this is a simplification and perhaps disingenuous, one way of thinking about the two types of domains is to imagine an armored division battle as being one largely within the land domain. Army fires systems deliver fires in support of offensive and defensive tasks to create specific lethal and nonlethal effects on a target. AND if one does not believe that an insurgency does not learn from past events--just check the latest strategy statement from AQ issued Sept 2013. I think to a certain extent things are still not too bad at the team level. I know this may sound conspiratorial- but it is largely emergent and unconscious- so it isn't insidious in a malicious way (no intent). Coupled with a chain of command that exploits their multi-generational familial ties, tribal ties and 30 years of shared camaraderie the HN practice a tactical and operational methodology they call Jihad and we call Mission Command. But, if that statement mirrors the missions SOF receives, then there needs to be a deeper and more meaningful meaning-of-life-come-to-Jesus type conversation that needs to be had in Tampa about what UW/SW is as a tool and how policy shapes its implementation. After the eventual surrender, Cortez burned the city and destroyed the greatest monuments of Aztec culture. I agree with your assessment, the way we use technology largely replaced our use of the M1E to gain a true understanding of our operational environment, so while we have better battle field awareness on a T.V. All the BP and Customs personnel on the border has done nothing to stem this development---just as in Iraq and AFG the border is just something to develop "rat runs" around/through. Your email address will not be published. The human domain![vi] This conversation happened, supposedly, in the context of a discussion about the Armys Seventh Warfighting Function (WfF), which as a concept is still being worked, but would add a function to the Armys list of those six things it must now do to theoretically maximize combat power. If you have watched the borderland beat site for over the last few years---we in the watching the failing of a major "democratic" country directly on our immediate border with TCOs driven their trade deeper into the major cities using violence much like AQ in Iraq. Russian and Saurists posts after 1978 and ISAF and GoIRA over the past 12 years. You should have resurrected your SF VN R&R party trick and set Flashbangs everywhere rear echelon personnel were real assholes. Has been rejected by most disciplines ( http: // # sthash.YjMssWdV.dpuf the human,. That tactical commanders use to execute Operations and accomplish missions assigned by superior what are the 7 warfighting functions and operational-level commanders should resurrected. The NZ Army utilises US Army warfighting as described what are the 7 warfighting functions ADP 3-0 Operations July! Ingenuity by inventing an innovative farming technique to grow crops among the 30 canals of Tenochtitlan one note on mission! 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