6 And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. Abraham, ancestor of the Hebrews, was from Chaldea; the ancient Chaldeans were Black. When Abraham is 100 and has a son, it is a total miracle. Its up to you to do your own specific research to determine the specific tribe you may come from. This principle supports one keeping their word. When you seek with all of your heart then I will be found of you. How To Worship God: What Is Spirit And What Is Truth? Thank You So much for the way you Guide team mates through the history that we really Need to Know. 1 Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah. In the Temple at Jerusalem, at the Feast of Succoth 70 bulls were sacrificed (Numbers 29:13-39), one for each nation. They may also have contributed elite physical elements of their own.Concerning the European Christian Nations who pertain to Rome and Christendom it is quite obvious where the connection to Edom may be proposed. Abraham birthed the modern Arab race descended from Ishmael, who was born from Abraham (a Semite) and Hagar (an Egyptian). This can be found on the hieroglyphs in the pyramids, which Israel helped to build in captivity. Black Africans come from Ham, i.e. All these were the children of Keturah. Julie's podcast where Ty was a guest released exactly 1 year 7 days ago. This information proves that modern day European Jews are Jews by religion and not blood line. Israel, whose given name is Jacob, is the son of Isaac (Nabi Ishak), the son of Abraham, through his first wife, Sarah. The gold of Sheba will be given to the LORD to care for the poor and needy. These were the children of Keturah. Israelites ruling the earth applies to the future even though, through the Ten Tribes, all nations of the earth have been influenced by Israelites and at some time or other ruled over by them to some degree. Esau is the ancestor of the Edomites. Services and R. Yosef Karo (Beit Yosef, YD 275). Esau was supposedly the ancestor of the Edomites, known to the Greeks as Idumeans. When the author describes Israel were are told that Israel descended from Ethiopia or Crete. Scripture tells us that Israel (Canaan) is the land promised to the Nation Israel, which is where Israel are supposed to be. The Caucasus Mountains is where Europeans derive the term Caucasian today. Born almost 4,000 years ago, Abraham's impact on the Middle East is still with us to this day. 10The field which Abraham purchased of the sons of Heth: there was Abraham buried, and Sarah his wife. " The descendants of Keturah's six sons became the Brahmans of India. People are too afraid of political correctness and they dont want to hurt anyones feelings so they dont leave comments with this kind of truth up for long. "Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. Thomas Boleyn was a farmer in Salle, Norfolk. His new wife was named Keturah. He entitled his book The 13th Tribe, and provides historic information that links his people to the Japhetic people in the bible, not the shemitic Nations. Eibal region in Samaria, near Shechem. Very good article. Thank you for your work/research. The Torah gives us no background whatsoever regarding Keturah. In addition a reference is made to "the sons of the concubines, that Abraham had" (Genesis 25:6). Ishmael is the ancestor of the Ishmaelites, a neighboring nomadic people from whom various Arab peoples trace their descent. Its by the prophecies we know who Israel are generally. He refers to the " nomads of Gerrha and those who plough their fields by the Euphrates " (A.S.F. Now lets get back to the three sons of Noah who repopulated the earth after the flood with their wives. who are the modern day descendants of keturah. which causes mental illness and retardation), and Khazaria (a pagan hybrid race). 2 And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. He obviously had positive feelings towards his stepmother and considered her worthy of remarrying his father after his own mother passed away. Especially if Africa was Hams inheritance, not Shems. When this is being written there would still be those that would have bee been swearing by sacrifices as the way to cleanse sins. All of these sons were forced to drink the cup of the LORD by the hand of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 25). Prophecy: Abraham remarrying after Sarah brought in different equations to the story of the Bible. Keturah is not the Matriarch for the Israelites. Just a sweet part from that podcast. The Queen of Sheba became famous through her meeting with King Solomon. I am truly asking and not projecting and would love to hear your thoughts. Since God's covenant to Abraham was . Didnt Abraham already send Hagar away (Gen 21)? When we read the scriptures we are told that Japheth is the father of the Gentiles (Genesis 10:5). This was at a time that the Catholic (The originator of Christian denominations) (4th Century) and Islam faiths (6th Century) were both already formed. Especially the part about the Israelites losing their identities and history. The present day descendants of the Idumeans are Jews, who are indistinguishable from any other present day Jews. By that I mean, both Arabs and Jews are the fleshly descendants of Abraham. We are here to help for the Kingdoms sake. Hinduisim believes in a multitude of gods, transmigration of the soul, the caste system, and various concepts of retribution. In 2012, he left his rabbinic post to create TheTorah.com. 2 She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Mid'ian, Ishbak, and Shuah. What that means is that everybody reading this article comes from one of Noahs three sons. A quick snap shot of Noahs sons are for example. She gave birth to Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah. Then it lists the rest of offspring. To me the connection of Hagar as Keturah is evident by the fact that the sons of Keturah are named as well as the names of their descendants. If this verse is referring to Keturah, why is the word plural,[2] and why does the terminology switch from wife (ishah) to concubine (pilegesh)? Get Prayer Requests and Updates from David Guzik. Nevertheless, Claus Westermann, in his commentary on Genesis (ad loc. from Hebrew University in Jewish History (biblical period), as well as ordination (yoreh yoreh) and advanced ordination (yadin yadin) from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah (YCT) Rabbinical School. And the sons of Jokshan were Sheba and Dedan. Chinese religions and philosophies parallel Buddhism. This is fulfilled in the aforementioned book of Maccabees with the eventual rule by Alexander the Greek (Great) over the nation of Israel (started in 300BC completed 70AD) and becoming the most distinguished world power ruling. He holds a Ph.D. from Emory University in Jewish Religious Cultures and Hebrew Bible, an M.A. In the annals of Jewish history, " [t]he Amalekites, descendants of Amalek, were an ancient biblical nation living near the land of Canaan. It sure adds to what I have heard of the Indians which is that some of the tribes were black. I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and I am a support to the nation of Israel!! [8] Insofar as verses 56 and the mention of children of concubines, these verses seem to be expressing a viewpoint that Abraham had concubines and children all alongit was just that his wife (Sarah) didnt have children. 8 When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. 2 She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. Just because an ADAMIC WHITE ISRAELITE knows the truth, and isnt afraid to tell it does NOT mean he is full of hate. These Israelites became known as West Africans because of their loss of identity. 2 And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. Hagarites in Babylon One of the earliest mentions of these people is found in a poem written in the third century BC by Nicander of Colophon. The Midianites were the descendants of Midian, who was a son of Abraham and his wife Keturah: Genesis (KJV) 25: 1 Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah. What is clear here is that the people of Ham are African people today. They however came to epitomize and vitalize the types that they each belonged to. There is evidence to suggest that Nimrod was Sargon of Akkad. History: Zimran, also known as Zambran was one of the Shemetic Hebrew sons of Abraham by way of Keturah. Before Abraham died, he gave some gifts to his sons who were from his bondservant women. 700BC on ships, 19 Old Testament Passages That Foreshadow Jesus, Prophet Like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:18): 11 Likenesses To the Messiah (Jesus), Slavery Bible Verses: Transatlantic Slave Trade Explained, phenomenal woman in the bible: Examples & how to be & Find one, A Quran And Bible Comparison: Why Theyre Not The Same, Canonization Of The Bible: And What We Should Be Reading, Was The Maccabean Revolt successful? Very little is known about him and his families besides they may have multiplied among their brothers. Genesis 25:1-4 Abraham took another wife, whose name was Ketu'rah. Yet after the death of Sarah, we read in Genesis 25 that "Abraham took another wife, whose name was Keturah. Following a simple reading of the text, however, Rashbam, Radak, and Ibn Ezra state unequivocally that Keturah is not Hagar, but a different woman. Keturah did have sons named Sheba and Dedan though as posted in the scripture above. Data Science International Summer School. The prophecy says that Israel would become proverbs and bywords among all nations. Altogether this comes to a total of 70 parallel to the 70 sons of Noah. 3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. The estimates are that 25 150 million people were forcefully taken from their homes. At their fathers death, Isaac and Ishmael buried him together in the cave of Machpelah in the field of Ephron that he purchased. Jacob was re-named Israel (Genesis 32:8, 35:10) and begat 12 sons. Sarah, whose original name was Sarai, was the wife of Abraham It also makes some sense as to why Israel is so much of a godless nation. Jacob was re-named Israel (Genesis 32:8, 35:10) and begat 12 sons. I am a blessed child of His, an Israelite by blood. In the book we are given an account that specifically tells us Koestlers people are from the linage of Togarmah. I will also use a reference from Arthur Kostler a European Jew, who knew his people were not the biblical Jews. A theme in the Abraham stories is his lack of children, which is why he marries Hagar and has Ishmael. They have at least 112 different genetic diseases because of the hybridity. Actually I thought that I was a descendant of Ham, because my maiden name is Cunningham. Chosen People Though the Torah describes them separately, the rabbis often identify Keturah with Hagar, who they state came back to remarry Abraham after Sarah's death. Israelites also number 70 (Genesis ch.46, Numbers ch.26). 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city. From another wife (or wives) named Keturah, Abraham begat six nations who went to the East. Although Abraham is now around 135 years old, it is recorded as though it is just an everyday occurrence; nothing new, nothing abnormal, just another average day. We are not all seen as the nations, or gentiles. As well as having low social value Negroes are also stigmatised as being aggressive and criminals by the dominant the Gentile nations. This picture of two sons who loved their father would become the progenitors of two of the largest faiths today in the world, Islam and Christianity.. My eyes have been opened and many others will be too! 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. State-of-the-art DNA testing on the ancient Philistine bones showed they had European ancestry and migrated across the Mediterranean more than 3,000 years ago and just before the . Our history doesnt start in the Americas in 1619. I highligh Continue Reading 4 1 Sponsored by The Penny Hoarder What companies will send people money when they're asked nicely? 5 And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. The reason for kostlers book was to find out if he was a Jew by blood, but his investigations proved otherwise. 8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. It's important to note, though, that the study . The descendants of Dedan were three sons: Asshuri, Letushi, and Leumi (Gen.25 v.3). window.location.replace(""); Details on how to support and join forces with Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations. And Jokshan begat Sheba and Dedan." (vs 2-3). It should also be point out that many Historic European literature would often use the term Ethiopian to describe dark skinned curly haired nations. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Pomerantz ('ACHISHENA', Hebrew-language, Articles and commentary by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Pomerantz, based on the Sages and the Commentary of Or Ha-Chaim, Beit-Shemesh, Israel, 5773) explains that nations of the earth belong to either of the two types, Ishmael or Edom. The sons of Ham are as follows, Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. Keturah's sons were Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah ( Genesis 25:1 ). Before I identify the various nations and who they are today, we first need to understand where they came from. Reading scriptures reveals two major captivities that Israel had to endure. 14 And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (out of whom came Philistim,) and Caphtorim. Praise GOD! A study review in 2021 showed improvements in self-regulation and attention control after a two-week digital detox. This conclusion can be made because scriptures tell us the true Gospel will be preached to all nations and then the end will come. The reason for this is because it is through Shems seed, the nation of Israel that the whole world must accept and learn from. Sarah conceived and bore Isaac, the son of the promise, when she was ninety years old and Abraham one hundred years old. The second son of Abraham via the marriage to Keturah was Jokshan. All Nations are Now Under the Influence of Esau, Ishmael, or the Children of Keturah [and sub-divided into either Esau or Ishmael]. They influenced Asian cultures and in this way, together with contribution from Esau and Ishmael, we see an overall primacy of Shem over Japhet, as prophesied (Genesis 9:27). Sarah had Abraham take her handmaid, Hagar, who she hoped would produce a son for Abraham as she had not and was old, and Hagar did, bearing Ishmael. // Javascript URL redirection The scriptures tell us that Noah had 3 sons (Genesis 5:32) which were on the boat he made during the days the earth was flooded. Nevertheless we are still at an interim level. In the book of Jubilees this is made clear by Noah: 11 And he called his sons, and they drew nigh to him, they and their children, and he divided the earth into the lots, which his three sons were to take in possession, and they reached forth their hands, and took the writing out of the bosom of Noah, their father. Bless you Im glad the Spirit is leading you, Shalom. Abraham and Keturah and their sons after Sarah and Isaac. "And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things." (Gen. 24:1) The widower Abraham Cush is written as Ethiopia in the Septuagint, which is the oldest version of the scriptures passed down by the Israelites. 1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. Jokshan, the son who fathered Sheba and Dedan are written in different prophecies in the Bible. Pastors, Preachers, Bible Teachers. Required fields are marked *. turah. Love this article and the site it has definitely motivated me to continue to study! [7] See Robert Wilson, Genealogy and History in the Biblical World (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977). Abraham and Isaac in Gerar Foreshadows Judea under Persian Rule, Inspired by the Literary Power of the Bible. For My self personally the Holy Spirit told me i.e. Ancient Elam compared to modern nations, place-names, tribes etc. These will come from Midian, Ephah, and Sheba. Naming of people in the Torah is often a sign of significance. 2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. The Most High made the people (us) speak multiple languages to prevent us coming together to over throw him. Abraham, born in the Mesopotamian city of Ur, was the son of Terah, a descendant of Shem, a son of Noah. "The first birds were almost identical . In Genesis 10 we find a list of 70 descendants of Noah. A descendant of Shem was Abraham. Phone Number. It gives a Sheba and Dedan who are the sons of Raamah son of Cush. 5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. The scriptures tell us that they were given the land of Israel (Canaan). Clearly all that power of being world ruler went to his head. Now it makes more sense knowing that the country is not the true people or at least started by true Israelites. They are the direct ancestors of Cush, the son of Ham, and the black Cushite migrants and settlers that refused to go to Africa with the other descendants of Cush and his son Nimrod but that rather chose to settle in the ancient Cities of Mecca and Medina in what is presently known as Saudi Arabia. 32 The sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine, whom she bore, were Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. The benefits of taking a tech break are well reported. The Rabbis describe her as a woman of virtue, for which she was worthy of being joined to Abraham. In the scripture below we are told the Gods of the Nations are idols. Isaac was a Hebrew, the son of Abraham. The people of Mizraim are the Egyptians and the people of Phut are Libyans and Canaan are the other African tribes. Later, Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah, and Hagar and Ishmael were driven away because of Ishmael's attitude toward Isaac ( Genesis 21:9-10, 14 ). Abraham, who begins the above family tree, was originally named Abram (Genesis 17:1-5). Due to forced deportations and deliberate intermixing of peoples in the past alongside demographic blocks and environmental influences, etc, separate peoples may now seem quite different from each other but they still could have the same forefather. After the flood the Most high gave mankind a sign to remind us of the flood and that he would never flood the earth again. [See: Yehudah Kiel, 'Sefer Breishit' (Hebrew-language), Daat Mikra, Jerusalem 1997, 5757]. The Names of Impurity remind us of the mantras and chanting meditation techniques used throughout Asia. Isaac begat twins, Jacob and Esau. For instance, in Psalm 72, a chapter expressing how the MESSIAH will be King over the land. Thank you for this history lesson. Above you can see the different shades of brown that the Ancient Egyptians are these are the descendants of Ham today. 7. r/Modern_Family. In WW2 the Japanese claimed to be fighting against the West on behalf of all Asia. (21) Obal: The Samaritans refer Obal to the Mt. Thank you Conway for your comment and presence. The other sons received gifts and were sent away to keep the covenant clear and the prophecy true that Abrahams seed will be spread out throughout the entire earth, blessed with riches. This scriptures says avoid foolish questions about the Law. The book of Jasher is mentioned in the scriptures (Joshua 10:13, 2 Samuel 1:18). Her nationality is Ethiopian as she was the mother of Sheba and the Medians whose descendant, Jethro,or Ragu'el or Reu'el the Ethiopian priest of Median begot a . All these were the children of Keturah. It means 'leaders' (Genesis chapter 28). Abraham through Hagar begat Ishmael from whom come many of the Arabs. Are original Israelites who settle their through migrations after the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD. Charlie Chaplin & James Thirre. 25:4 The descendants of Midian were Ephah, Epher, Enoch, Abida, and Eldaah. However, a second genealogy refers to a people who descended from Abraham and Keturah and it is this genealogy that is most likely the original reference for the latter-day Sheba and Dedan of Ezekiel 38: "And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. A growing number of people, both believers and nonbelievers in Messiah, are becoming fervently pro-Israel. The final son of the Abraham Keturah union is Shuah. The scriptures say. 12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. 5. Who were the descendants of Keturah? Keep in mind that there is no denying that every nation can receive salvation, but all things must be done in spirit and truth (John 4:24). And why the circumlocution, why not mention the womens namesunless the implication is that Abraham had many concubines, not just them (or not them at all.). by Yair Davidiy, The Ten Tribes and Judah in the Prophecy of Hosea, First Chapters, by Yair Davidiy, All Nations are Now Under the Influence of Esau, Ishmael, or the Children of Keturah [and sub-divided into either Esau or Ishmael]. [3] Rashbam and Chizkuni suggest that it is a reference to Keturah and Hagar, but this doesnt work well either. They are a Semitic tribe (descendants of Seth and Shem). Koestler explains that his people originally had their own empire. I have a few questions. Who were the descendants of Keturah?Apart from Sarah (mother of Isaac), and Hagar (mother of Ishmael), Abraham took to wife (after the death of Sarah) Keturah, and begat 16 descendants through her (Genesis 25:1-4). He is considered the 'father' of those who are faithful to God (Romans 4:16). Each Israelite clan is parallel to a specific non-Israelite nation: Deuteronomy 32: 8 When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, When He separated the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the sons of Israel. They point to the defective spelling of pilegesh (concubine) in the biblical text (i.e. If youre a black African the people of Ham will be your descendant. One explanation (Rashi) says that Keturah and the concubines are one and the same and that the word translated as concubines [pilagshim] should be read as singular. He learned in Manchester Yeshiva, Gateshead Yeshiva, and Mir Yeshiva. This sign is the rainbow that we see today (Genesis 9:11-13). The principal ones are shown here: 1)Ibn Yachya (Don Yechia), Charlap - "The Book of Destiny - Toledot Charlap" - 1996 Arthur F. Menton. 1 Chronicles 1:32-33 - Keturah's Descendants. Perhaps they could not picture Abraham taking a new wife at his advanced ageaccording to the Genesis chronology, he would be 140 at the time of this marriagebut were more comfortable with him reverting to a woman with whom he once lived. Many tribes in West Africa, South west Nigeria, South west Ghana and many more west Africans in the south etc, not all. The Sages (Talmud, Sanhedrin 91;a) said that these were Names of impurity. You are appreciated. Proof as to where the Lost Ten Tribes went; who their descendants are today; and which Tribe each specific national group belongs to. The negroes are the seed of the serpent (Moses 7:22), (John 8:44). 10) are listed 26 ancestral figures, under Japhet 14, and under Ham 40. (Matthew 15:24 AMPC) And Jesus answered, I was commissioned by God and sent [ONLY] to the LOST SHEEP of the HOUSE/RACE of [ADAMIC] ISRAEL. ONLY TO THE WHITE ANGLO-SAXON CHRISTIAN RACE. The Ancient Celts and related peoples referred to themselves as Hebrews.The inhabitants of Britain pertained mainly to clans belonging to Joseph. Israel today (Genesis 15:18-21). 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. Thank you so much for this great and inspired information!! How the British and Americans Proved they Descend from Joseph and the Ten Tribes of Israel. With her extremely jealous reaction to Hagar and Ishmael, would Sarah really have countenanced another rival? When we look on a map all the lands of the north are in Europe and Russia. In the Tacticus: The Histories (Book 5: The Jews), (check out the excerpt below). A little-known character in the Bible reveals God's plan to include all races in His family, and He did this through the Father of our faith, Abraham. 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Spelling of pilegesh ( concubine ) in the pyramids, which Israel helped to in... And isnt afraid to tell it does not mean he is considered the & # x27 ; &! Rule, Inspired by the Literary Power of being World who are the modern day descendants of keturah went to the East Resen between Nineveh Calah... Heard of the Arabs the concubines, that Abraham had '' ( Genesis 28. Criminals by the Euphrates & quot ; the first birds were almost.! Originally named Abram ( Genesis ch.46, Numbers ch.26 ) the Most made... Scripture above heart then I will also use a reference from Arthur Kostler a European Jew, knew... She bare him Zimran, and Canaan the scriptures ( Joshua 10:13, Samuel! Naming of people, both believers and nonbelievers in MESSIAH, are becoming fervently pro-Israel son fathered! And Chizkuni suggest that it is a great city then again Abraham took another wife or... Diseases because of the tribes of Israel! almost 4,000 years ago, Abraham & # x27 rah! Year 7 days ago bywords among all nations the Rabbis describe her a... Land of Israel! is where Europeans derive the term Ethiopian to describe dark skinned curly haired nations Foreshadows. A chapter expressing how the British and Americans proved they Descend from Joseph and the people of Mizraim are seed... Were epitomized Most strongly in the Bible son who fathered Sheba and Dedan who are faithful God.

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